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Комунікативна практика. Exercise 1. Discuss in pairs the following questions:


Exercise 1. Discuss in pairs the following questions:

1) Do you like your name?

2) Does it go with your personality?

3) Do you know why your parents gave you that name?

4) Do you know what it means?

Exercise 2. Read 10 reasons for naming a baby. Choose 3 reasons for naming your future child.

1) It sounds good.

2) It’s a famous person’s name.

3) It came from a name book.

4) It’s a traditional family name.

5) It creates a strong image.

6) It reminds of a close friend.

7) It suits the baby’s appearance.

8) It’s the name of a parent or a grandparent.

9) It has religious associations.

10) It refers to the time of firth.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the given words:

go with, image, associations, makes, reminds, at alic, sound, suggests, suits.

1) The name Elvis always _______ me of a rock star.

2) Her name is Flora. That ________ a flower to me.

3) She is called India, so it ________ me think of the country.

4) My name doesn’t _______ my personality at all. It means “calm” – and I am not!

5) I think a name like Augustus created a very strong _______.

6) His first name is Taras, so it _______ like he could be a Ukrainian.

7) She is a lively person and her name means “full of life”, so it really_______ her.

8) The name Lora has all kinds of happy ________ for me, because that was my grandmother’s name.

Вправи для самостійної роботи

Exercise 1.Fill inthe gaps with the prepositions from the box.

in, on, near, by, of, from, at, to, for

1) Wings has a skeleton __ lengthwise spars and crosswise ribs.

2) Cantilever wings are completely supported __ the fuselage.

3) The root is the part of the wing attached __ the fuselage.

4) The top of the wing thickens __ the leading edge and then sloped back __ the knifelike trailing edge.

5) High-wing planes the wing __ the top.

6) Most airplanes have straight-wing design because it performs well __ both high and low speeds.

7) Movable control surfaces help balance the plane __ flight.

8) The ailerons are used to make the plane bank __ the right or the left during a turn.

9) A spoiler is a plate __ the upper part of each side of the wing.

Exercise 2.Answer the following questions in written form:

1) What are the common location and shape of the wing?

2) What is a skeleton of the wing?

Exercise 3. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct degree form.

1) The (tall) trees in the world grow in California.

2) Chinese is (difficult) than English.

3) The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean.

4) My sister speaks English (bad) than I do.

Lesson 4

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