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The Prime Minister and Civil Service in Great Britain


The man who not only presides over the Cabinet, but personally chooses it is the Prime Minster. He nominates the members of the Cabinet and has the right to ask for the resignation of any of them. Following an election, the Monarch calls the Parliamentary leader of the majority party to be Prime Minister and to form a Cabinet. Parliament accepts the appointment of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. The Prime Minster keeps in his safe the seals of every Minister's office, and the write of every member's seat. Discussion in Cabinet is very brief and the Cabinet never votes – the Prime Minster's decision is final. Responsibility, on the other hand, is collective. This means that if the Prime Minster resigns, the whole Cabinet resigns, too.

Each department of the Government has a large staff of professional civil servants who do most of the running of the department on the minister's behalf. The civil service consists of three main grades – the administrative class, the executive class and the clerical class. The clerical class is mostly recruited from pupils who have passed their School Leaving Certificate (General Certificate of Education), or completing secondary education. The executive class is filled either by successful persons, who have passed their General Certificate of Education at advanced level, or university graduates. The administrative class is particularly selective. The vast majority comes from public schools and from Oxford especially, chosen carefully by examination and interview. This class is closely connected with the ruling families. In this grade, the civil servants act as heads of departments, deputy heads, under-secretaries of state and generally as advisers to ministers.

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