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Задание. 1. Соедините слова в словосочетания:

1. Соедините слова в словосочетания:

grassland work real areas

labor intensification experimental benefits

desirable requirement

2. Определите, какие утверждения правдивы, а какие ложны:

1. The cost of doing the study may indeed be small.

2. The greatest benefits from work study are to be realized on farms where some form of expansion is taking place.

3. Job improvement may not set free labor resources.


3. Объясните словосочетания: livestock, grassland areas, cultivation, acreage, dairy fanner.

4. Закончите предложения:


1. Method study involves...

2. Desirable intensification may...

3. Expansion may take the form...

5. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) On what farms the greatest benefits from work study can be realized?

2) How an arable farmer can increase his income?

3) What are the benefits from the experimental work?

4)What are the two forms of expansion?

5)What are the differences between these two forms?

6)How a dairy farmer can increase his income?

7)What are the ways how you can better use labor resources?

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Methods of Improving Production Efficiency

Production efficiency refers to the yields per acre for crops produced and the production rates per animal for livestock enterprises maintained on the farm. The higher the productive efficiency, the greater the returns from farming.

Good yields of crops and high, production rates for animals are more im­portant is obtaining low costs of production and higher net returns per unit than any other management factor.

Approximately one-half of the usual costs of production of crop and livestock enterprises are constant regardless of production efficiency. As a result, the cost per unit is lower on farms with high production rates than on those with lower production rates because the overhead and other constant coat are distrib­uted over a larger number of units.

High rates of production result in low costs of production per unit produced, an increase in the effective, size of the farm business and an increase in labor and machinery efficiency.

Variations in crop yields and animal production rates for the country as a whole from year to year are caused primarily by the weather. Differences in production efficiency from farm to farm in the same year, however, are partly due to climatic factors and variations m soil fertility.

Date: 2016-02-19; view: 620; Нарушение авторских прав

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