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Задание. 1. What is the result of the gross product of the farm?

1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the result of the gross product of the farm?

2. How is the gross income distributed?

3. The income of the collective farm in kind consists of the part of the output, does it?

4. Who is the main consumer of the marketed produce?

2. Закончите предложение:

1. Product of the farm is the result...

2. Part of the gross...

3. The other part...

4. The income of the collective farm...

5. The main consumer...

3. Выберите русские и английские эквиваленты:

gross product государственные закупочные цены

given year наличный доход

net income высокая продуктивность

cash income урожайный год

goes to farm рынок

open market чистый доход

state purchasing prices идёт на формирование

4. Найдите предложения о...

1) ... gross product of the farm.

2)... distribution of the gross income.

3)...net income.

4)... the formation of the income in kind.

5)... the growth in marketed produce.

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Labor management

Labor and machinery resources are major inputs of production in most farming operations. These two inputs are somewhat unique because they are often considered substitutes for each other. Although it is often possible to sub­stitute labor resources for machinery resources, and vice versa, they also com­plement each other to a great extent. Correctly balancing machinery resources with labor resources is a management problem that should be given careful con­sideration. In addition to considering the proper balance between these re­sources, there are special management problems directly associated with these resources.

Labor resources have several specific characteristics. Labor must be used during the time period it is secured or else it is lost and cannot be recaptured. Unlike fertilizer or seed, it cannot be stored for future use. Labor is characterized by large variations in its quality. Individuals vary widely in their strength, intel­ligence, skill, and other factors. Hence, varying degree of productivity may be associated with different farm- labor-force participants.

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