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Ex.8 Using the text describe the ways of desalinization and improvement the soil fertility

Ex.9 Remember the rules about Simple, Continuous and Perfect Tenses. Use the Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets:

1. We (to have) a postcard from them two days ago. They (to say) they (to have) a marvellous time. 2. While she (to stop) this morning, she (to lose) her money. She (not to know) how. 3. They (to announce) our flight. We (to have) a problem. One of our suitcases (to miss). 4. Who (to speak) there? – I (not to know). 5. He (not to smoke). He (not to smoke) now. When he (to be) at the office yesterday, he (not to smoke), he (to work) hard. 6. When my sister (to wash) her skirt, she (to find) a pound note in the pocket. 7. When you (to learn) German? 8. We (to go) home now because it (to be) late.9. Who you (to wait) for? 10. Her car (to break) down yesterday while she (to drive) to work. 11.When and where it (to happen)? 12. She always (to wear) nice clothes for work. Today she (to wear) a nice blouse and a dark skirt. 13. What she (to watch) at the moment?. 14. I (to see) my friend in the street yesterday, but he (to run) for a bus and he (not to have) time to speak to me. 15. What your son (to do)? – He (to study) computer science. 16. what you (to do) at the weekend? 17. When she (to open) the door, a man (to stand) on the doorstep. It (to be) her uncle, but she (not to recognize) him because he (to wear) dark glasses. 18. Last night we (to go) to a cafe to meet our friends.

Ex.10 Use the Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect of the verbs in the brackets and translate the sentences:

1. Since 1897 much (to be learned) about the structure of atom. 2. After Becquerel (to make)a great number of experiments, he discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity. 3. In 1898 the Curies (to discover) a new substance which they (to receive) during their experiments. They found that it (to be) much more active. 4. By the end of 1898 the Curies (to obtain) the element radium. They announced that they (to discover) it in December 1898. 5. In 1969 people (to mark) the 100th anniversary of the discovery by Mendeleev of the periodic law of chemical elements. 6. After we (to construct) a number of new power stations, our country will get cheap electric power. 7. In 1761 M. V. Lomonosov, with the aid of a telescope, (to discover) a luminous rim around Venus. He explained that this phenomenon (to be caused) by the existence of an atmosphere around Venus.8. Observations showed that the luminous rim (to be) really the planet’s atmosphere lit up by the sun. It (to be observed) in 1882, and will not be seen again until2004. 9. Man (to achieve) great successes in the field of studying the structure of new elementary particles.

Ex.11 Translate the following sentences into English using the corresponding Tenses:

1.Він був щасливий: він написав чудовий твір.2.Я шукаю тебе весь вечір. 3. Я раптом згадав, що нічого не їв з ранку. 4. На щастя, дощ уже перестав, коли ми вийшли. 5. Скільки років ви працюєте в цій школі? 6. Об одинадцятій годині ми вже працювали протягом трьох годин. 8. Я вже тричі говорив тобі, що треба переписати вправу. 9. Я вже цілу годину читав після обіду, коли прийшов тато. 10. Я не прийду. Я писатиму твір увесь вечір. 11. Де ти був з минулої п’ятниці? 12. Я вже два тижні живу у друзів. 13. Я вже два тижні жив у друзів, коли одержав листа. 14. Скільки днів ви вже читаєте цю книжку? 15. Лише коли вона була у поїзді, вона згадала, що залишила книжку вдома. 16. Вони живуть у цьому будинку вже п’ять років. 17. Моя сестра була хвора вже кілька днів, коли я дізнався про це. 18. Ти знав, що він не написав твір? 19. Ми не одержуємо від неї листів уже кілька місяців. 20. Скільки років ви вже працюєте на цьому заводі? 21. Він уже пішов, коли Олена ввімкнула радіо. 22. Я працюю над цією проблемою вже три місяці. 23.Ви повинні відпочити. Ви занадто багато працювали сьогодні.



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