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Portion 1 (chapters 1-5)



I. Translate the following words & expressions & give the situation they were used in:

1. hitchhiker

2. to be on the edge of

3. multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughters

4. one toke

5. to go around the bend

6. two hundred brake-horsepower

7. to be familiar with

8. to keep something in mind

9. to look forward to

10. to jangle down

11. to fumble

12. to tear to shreds

13. to close the drapes

14. to get rid of

15. target

16. shotgun

17. shattered mood

18. to make a deal with

19. to sign up

20. breed

21. to cope with

22. to figure out

23. machine-gun

II. Questions:

1. On what purpose did the characters go to the motorcycle racing and what was the name of it?

2. What did they take with them and what difficulties did they face on the way there?

3. How does the author describe the trip to the Heart of the American Dream?

4. What happened in the middle of the desert?

5. What memorable fact about the hitchhiker did strike Duke as very odd?

6. Comment on the line from Duke’s notebook: ‘KILL THE BODY AND THE HEAD WILL DIE’.

7. What kind of a story happened when the characters arrived at the Mint Hotel? Dwell on it.

8. What people did they meet when they came to the drag racing?

9. How did the whole event look like? What did Duke think about it?

10. Who was Lacerda?

11. Why did Duke decide to fire his driver?

III. Speak on the following:

· ‘He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.’

· ‘Do it now: pure Gonzo journalism.’

· ‘…Actually, we’re both doctors of journalism, and we’re on our way to Las Vegas to cover the main story of our generation.’

· ‘In a town full of bedrock crazies, nobody even notices an acid freak’

· ‘We’re just good patriotic Americans like yourselves’

IV. Translate the following into Russian:

· The sporting editors.........to push it as far as you can./chapter 1, p.4/

· But what was the story?......a pint of ether./chapter 2, p.12/

· I am still vaguely haunted……..around Las Vegas in the bugger./chapter 3, p. 17/

· But our trip……..lying to me/chapter 3, p 18/



Portion 2 (chapters 6-9)



I. Translate the following words & expressions & give the situation they were used in:

1. to be hazy

2. to make the nut

3. to lend a dime

4. to drift around

5. to block the entrance

6. to refuse to listen

7. tension

8. goon

9. to be numb/numb tongue

10. twelve times the size of God

11. to be hyper-tense

12. to emerge from

13. to de-fuse the scene

14. to make a fool of oneself

15. to snarl

16. to bite one’s head off

17. a healthy curiosity

18. explosions

19. to flee

20. to dawn on

21. to get a grip

22. torture

23. investigation

24. felon

25. case

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What contemplations about the casinos of Las Vegas are given in the text?

2. What happened in the Desert Inn that Duke and Dr. Gonzo had to leave the place? Where did they go after the accident?

3. What is the Circus-Circus? Comment on the conspicuous details of it. Why does Thompson call it “the main nerve”?

4. How did Duke make fun out of his attorney?

5. What kind of a paranoid trip happened to Dr. Gonzo in the hotel?

6. What attitude did Dr. Gonzo have towards Lacerda? How did the author try to explain his behavior?

7. What did Duke discover in the hotel number when he returned there?

8. Speak about the scene in the bathroom.

9. How did it happen that Duke fell into memories? What were they connected with?

10. Why did Duke decide to flee?

11. In what situation did he find himself after the attorney had gone?

12. Dwell on the paper articles.

III. Speak on the following:

· Don’t Gamble With Marijuana!

· This is the Sixth Reich.

· No, this is not a good town for psychedelic drugs. Reality itself is too twisted.

· I laughed, trying to de-fuse the scene.

· ‘I just wanted to carve a little Z on your forehead – nothing serious.’

· “Genius ‘Round the World Stands Hand in Hand, and One Shock of Recognition Runs the Whole Circle ‘Round”

· Yes… but it would be nearly ten years before I would recognize that sound for what it was: Like Ginsberg for gone in the Om, - was trying to humm me off.

· This place is like the Army: the shark ethic prevails – eat the wounded.

IV. Translate the following into Russian:

· This is the main advantage……….Captain Zeep/chapter 6, p.45/

· The Circus-Circus is what…..of the balconies/chapter 6, p.46/

· ‘White Rabbit…’……with the music/chapter 7, p.58-59/

· What?.........Can you believe that?/chapter 9, p.70-71/


Portion 3 (chapters 10-12)



I. Translate the following words & expressions & give the situations they were used in:

1. to toss aside

2. to pace

3. assorted hustlers

4. assignment

5. malevolent grin

6. crude

7. demented

8. to hunker down

9. outskirts

10. felonies

11. jukebox

12. treacherous

13. collapse

14. consciousness expansion

15. to lock brakes

16. to turn somebody loose

17. CHP cop

18. caddy

II. Questions:

1. Did Duke get the telegram from Doctor Gonzo? What was it about?

2. In what way does Thompson mention himself on the pages of the chapter?

3. Did Duke reach the fear level? How did it appear in his thoughts and behavior?

4. Comment on the songs heard by Duke in the car. What influence did they have on him?

5. Speak about the brush with the CHP.

6. Due to Thompson’s vision of things to deal with the police, how should you act if a police car is rushing after you on the road?

7. What did Duke have in his car?

8. How did the cop punish him?

9. Why did Duke feel raped after dealing with the cop?

10. What kind of misunderstanding happened between Duke and his attorney?

III. Give your explanations and speak on the following:

· ‘Never try to understand a press message’


· Some fool in New York did this to me. It was his idea, Lord, not mine.

· Speeding is one thing, but Drunk Driving is quite another.

· All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet.

IV. Translate the following into Russian:

· URGENT SPEED LETTER……….DOCTOR GONZO/chapter 10, p.76-77/

· Where, for instance……..whichever fits/chapter 10, p.80-81/

· So there he…………be the end?/chapter 11, p.84/

· Few people…………control of everything/chapter 12, p.90-91/



Portion 4 (chapters 1-5)




I. Translate the following words and expressions and give the situation they were used in:

1. to feel like killing something

2. it would not do (to be found)

3. hair trigger

4. to place somebody under arrest

5. to act up

6. to get busted

7. to determine the outcome

8. to remain inconspicuous

9. to handle the transaction

10. blocks

11. to be in charge

12. cranked-up

13. sanctuary

14. to do the Big Spit

15. to track somebody down

16. Consensual Sodomy

17. junkie

18. to flip over someone

19. to stuff oneself down the incinerator

20. child molesting

21. to be entitled to legal counsel

22. pineal gland

23. sockets

24. artificial respiration

25. to black out

II. Questions:

1. What was Duke afraid of? Were all of his fears really reasonable?

2. How do you think, why did he throw the journal after reading only a single story in it? What was that story about?

3. Describe Raul Duke’s new car.

4. How did the Flamingo look like when the author came in there?

5. What happened at the registration desk? Did Raul Duke enjoy the scene that was going on there?

6. What was Raul Duke looking forward to on his way to the room and how did the reality turn out for him?

7. Who was Lucy? What did she do in the room?

8. Where did Dr. Gonzo meet Lucy for the first time? What happened after?

9. What were Duke’s suggestions to solve the problem with the girl?

10. What was the journalist worrying about?

11. In what way the problem with Lucy was solved?

12. What kind of a phone call was received by Duke in the hotel room?

13. How did he imagine the aftermath of the incident with the girl?

14. What did Dr. Gonzo tell to the poor creature on the phone?

15. According to the information given in the book, what is adrenochrome? How did it happen that it had fallen into the hands of the attorney?

16. What effects did the drug have on Duke? What did he see while being geeked up?

III. Give your explanations and speak on the following:

· They would lock me in some hellhole of a jail and beat me on kidneys with big branches – causing me to piss blood for years to come…

· There are limits to what the human body can endure.

· In Las Vegas they kill the weak and deranged.

· But this time our very presence would be an outrage.

· But some acid victims – especially nervous mongoloids – have a strange kind of idiot-savant capacity for remembering odd details and nothing else.

· The hero was doomed; he had already sown the seed of his own downfall….

· ‘As your attorney, I advise you not to worry’

IV. Translate the following into Russian:

· Surgery Uncertain After Eyes Removed…………..his eyes./chapter 1, p.101-102/

· After much…………happened to her./chapter 3, p.115-116/

· ‘I don’t know…….unspeakable ends!’/chapter 4, p.126-127/

· He stared………raccoon/chapter 5, p.132-133/


Portion 5 (chapters 6-9)




I. Translate the following words and expressions and give the situations they were used in:

1. to get down to

2. to produce an odd effect

3. to resemble

4. undercover cop

5. irrelevant gibberish

6. to exaggerate reality

7. to come to terms with

8. to flee

9. to chop smb’s head off

10. repugnance

11. to get hooked

12. to run fender to fender

13. pusher

14. to pay a lot of muscle

15. well-connected hooker

16. starter

17. racks

18. to compel one’s attention

19. to break down

20. dope peddler

II. Answer the questions:

1. Who was Dr. Bloomquist? What was his book about?

2. What kind of feelings did Duke and his attorney have about the Drug Conference?

3. How does the author describe the effects of the mentioned in the book drugs?

4. Why did Dr. Gonzo and Duke leave the Conference?

5. Who did they meet at the bar and what conversation did they have there?

6. What happened on the road? How did Dr. Gonzo behave like?

7. What did Raul Duke think about all of that situation and what feelings did the attorney provoke in him?

8. According to Thompson’s words, how can you distinguish the Northern part of Vegas from the center of that city?

9. In what way did the attorney’s behavior change when they entered the North Star Coffee Lounge?

10. How did the waitress look like?

11. Why did she start to scream and how did Dr. Gonzo calm her down?

12. How did it happen that the characters confused some waitress and Lou at an all-night dinner in North Vegas? What did want from them? What is so sarcastic and funny about that situation?

III. Speak on the following:

· ‘The reefer butt is called a ‘roach’ because it resembles a cockroach…’

· ‘ Know them? Are you kidding? Man, I know these people in my goddamn blood!’

· If You Don’t Know, Come to Learn… If You Know, Come to Teach

· ‘But now, Jesus, nobody’s safe. They could turn up anywhere’

· No reply. No sign of recognition. They’d been warned about this kind of crap: Just ignore it….

· ‘We’re looking for the American Dream, and we were told it was somewhere in this area…..’

IV. Read and translate the following into Russian:

· Indeed………..The Chief/chapter 6, p139/

· I refused…………….sensation/chapter 8, p.153/

· The “high side”………the National Guardian /chapter 8, p.155-156/

· Let me explain…………..Las Vegas area/p164-165/




Portion 6 (chapters 10-14)




I. Translate the given words and expressions. Give the situations they were used in:

1. to make the turnoff

2. to be only half listening

3. to hit the brakes

4. to get one’s stuff together

5. medieval judge

6. fraud

7. larceny

8. nightmare lawsuit

9. defendant

10. to obtain a ruinous judgment

11. to be undercover

12. consumption

13. to inquire about

14. to be genuinely twisted

15. bail

16. to put the cuffs on somebody

17. to put somebody on the spot

18. dementia

19. to adjust

20. jolt

II. Answer the questions:

1. What’s happened on the way to the airport? What adventures was Duke talking about?

2. How much was left before takeoff and what was the attorney afraid of?

3. According to Raul Duke’s words, what rules of Vegas had he abused? Why had he done it?

4. How does the author describe the mentality of the city and what example does he give to paint it up? What soup did his friend get into while being in Vegas?

5. What does the author call by “this doomstruck era of Nixon”? What period of time does he compare it to?

6. How did the hotel room look like?

7. What did the main characters do to the hotel maid? How did they play her up and what was the result of it?

8. Why did Duke fail to buy the ape he wanted?

9. What conversation happened between Duke and Bruce?

10. Who was Bob Zimmerman and what story was connected with him?

11. How did Duke introduce himself and his attorney to the bouncers?

12. What thoughts was Raul Duke in at the airport?

13. In what way was the clerk fooled round? How did the whole story end like?

III. Give your explanations and speak on the following:

· ‘Man, that’s one place I’ll never go back to’

· One of the crucial moments of the Sixties came on that day when the Beatles cast their lot with Maharishi.

· ‘You were after the evidence! Who put you up to this – the manager?’

· We just put this thing together for demonstration purposes….

· This man will never be able to walk straight, Captain! Because one leg is longer than the other…

· Nobody had learned anything – or at least nothing new.

IV. Read and translate the following into Russian:

· Item………………even sane /chapter 11, p.177-178/

· But it couldn’t……………without relief/chapter 12, p.187-188/

· Ship Commander Butchered………..James Garrison/chapter 13, p. 200/

· She began…………..totally confident/chapter 14, p. 203-204/

Date: 2015-11-14; view: 290; Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ

mydocx.ru - 2015-2024 year. (0.06 sec.) Âñå ìàòåðèàëû ïðåäñòàâëåííûå íà ñàéòå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî ñ öåëüþ îçíàêîìëåíèÿ ÷èòàòåëÿìè è íå ïðåñëåäóþò êîììåð÷åñêèõ öåëåé èëè íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ - Ïîæàëîâàòüñÿ íà ïóáëèêàöèþ