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Примечания. [1] Yockey HP. 1981. Self organization origin of life scenarios and information theory

[1] Yockey HP. 1981. Self organization origin of life scenarios and information theory. Journal of Theoretical Biology 91;13-31.

2 Thorarinsson S. 1964. Surtsey: The new island in the North Atlantic. Translator, Eysteinsson S. New York: The Viking Press, p 39.

3 Более детально эта тема раскрыта в: (a) Gould SJ. 1970. Is uniformitarianism useful? In Cloud P, editor: Adventures in earth history. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company, p 51-53; (b) Hallam A. 1989. Great geological controversies. 2d edition. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, p 30-64; (c) Palmer T. 1999. Controversy: Catastrophism and evolution, the ongoing debate. New York; Boston: Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers.

4 Hutton J. 1795. Theory of the earth: With proofs and illustrations; volume II. Edinburgh: n.a. Reprinted 1959 by H. R. Engelmann (J. Cramer) and Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd., Weinheim/Bergstr, Condicote/Herts, p 547.

5 Это известное изречение приведено во многих изданиях, включая: Cohn N. 1996. Noah’s Flood: The Genesis story in western thought. New Haven, CT, London: Yale University Press, p 102.

6 Hallam A. 1989. Great geological controversies. 2d edition. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, p 55.

7 Lyell KM, editor. 1881. Life, letters and journals of Sir Charles Lyell, Bart., Vol. 1. London: John Murray, p 271 (14 June 1830), p 273 (20 June 1830).

8 Cohn N. 1996. Noah’s flood: The Genesis story in western thought. New Haven, CT, London: Yale University Press, p 102.

9 Hutton J. 1795. Theory of the earth: With proofs and illustrations; volume II. Edinburgh: n. a. Reprinted 1959 by H. R. Englemann (J. Cramer) and Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd., Weinheim/Bergstr, Condicote/Herts, p 551.

10 Ruse M. 2000. The evolution wars: A guide to the debates. New Brunswick, NJ, London: Rutgers University Press, p 34.

11 Palmer T. 1999. Controversy: Catastrophism and evolution, the ongoing debate. New York; Boston;: Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, p ix.

12 Bailey E. 1963. Charles Lyell. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., p 191.

13 Bretz JH. 1923a. Glacial drainage on the Columbia Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin 34:573-608.

14 Bretz JH. 1923b. The Channeled Scablands of the Columbia Plateau. The Journal of Geology 31:617-649.

15 Allen JE, Burns M, Sargent SC. 1986. Cataclysm on the Columbia: A layman’s guide to the features produced by the catastrophic Bretz floods in the Pacific Northwest. Scenic trips to the Northwest’s geologic past, No. 2. Portland: Timber Press, p 44.

16 Bretz JH. 1978. Introduction. In: Baker VR, editor. 1981. Catastrophic flooding: The origin of the Channeled Scabland. Benchmark Papers in Geology 55. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, p 18-19.

17 Baker VR. 1981. Editor’s Comments on papers 4, 5, and 6. In: Baker VR, editor. Catastrophic flooding: The origin of the Channeled Scabland. Benchmark papers in geology 55. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, p 60.

18 Bretz JH, Smith HTU, Neff GE. 1956. Channeled scabland of Washington: New data and interpretations. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 67:957-1049.

19 О возможном количестве наводнений см.: (a) Clague JJ, et al. 2003. Paleomagnetic and tephra evidence for tens of Missoula floods in southern Washington. Geology 31:247-250; (b) Shaw J, et al. 1999. The Channeled Scabland: Back to Bretz? Geology 27:605-608.

20 Bretz JH. 1969. The Lake Missoula floods and the Channeled Scabland. Journal of Geology 77:505-543.

21 Jepsen GL. 1964. Riddles of the terrible lizards. American Scientist 52:227-246.

22 Alvarez L, et al. 1980. Extraterrestrial causes for the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction: Experimental results and theoretical interpretations. Science 208:1095-1108.

23 (a) Dobb E. 2002. What wiped out the dinosaurs? Discover 23(6):36-43; (b) Hallam A. 1989. Great geological controversies, 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p 184-215.

24 Kauffman E. 1983. Quoted in Lewin R: Extinctions and the history of life. Science 221:935-937.

25 Nummendal D. 1982. Clastics. Geotimes 27(2):22-23.

26 Brett CE. 2000. A slice of the “layer cake”: The paradox of “frosting continuity.” Palaios 15:495-498.

27 (a) Clark HW. 1946. The new diluvialism. Angwin, CA: Science Publications; (b) Roth AA. 2003. Genesis and the geologic column. Dialogue 15(1):9-12, 18.

28 Более подробно этот вопрос освещен в: Numbers RL. 1992. The creationists. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, p 79-81, 123-219.

29 См.: (a) Chadwick AV. 1987. Of dinosaurs and men. Origins 14:33-40; (b) Kuban GJ. 1989. Retracking those incredible man tracks. National Center for Science Education Reports 9(4): 4 pages, unpaged special supplement; (c) Neufeld B. 1975. Dinosaur tracks and giant men. Origins 2:64-76: (d) Numbers RL. 1992. The creationists. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, p 265-267.

30 Wald G. 1954. The origin of life. Scientific American 191(2):45-53.

31 du Noüy L. 1947. Human destiny. New York, London, Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., p 33-35.

32 Meyer SC. 1998. The explanatory power of design: DNA and the origin of information. In: Dembski WA, editor: Mere Creation: Science, faith & intelligent design. Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, p 113-147.

33 Yockey HP. 1992. Information theory and molecular biology. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, p 248-255.

34 Этот вопрос обсуждался в Главе 3.

35 Это общепринятая цифра. Например: Eigen M. 1971. Selforganization of matter and the evolution of biological macromolecules. Die Naturwissenschaften 58:465-523.

36 Morowitz HJ. 1992. Beginnings of cellular life: Metabolism recapitulates biogenesis. New Haven, CT, London: Yale University Press, p 31.

37 (a) Hayes JM. 1996. The earliest memories of life on earth. Nature 384:21-22; (b) Mojzsis SJ, Harrison TM. 2000. Vestiges of a beginning: Clues to the emergent biosphere recorded in the oldest sedimentary rocks. GSA Today 10(4):1-6.

38 См. Главу 3.

39 Некоторые обзоры и ссылки общего плана см.: (a) Copley J. 2003. Proof of life. New Scientist 177:28-31;(b) Kerr RA. 2002. Reversals reveal pitfalls in spotting ancient and E.T. life. Science 296:1384-1385; (c) Simpson S. 2003. Questioning the oldest signs of life. Scientific American 288(4):70-77.

40 Copley J. 2003. Proof of life. New Scientist 177:28-31.

41 Hofmann HJ. 1992. Proterozoic and selected Cambrian megascopic dubiofossils and pseudofossils. In: Schopf WJ, Klein C, editors. The Proterozoic biosphere: A multidisciplinary study. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, p 1035-1053.

42 Например: (a) Bowring SA, Erwin DH. 1998. A new look at evolutionary rates in deep time: Uniting paleontology and high-precision geochronology. GSA Today 8(9):1-8; (b) Bowring SA, et al. 1993. Calibrating rates of early Cambrian evolution. Science 261:1293-1298; (c) Zimmer C. 1999. Fossils give glimpse of old mother lamprey. Science 286:1064-1065.

43 Цит. по: Nash M. 1995. When life exploded. Time 146(23):66-74.

44 Meyer SC, Ross M, Nelson P, Chien P. 2003. The Cambrian explosion: Biology’s big bang. In: Campbell JA, Meyer SC, editors. Darwinism, design, and public education. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, p 323-402; см. также: Appendix C, Stratigraphic first appearance of phyla body plans, p 593-598; Appendix D, Stratigraphic first appearance of phyla-subphyla body plans, p 599-604.

45 (a) Valentine JW. 2004. On the origin of phyla. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press; (b) Valentine JW. 2002. Prelude to the Cambrian Explosion. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 30:285-306.

46 Benton MJ. 2000. Vertebrate paleontology, 2nd edition. Oxford, London: Blackwell Science Ltd., p 327.

47 Stanley SM. 1981. The new evolutionary timetable: Fossils, genes, and the origin of species. New York: Basic Books Inc., Publishers, 93.

48 Для дальнейшего исследования читатель может обратиться к выполненным с большой проницательностью математическим выкладкам в: Foote M. 1996. On the probability of ancestors in the fossil record. Paleobiology 22(2):141-151.

49Behe MJ. 2007. The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism. New York, London, Toronto: Free Press, p. 44—63.

50 Padian K. 2000. What the media don’t tell you about evolution. Scientific American 282(2):102-103.

51 Вопрос эволюции птиц будет рассмотрен далее в Главе 6.

52 Cowen R. 2000. History of life, 3rd edition. Malden, MA, Berlin: Blackwell Science, Inc., Figure 3.9.

53 (a) Benton MJ. 2000. Vertebrate paleontology, 2nd edition. Oxford, London: Blackwell Science, p 32; (b) Cowen R. 2000. History of life, 3rd edition. Malden, MA, Berlin: Blackwell Science, Inc., p 50.

54 Gee H. 1999. In search of deep time: Beyond the fossil record to a new history of life. New York: Free Press, p 145.

55 Цит. по: DiSilvestro RL. 1997. In quest of the origin of birds. BioScience 47:481-485.

56 Эта парадигма будет подвергнута детальному рассмотрению в Главе 6.

57 (a) Fortey RA, Briggs DEG, Wills MA. 1996. The Cambrian evolutionary ‘explosion’: Decoupling cladogenesis from morphological disparity. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 57:13-33; (b) Smith AB, Peterson KJ. 2002. Dating the time of origin of major clades: Molecular clocks and the fossil record. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 30:65-88; (c) Valentine JW. 2002. Prelude to the Cambrian Explosion. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 30:285-306.

58 (a) Ayala FJ. 1997. Vagaries of the molecular clock. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 94:7776-7783;(b) Ayala FJ. 1986. On the virtues and pitfalls of the molecular evolutionary clock. Journal of Heredity 77:226-235;(c) Smith AB, Peterson KJ. 2002. Dating the time of origin of major clades: Molecular clocks and the fossil record. Annual Reviewof Earth and Planetary Sciences 30:65-88.

59 Vawter L, Brown WM. 1986 Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA comparisons reveal extreme rate variation in the molecular clock. Science 234:194-196.

60 Smith AB, Peterson KJ. 2002. Dating the time of origin of major clades: Molecular clocks and the fossil record. Annual Reviewof Earth and Planetary Sciences 30:65-88.

61 Valentine JW. 2002. Prelude to the Cambrian Explosion. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 30:285-306.

62 (a)Valentine JW. 2002. Prelude to the Cambrian Explosion. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 30:285-306; (b) Wang DY-C, Kumar S, Hedges SB. 1999. Divergence time estimates for early history of animal phyla and the origin of plants, animals and fungi. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 226 (no 1415):163-171; (c) Wray GA, Levinton JS, Shapiro LH. 1996. Molecular evidence for deep Precambrian divergences among metazoan phyla. Science 274:568-573.

63 Lull RS. 1931, 1935. Fossils: What they tell us of plants and animals of the past. New York: The University Society, p 3.

64 Darwin C. 1859, 1968. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. In: Burrow JW, editor. 1968 reprint. London. New York: Penguin Books, p 291-292.

65 Darwin C. 1859, 1968. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. In: Burrow JW, editor. 1968 reprint. London. New York: Penguin Books, p 298.

66 Компетентная оценка дана в: Giem PAL. 1997. Scientific theology. Riverside, CA: La Sierra University Press, p 111-190, http://www.scientifictheology.com.

67 Анонимная статья, авторство которой приписывают Адаму Седжвику; Дарвин ссылается на Седжвика как на ее автора в своей переписке за 1860 г. Objections to Mr. Darwin’s theory of the origin of species. The Spectator April 7, 1860, p 334-335.

68 (a) Roth AA. 2003. Implications of paraconformities. Geoscience Reports No. 36:1-5; (b) Roth AA. 1998. Origins: Linking science and scripture. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, p 222-229, 262-266; (c) Roth AA. 1988. Those gaps in the sedimentary layers. Origins 15:75-92.

69 Северная Америка в настоящее время размывается со средней скоростью 61 миллиметр за 1000 лет, а эта цифра близка к средним темпам эрозии на остальных континентах. [См.: (a) Judson S, Ritter DF. 1964. Rates of regional denudation in the United States. Journal of Geophysical Research 69:3395-3401; другие оценки см. в: (b) McLennan SM. 1993. Weathering and global denudation. Journal of Geology 101:295-303; more references in (c) Roth AA 1998. Origins: Linking science and scripture. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, p 263-266, 271-273.] При таких темпах за 100 миллионов лет эрозия размыла бы толщу в 6,1 километров. По оценкам ученых современная сельскохозяйственная деятельность привела к удвоению темпов эрозии, так что расчетная эрозия за 100 миллионов лет, без учета влияния сельского хозяйства, составляла бы около 3 километров.

70 См.: Newell ND. 1967. Paraconformities. In: Teichert C, Yochelson EL, editors. Essays in paleontology & stratigraphy. Department of Geology, University of Kansas Special publication 2, p 349-367.

71 Carroll RL. 1997. Patterns and processes of vertebrate evolution. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, p 8-9.

72 Kitts DB. 1974. Paleontology and evolutionary theory. Evolution 28:458-472.

73 Kemp TS. 1999. Fossils and evolution. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, p 16.

74 Simpson GG. 1967. The meaning of evolution: A study of the history of life and its significance for man, Revised edition. New Haven, CT, London: Yale University Press, p 232-233.

75 (a) Futuyma DJ. 1998. Evolutionary biology, 3rd edition. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc., p 761; (b) National Academy of Sciences. 1998. Teaching about evolution and the nature of science. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, Internet version, Chapter 5.

76 Например, не так давно вышла статья: Prothero DR. 2005. The fossils say yes. Natural History 114(9):52-56; где утверждается, что летопись окаменелостей более не представляет затруднений для эволюционной теории. Однако автор приводит лишь несколько примеров предполагаемых промежуточных звеньев, некоторые из которых весьма сомнительны; более того, он не упоминает о проблеме кембрийского взрыва.

77 Darwin C. 1859. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. In: Burrow JW, editor. 1968 reprint. London and New York: Penguin Books, p 292.

78 Я склоняюсь к тому, что Вселенная возникла очень давно в отличие от жизни, которой всего лишь несколько тысяч лет. Более подробно см. мою книгу: Roth AA. 1998. Origins: Linking science and scripture. Hagerstown MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association (Рос А. В начале… Заокский, 2001).



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