Tourism – is the activities of person travelling to and staying in places outside their normal environment for not more than one consecutive year for purposes such as leisure or business.
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| visiting friends and relatives
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| travelling on religious purposes
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| a group or a family moving from one place to another (e.g. gypsies)
border workers
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| people working abroad
General Terms
Travel agency
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| a firm, selling tourist services. Depending on their functions they are divided into travel agents and tour operators
travel agent
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| a retail (роздрібна) tourist firm, selling tours, organized by tour operators, and individual tourist services
tour operator
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| a wholesale (оптова) tourist firm, working out tours, their advertising and selling with the aid of travel agents
licensed agency
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| a tourist agency, having got a state license for organization and selling tourist services
agency list
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| information about a tourist agency such as: the name, the address, etc. for an input into a computer reservation system
booking progress report
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| information about a tour selling regularly sent by a travel agency to a tour operator about the number of reserved places in a group tour
familiarisation trip (famtrip)
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| familiarisation, advertising trip, organised by tour operators, hoteliers to acquaint the travel agent’s representatives with the terms of accommodation, etc.
full service agency location
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| a branch of an agency, giving a full range of services
fully appointed agency
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| an agency, giving a full range of services
incentive commission
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| commission paid for a travel agency for selling extra limited services
incentive group fare
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| privileged group fare applied when transporting a group of passengers
incentive travel
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| travels organized by enterprises, firms, banks for their distinguished employees as a reward for good work. It is wide-spread in many countries
inclusive tour
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| a main type of individual or group tours. This tour is very roughly planned as for the route, time, terms, range and quality of services. It is sold as an indivisible article having common price, including as a rule, services and journey.
international travel fair
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| regular international tourist exhibitions in many countries. Their aim is presentation of tour products, new services and technologies in tourist industries
National association of travel agents
National tourist office
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| national tourist representatives abroad
package tour
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| inclusion tour
pre-trip auditing
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| advanced studying of tourist routes and programmes, as a rule, with a corporate client
budget tour
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| economy tour with a limited range of services, living in a hotels of a lower class, increasing of a number of group members etc. Economy tours are usually applicable in travelling of schoolchildren, students and other categories with low income.
tour escort (director) manager
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| a representative of a tourist firm, who is responsible
escorting the tourists their accommodation, catering and transportation.
tour leader
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| a person, escorting the tourist group in order to control the observance of accommodation and catering terms.
tour organizer
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| a person or an organization, gathering a group of tourists for participation in the tour, offered by a tourist firm. As a rule the organizer has a free tour.
V.I.P. tour
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| Elite individual tours for very important persons.
wedding tour
week-end tour
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| a wide range of services for organization of nature trains sport events, cognitive tours offered by tourist firms for week-ends.
Tourist Card
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| a card, which permit entry to the country without a visa or a passport.
tourist product
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| any type of tourist services
travel advisory
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| warning of the tourists against possible troubles or diseases in some countries
travel agent’s directory
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| a reference book of tourist firms with the adresses and brief description of their activities
travel agent’s manuel
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| a reference book of tourist agent including information about timetables and fares, accommodation and catering, customs and currency controls.
individual travel
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| travelling of small groups of people from 1 to 10 persons. These tours require great expenses. There are no privileges and discounts.
independent travel
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| self travels of tourists without a tourist firms’ help.
travel insurance
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| medical insurance
group travel
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| joint travel of a tourists in groups of more than 10 people, with privileges and discounts.
tourist board
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| an office that promotes an area or a country.
mass-market tour operator
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| one who sells very popular holidays
resort representative
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| a person who works for a tour operator and looks after its guests in a hotel
travel coordinator
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| a person who organises travel arrangement
free tour conductor
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| a free escorting person usually in groups of more than 20 tourists the 21st member of the group is served free of charge. He or she is usually a travel agent’s representative or a tour organiser.
foreign tourist
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| a foreigner who stays in the country he is visiting more than 24 hours on purpose of holiday, entertainment, curing studies etc.
group membership
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| a description of a group. It includes information about national, sexual, age and professional structure of the group.