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Вивчення термінології за темою модуля. Exercise 1. Read and listen to the text

Exercise 1. Read and listen to the text.

Inside the cockpit, the pilot has a variety of controls, instruments, and navigation aids. Most planes have a yoke (control wheel) that operates the ailerons and elevator. A few special types of planes such as fighters and spray planes have a control stick instead of a yoke. Two rudder pedals control the rudder. Various engine instruments record the fuel supply, oil pressure, and other information about the engine. Flight instruments show the plane's speed, altitude, and attitude (position) in the air.

Some airplanes have an automatic pilot, which is also called an autopilot or gyropilot. This device is connected to the airplane's controls and automatically keeps the plane on course.

yoke штурвал altitude висота польоту
control stick важіль керування attitude положення у просторі

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1) What are situated in the cockpit?

2) What kind of planes has control stick?

3) What information is shown on the flight instruments?

Exercise 3. Read, translate and dramatize the following dialogue.

Engineer: What seems to be a trouble?

Aviator: I think some of the rivets have pulled loose. You can move the skin where it should be tight.

Engineer: I’ll have a look. How about pulling off the fillets at the wing roots? I’ll keep on opening these inspection plates aft of the main spar.

Aviator: There certainly are a lot of hatches on this airplane.

Engineer: Well, there’s one for each important member that’s likely to show wear. Those fillets you’re taking off will let us look at some important clusters in the fuselage – where the wings attach to the longerons.

Aviator: Let’s be sure to fasten all these things before we fly it again.

Engineer: Don’t worry. When you make the test flight in this airplane, I’m going along. I don’t want to feel any burbling or buffeting to remind me I forgot to fasten something. I plan to remember ahead of time.

Aviator: Your thoroughness has always impressed me. I’m impressed even more when you say you want to go along on the test flight.

Engineer: OK. Now give me a hand in inspecting the rear of the fuselage.

aft buffeting bulkhead cluster fillet до хвоста вібрація перегородка група частин ущільнення inspection plate rivet skin spar stringer кришка люку заклепка обшивка лонжерон стрингер (балка міцності)

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