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Business Reading. Importing and Exporting: how to find an employee
Importing and Exporting: How to find an employee If the employers want to remain competitive, they must con stantly consider how they до business, including recruiting and selecting processes. They must also make sure their employees have up-to-date training relevant to the company's business strategy Human resources management must be careflly planned. Large companies usually have high structured liuman-resource; departments which до all the recruitment and selection of employees, based on criteria previously identified by the company some of the companies draw up а profile of their employees, comparing the work with the key skills that are required to accomplish it. Many small-and-medium-sized businesses don't pay enough attention to the hiring process. For them, hiring is just one task among many others. Some don't have time and hire someone in а state of crisis, to solve an immediate problem, the others don't have resources to figure out what exactly they want in an employee, to describe the job properly. In both cases, manpower specialist; may offer some practical advice and assistance to employers Companies should not hesitate to get professional help. Unfortunately, many companies prefer to save money in the hiring process only to find that it has cost them dearly in the end. Depending on what the company wants, agencies will dc recruitment and preliminary selection of candidates. They will also evaluate the candidates' skills to see how they comply with the company's needs. If, at the end, business owners hand the hiring process over to an employment agency, they should still get involved in the final interview. The owner can prepare а few very specific questions to see how а candidate will react in different situations. It's particularly important for small-and-medium-sized businesses, that the owners should make the final choice. Date: 2015-09-17; view: 316; Нарушение авторских прав |