![]() Полезное:
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Как сделать погремушку
Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами
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Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног?
Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
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Как сделать свидание интересным?
![]() Категории:
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CHAPTER 3. Main syndromes of higher mental function
disorders in local brain affection....... 102 3.1. Syndromes of speech disorders (S. A. Doro- 3.1.1. Efferent (verbal) motoric aphasia. 103 3.1.2. Dynamic aphasia........... 107 3.1.3. Afferent (articulative) motoric aphasia................. 109 3.1.4. Acoustic-gnostical (sensor-acoustical) sensoric aphasia........... Ill 3.1.5. Acoustic-mnestic (sensoric-amnestic) aphasia................. 112 3.1.6. Amnestic aphasia........... 114 3.1.7. Semantic aphasia........... 115 3.1.8. Conductive aphasia.......... 117 3.1.9. Mixed (complex) sensoric-efferent motoric aphasia................. 119 3.1.10. Mixed sensoric-afferent motoric aphasia................ 121 | 3.1.11. Mixed sensoric-afferent motoric aphasia 3.1.12. Total aphasia............ 127 3.1.13. Clear vocal-acoustic agnosia.... 128 3.1.14. Speech disorder in affection of right hemisphere............. 130 3.2. Neuropsychological criteria (patterns) to diag- 3.2.1. Efferent motoric aphasia........... 134 3.2.2. Dynamic aphasia............... 138 3.2.3. Afferent motoric aphasia........... 141 3.2.4. Acoustic-gnostic sensoric aphasia...... 145 3.2.5. Acoustic-mnestic aphasia........... 148 3.2.6. Semantic aphasia............... 150 3.2.7. Mixed sensoric-efferent motoric aphasia.. 151 3.2.8. Mixed sensoric-afferent motoric aphasia.. 153 3.2.9. Mixed (complex) motoric aphasia with predominence of efferent one........ 155 3.2.10. Mixed (complex) motoric aphasia with predominence of afferent one....... 156 3.3. Neuropsychological syndromes (L. I. Vasserman, S. A. Dorofeyeva, Y. A. Meyerson, I. M. Tonkonogyi) 157 3.3.1. Visual agnosia................. 158 3.3.2. Tactile agnosia................. 163 3.3.3. Acoustic agnosia................ 164 3.3.4. Somatoagnosia and disorders of body scheme 165 3.3.5. Apraxia..................... 169 3.3.6. Agraphia.................... 175 3.3.7. Acalculia.................... 177 3.3.8. Gerstmann's syndrome............ 178 3.3.9. Amusia..................... 178 3.3.10. Syndrome of frontal lobe affection.... 180 3.3.11. Disorders of higher mental functions in affection of deep brain structures........... 183 CHAPTER IV. Functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres CHAPTER V. Disorders of higher mental functions in patients 5.1. Disorders of higher mental functions in patients with different forms of epilepsy (L. I. Vasserman).. 204 5.2. Disorders of higher mental functions in patients with Date: 2016-05-13; view: 343; Нарушение авторских прав |