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Press release


Press release - сообщение для печати, коммюнике

Press release - а news item prepared by companies and sent to mass media.


Press release is an integral part of а corporate culture. With the help of press releases companies keep the public informed about themselves and their latest developments. The length of press releases may vary from а dozen of lines to а dozen of pages. Press releases are not to be read by scientists and should be written in а clear, easy to understand form. The purpose of press release is:

· to announce an event

· to provide background information for an important meeting

· to announce important decisions

· to give beforehand publicity to speeches.

Read the press release, prepared by GC public relations officers for а press conference devoted to the 75 anniversary of GC. The press conference was held at the company's headquarters.


"General Controls" was founded in 1925 by а famous inventor James Chesterton. Today GC is а company with а turnover of $200 000 and is considered to be one of the most dynamic control producers in the world. For more than 75 years the company has been а renowned leader in control systems business.

Today GC headquarters and its R&D center are located in Dallas, Texas. Most of its customers are industrial concerns. Its 10 000 products range from controls for medical equipment to control systems for air space industry.

The company has subsidiaries in Europe and Latin America. Europe accounts for 20% of the company's sales and Latin America accounts for 10% of its sales. GC is constantly increasing its sales outside the us.

GC primary strength in the control business is а vast application engineering expertise. Project management teams in each of the served markets provide essential know-how to companies interested in expanding or modernizing their production processes. The com­pany focuses on providing advanced technology to satisfy the most demanding customers and is able to recommend to clients the most reliable and economical system for а particular application.

GC is among the 30 companies with the most patents in the world. The company spends 10% of its total sales on research and development. That has increased from 3% in 1998.

The quality management system of GC was certified by Lloyd's in accordance with the 1509001 standard_ СС Quality management system and superb technical design guarantee the achievement of the highest standards of reliability in the branch.

GC receives loans from IMEXbank and works successfully with other major banks. GC provides support and services to its customers in selling their products in foreign markets.

СС is ready to meet the fast shifting demands of its customers all over the world.




Advanced technology Передовая технология

Application Применение

Vast ~ Широкое ~

Certify v. Сертифицировать, утверждать

Concern Концерн

Demanding customer Требовательный клиент

Engineering expertise Технический опыт, квалифи-


Found v. Основывать

Inventor Изобретатель

Loan Заём

Receive ~ Получать -

Рaten Патент

Primary strength Оснсвное достоинство

Prodycer Производитель

Product Продукт

Project management Руководство проектом

Public relations officers Coтpyдник oтдeлa пo cвязям c


Quality management system Cиcтeмa ynpaвлeния кaчecтвoм

Range v. Haxoдитьcя в диaпaзoнe

R&D center Цeнтр иccлeдoвaний и paзpa­бoтoк

sales Cбыт

Total - Общий oбъeм пpoдaж

Serve a market v. Oбcлyживaть pынoк

spend v. Tpaтить

Subsidiary Филиaл, дoчepняя кoмпaния

Turnover Oбopoт



big boy -an important person

e. g. The big boys closed the deal yesterday.


big cheese -the boss, the key figure, the leader

e. g. At the end of the year we usually get a bonus from the big cheese.


big gun -someone in a company who is important and powerful


e. g. For Sam Fox, a big gun of Torstar Inc., competition is second nature.


big wheel -a very important person

e. g. Peter Moors was a big wheel with the company for a while.


big wig -a very important person

e. g. The big wigs are trying to sell the company.

Importing and Exporting: Overseas Cellular Solutions


At one time different cellular telephone standards such as
DMA, AMPS, GSM, iDEN, TDMA and the different frequency
levels meant that businessmen could only operate their phones intheir home countries or specific regions. Travelling abroad signified that business people had to give up their local phone numbers. Not any more. There are several altermatives available for business travellers now.

A pre-paid card.

A pre-paid card is the cheapest alternative and it means that users сап replace their domestic SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card with а local one and use it in the same way as they use any standard telephone card. Disposable pre-paid SIM cards appeared on the market in 1995. First pre-paid SIM cards were limited to domestic calling within the country they were bought. Nowadays pre-paid cards сап be found in an increasing number of countries. They can be recharged thus providing users with an opportunity to keep their numbers beyond the original pre-paid calling unit.

A pre-paid card is а relatively inexpensive alternative which provides users the ability to tie into the local network. А considerable inconvenience of this technology is that the user has to find the local cellphone outlet to purchase and recharge the appropriate card and then inform his colleagues and business partners of the new number where they сап be reached.

The second choice is international cellphone rental. If compared to the price of а GSM phone, it does not come cheap. Besides, there are numerous additional costs, namely theft and loss insurance, US-dollar exchange-rate conversions, etc.


Rent Express, World Cell and other companies rent mostly Nokia and Motorola phones that operate in more than 100 countries starting from US$79 per month. Air-time rates range from us $1.10 to $895 per minute, depending upon calling location and the destination of an outgoing call, Incoming calls are free within the country in which the service is provided. Business travellers who use rental phones longer than а certain period of time (е, g. а month) can get discounts. There is also а frequent-use discount plan. As а rule each international rental kit includes а phone, an extra battery, recharger, international adapter, and а customer support telephone number.

Date: 2015-09-17; view: 350; Нарушение авторских прав

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