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Структура сочинения. Типичные обороты и выражения
· Введение = Introduction · Основная часть сочинения (один-два абзаца) = Body Paragraph( s ) · Заключение = Conclusion
In this set of materials, the reading passage discusses the factors that influence workers' job satisfaction, and the listening passage expands on this topic providing several examples. In the lecture the professor makes many points about the motivation and needs of workers. The professor argues that a small work group (not a big impersonal system) fills important social and emotional needs of workers. This agrees with the reading, which states that workers consider social and personal features of the workplace very important. In fact, the examples used by the professor support the reading. The first point that the professor makes is that workers deserve to participate in making decisions. He claims that if workers have a voice in the decisions, especially, within the work group, they not only will be motivated to work more efficiently but also will take more pride in their work. The point made by the professor supports the reading in that the most satisfying jobs are those with a high level of autonomy and with minimal supervision. Also, the lecture states that workers feel angry and alienated when they have no voice. This point agrees with the reading, which contends that alienation is a sense of powerlessness. Furthermore, the lecture bolsters the reading by claiming that workers' social and personal needs go beyond their economic concerns. This supports the point in the reading that traditional economic incentives such as pay and promotions are near the bottom of the list of what workers consider important. In the final analysis, the points made in the lecture support the idea of the reading that such social and personal factors as a good ambience in the workplace and a good rapport with co-workers, as well as job autonomy create high work motivation.
Date: 2016-02-19; view: 484; Нарушение авторских прав |