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Задание. /. Объясните словосочетания: various, assents, ledger, balance sheet, receipt

/. Объясните словосочетания: various, assents, ledger, balance sheet, receipt.

2. Подберите синоним слова из текста: to require, current assets, to evaluate.

3. Закончите фразы:

1. Inventory taking involves such processes as counting, measuring and.,.

2. Among these assets are land, buildings, draft and productive animals...

3. Among all the records and books to be kept the first one which every book­keeper is most likely to consider is the...

4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the objective of farm bookkeeping and financial account?

2. What is the financial position of the farm business?

3. What should farm records provide?

4. What should this in formation from the records include?

5. What does the balance sheet show? What information can we find in this document?

6. What processes does inventory taking involve?

7. Do you know any kinds of the farm assets?

8. What information do bookkeepers write in the first columns of a cash book?

9. Why is there the second column in this book?


10. What additional information can you find in this book?

11. What other farm records do you know?

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Methods of Keeping Books

Books may be kept by either the double entry or the single entry method. In the former method every transaction is recorded with two entries (one credit and one debit) first in the journal, the book or books of all original entries; and later it is posted to the respective ledger accounts. For instance, when a cash sale of a crop is made, the cash account is debited to mean the increase of cash in hand (or in the bank). At the same time the same amount is credited to the sales account to show an income. Likewise when a credit sale is made the amount is debited to account receivable, also an increase of assets, and credited to sales as an Income. After the account is collected, the cash account is debited and the account receivable credited, this transfer from one asset to another being made without involving any income or expense. On the other hand, when money is spent on feeds, fertilizers or wages, the cash account is credited to mean a reduc­tion In cash and, at the same time, the expense account is debited. When, how­ever, money is spent to construct a building or irrigation works, or to buy live­stock and major equipment whose useful life exceeds one year, this account is credited to the account as usual, but debited to the inventory or capital account instead of the expense account.

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