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Recommendations for Your Portfolio

Possible Parts of Your Portfolio:

– English for Managers;

– Grammar;

– Tests;

– My Readings;

– Individual Word;

– My Presentation;

– Reflection on Material;

– Reflection of Final Product;

– Assessment.


Faculty of Management


Course: English for Managers

State and Municipal Management

Process Portfolio





How to reflect on your work. (Smith, K. (2012) Learner Portfolios)

Reflection on source material:

– What did you like about the material (text, film, grammar exercise, etc.)?

– What did you not like about the material?

– Would you like to read some other texts by this author (watch some other film by this director, do grammar)? Please, explain.


Reflection on choice:

– Why did you choose to work on this assignment? (in case of optional, extra and self-study assignments).

– Why did you choose to work on this task? (in case of choosing a task from a list).

– If you could choose again, would you choose the same assignment? Explain.

Reflection on learning process:

– Do you feel you spent sufficient time on the assignment?

– What sources did you use?

– Did you get any help with the assignment? If so, who helped you?

– To what extent did you enjoy the work?

– Did you feel frustrated? Bored? How did you overcome those feelings?


Reflections on final product:

– How would you assess your assignment? Please, explain.

– How do you think the teacher will assess the assignment?

– What do you think can be improved?

– What do you feel you have learned from working on this assignment?

– How do you feel now when you have completed the assignment? Please, explain.


Assessment Criteria:

– All required entries included;

– Quality of final products;

– Seriousness of revisions;

– Depth of reflection;

– Layout-design;

– Keeping the time schedule.

Develop your academic skills

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