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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Personal life history of John White

NAME: John White

DATE OF BIRTH: February 3, 19...


FATHER'S OCCUPATION: Professor of chemistry.

University of Bristol

FAMILY: No brothers or sisters

EDUCATION: School in Bristol

University of London

Studying physics

3. Расскажите о себе и своих родственниках. Начните так:

I was born on___, 19.... We are a large family.

I have___

My mother is___My father is___и т.д.



What time is it? /What's the time?— Который час?

Nine o'clock. — 9 часов.

Nine in the morning. — 9 утра.

Ten in the evening. — 10 вечера.

Ten (minutes) past nine. — 9.10.

Ten (minutes) to nine. — 8.50 (без десяти девять)

Ten fifteen. — 10.15.

I'll do it Я сделаю это

today. сегодня,

tomorrow завтра

the day after tomorrow послезавтра

next week (month, year)на следующей неделе

(в будущем месяце, году)

in five minutes через пять минут

in twenty-four hours за сутки

in a second в одну секунду

in half a minute через полминуты.

I did it Ясделал это

last month (week, year)в прошлом месяце (на той

неделе, в прошлом году)

yesterday вчера

the day before yesterday позавчера

three days ago три дня тому назад

Примечание. Обратите внимание на употребление предлога past в указаниях времени после данного часа и to в указаниях времени до данного часа: ten past two - 2.10 и ten to two без десяти два (1.50). Время до полудня обозначается на письме буквами а. m.,а в речи словами in the morning; время после полудня — буквами p. m.,а в речи словами in the afternoon или in the evening.


— What is the date [deɪt] today? — Какое сегодня число?

— Today is the seventh — Сегодня 7 октября 2006 г.

of October, two thousand six.

— When were you bom [bɔ:n]? — Когда вы родились?

— I was born on November 6, — Я родился 6 ноября 1958 г.

1958 (on the sixth of November

nineteen fifty eight).

— When did you see him? — Когда вы его видели?

— I saw him on Sunday ['sʌndɪ]. — Я видел его в воскресенье.

— Do you work on Sunday? — Вы работаете в воскресенье?

— Yes, I do. — Да, работаю.

My day off is Мой выходной день

Monday ['mʌndɪ]. понедельник.

Tuesday ['tju:zdɪ] вторник

Wednesday ['wenzdɪ] среда

Thursday ['θɜ:zdɪ] четверг

Friday ['fraɪdɪ] пятница

Saturday ['sætədɪ] суббота.

— When do you want to go — Когда вы хотите пойти

to the theatre ['θɪətə]? в театр?

— I want to go to the theatre — Я хочу пойти в театр

on Wednesday, March 19. в среду, 19 марта.

1. Назовите время, указанное на часах. Образец:

— What's the time, please?

— It's.... o'clock.

2. Как приветствуют друг друга по-английски в указанное время?

a) From 6 to 12 a.m.?___

b) Between 12 and 5 p.m.?___

c) From 6 to 10 p.m.?___








3. Прочитайте следующие даты:

10 May 2003 3 March 1970 1 January 2006

30 September 1999

31 December 2000 24 July 1889

4. Попробуйте угадать, когда родились эти знаменитые люди, выбрав дату из правой колонки. Прочитайте имена и даты вслух.

Образец: Agatha Christie was born on the fifteenth of September, 1890.

a) Greta Garbo 1)23 April 1564

b) Karl Marx 2) 5 May 1818

c) Marilyn Monroe 3) 18 September 1905

d) Elvis Presley 4) 13 October 1925

e) William Shakespeare 5) 1 June 1926

f) Margaret Thatcher 6) 2 March 1931

g) Mikhail Gorbachev 7) 8 January 1935

5. Прочитайте вслух и выучите следующие мини-диалоги:

l. — Taxi!

— Where to?

— Airport, please.

— Vnukovo?

— Yes please.

— Right.

2. — Excuse me.

— Yes?

— Is this the flight to Paris?

— No, this is flight 231 to Delhi. Your flight is 243.

— Oh. Thank you.

— That's all right.

3. — Tea or coffee?

— Сoffее, please.

— Black or white?

— Black, please.

— Large or small?

— Small, please.

— Sugar?

— No sugar, thank you.

4. — Here's your boarding card ['bɔ:dɪŋ,kɑ:d] (посадочный талон). Gate (выход) 11 at 12.15.

— Thank you.

— Have a nice flight.

— Thank you.

5. — I'd like to make a call, please.

— What number do you want?

— Moscow 939-86-43.

— Do you know the code for Moscow?

— I think, it's 495.

— Trying to connect you. It's ringing for you.

— Thank you.

6. — I want to talk to my brother.

— Call him.

— I can't. He's on holiday.

— Where is he?

— He's in Germany.

— Is he staying in a hotel?


— Call the hotel then.

— I'm afraid I don't know the number. What can I do?

— Write a letter.


What's the weather like today?— Какая сегодня погода?

It's fine. — Прекрасная.

It is raining ['reɪnɪŋ] — Дождь идет.

It is snowing ['snəʊɪŋ] — Снег идет

It is cold (warm, hot, cool). — Сегодня холодно (тепло, жарко, прохладно).

The weather is stormy ['stɔ:mɪ]. — Погода штормовая (дождь и ветер).

The weather is improving [ɪm'pru:vɪŋ]. — Погода улучшается.

What is the temperature ['temprɪʧə] of the air (of the water)?— Какая температура воздуха (воды)?

20 degrees [dɪ'ɡri:z] above zero. —20 градусов тепла.

10 degrees below zero. —10 градусов ниже нуля.

Do you mean Centigrade ['sentɪɡreɪd] or Fahrenheit ['færənhaɪt]? — Вы имеете в виду температуру по шкале Цельсия или Фаренгейта?

I mean Centigrade. — Я имею в виду шкалу Цельсия.

1. Прочитайте и заучите следующие мини-диалоги:

1. — It's a nice day today.

— Yes. I hope it stays like this. The weather was terrible last week.

2. — What's the weather like here in summer?

— It's terribly hot.

3. — What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?

— Radio says sunny and mild.

4. — Hello, Pete. Did you have a nice time in Switzerland ['swɪtsələnd]?

— Hello, James. Yes, we did, thanks. We didn't have a very good weather, but still we had a good time.

5. — You're going camping in France next week, aren't you?

— That's right.

— I hope you'll have nice weather.

— So do I.

2. Переведите на русский язык:

1. There have been strong winds in Wales [weɪlz] (Уэльс) today. There will be less windy tomorrow.

2. It has been cool in Moscow today. There will be some sunshine tomorrow and it will be warmer.

3. It has been dry in the South today. It will be wet in places tomorrow but there will be sunny periods.

3. Дополните диалог, сделав перевод русских слов в скобках. Затем сделайте письменный перевод всего текста:

— What's happening to our climate?

— Some people believe that our climate (меняется) and that the Earth is getting (теплее).


— Well, in Britain over the last years we've had several (мягких и сухих) winters and а (жаркое) summer. And in the last three years we've had two very severe (бури) in the south of England. Globally, the surface (температура) of the Earth has risen by about half а (градус) in the last century.

— What will happen if the Earth's temperature (повысится)?

— The ice at the (Северном полюсе) will probably (растает) and the sea level will rise. This will flood many parts of the world and some Pacific (острова) will disappear altogether.

4. Скажите по-английски:

1. Сейчас идет дождь. Вчера шел снег. Завтра будет дождь. (Употребите глаголы to rain и to snow в нужном времени.)

2. — Приближается буря (a storm). Посмотри на тучи (clouds). Мы должны вернуться.

— Вернуться? Нет!

— Слушай! Гром. (Thunder.) Будет буря. Мы возвращаемся.

3. — Когда ты проснулась утром, шел дождь?

— Нет, была ясная погода и светило солнце.

(При переводе глаголов, выделенных курсивом, используйте времена Continuous.)

4. — Какая сегодня погода?

— Очень холодно, но сухо. Дождя нет.

5. —Какая погода будет завтра?

— Утром будет дождь с громом и молнией (with thunder and lightning). Целый день будет пасмурно (cloudy) и довольно холодно.


— Excuse me, please. Could you tell me how to get to...? — Извините, пожалуйста. Не скажете ли мне, как пройти к / на/в...?

— Can you show me the way to Westminster Abbey ['æbɪ], please? — Не можете ли вы показать мне, как пройти к Вестминстерскому аббатству?

— It is just on the other side of the river. — Оно на другой стороне реки.

— It is on your left. — Оно слева от вас.

— Thank you very much. — Большое спасибо.

— You must turn to the right. — Вам нужно повернуть направо.

— Can you tell me the name of this street [stri:t]? — Скажите, как называется эта улица?

— How can I get to the nearest Underground station/bus-stop ['bʌs stɒp]? — Как мне попасть на ближайшую станцию метро (остановку автобуса)?

What bus/street-car ['stri:t'kɑ:] must I take? — На каком автобусе (трамвае) мне нужно ехать?

— Where can I find a taxi ['tæksɪ]? — Где я могу найти такси?

— I am sorry ['sɒrɪ], I don't know. — Извините, я не знаю. You сап ask the policeman. — Вы можете спросить у полисмена.

1. Прочитайте вслух и заучите следующие мини-диалоги:

1. — Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest cinema is?

— Take a number... bus and get off (сойдите) at....

2. — Is this the right way to...?

— Yes, it is.

3. — Does this bus / train go to the National Museum?

— Yes it does.

4. — Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest bank? I've lost my way. (Я заблудился.)

— Yes. Go straight ahead to the traffic lights, turn left and then right. It'll take you about five minutes.

— Thank you very much.

2. Дополните диалоги, переводя русские реплики:

1. — Извините меня, пожалуйста. Не скажете ли вы, как пройти к ближайшей больнице (hospital)?

— Yes, that's easy. Go along this street until you come to the second turning on the left. Then go straight on, over the traffic lights. The hospital is on your right-hand side. Have you got that?

Да. Это далеко отсюда?

— Oh, just a ten-minute walk.

Хорошо. Большое спасибо.

— You are welcome.

2. — Извините меня. Мне нужно найти моих друзей. Вот их адрес. Вы знаете, где это?

— Let me have a look. Oh yes. I think I know where it is. Go out into Gordon Road. Turn right and then left. Then go along the road until you come to a T-junction (перекресток).

Понимаю. Большое спасибо.

— That's all right. Pleased to help.

3. Переведите на английский:

Иностранец:Извините, вы говорите по-английски?

Женщина:Да, немного.

Иностранец:Я ищу банк.

Женщина:Простите. Повторите еще раз.

Иностранец:Я ищу банк.

Женщина:За углом есть банк. Я могу показать вам, где он.

Иностранец:Большое спасибо. Очень мило с вашей стороны.


Иностранец:Вы хорошо говорите по-английски.

Женщина:Я изучаю английский на вечерних курсах. А вы здесь в командировке (on business)?


Женщина:Желаю вам хорошо провести время.


breakfast ['brekfəst] — завтрак

dinner ['dɪnə] — обед

lunch [lʌnʧ] — второй завтрак

supper ['sʌpə] — ужин

meal [mi:l] — принятие пищи, еда

to have breakfast (dinner, supper)— завтракать (обедать, ужинать)

to have four meals a day — есть (питаться) четыре раза в день

When do you have dinner?— Когда вы обедаете?

We have dinner at seven. — Мы обедаем в 7 часов.

What do you want to eat?— Что вы будете есть?

What do you want to drink?— Что вы хотите пить?

Give me the menu ['menju:], please. — Дайте, пожалуйста, меню.

I'd like... — Я хочу (немного)...

some bread [bred] — хлеба

some butter ['bʌtə] — масла

some cheese [ʧi:z] — сыра

some milk [milk] — молока

some sugar ['ʃu:ɡə] — сахара

some ham [hæm] — ветчины

some soup [su:p] — супа

some meat ['mi:t] — мяса

some beef [bi:f] — говядины

some mutton ['mʌtən] — баранины

some veal [vi:l] — телятины

some pork [pɔ:k] — свинины

some chicken ['ʧɪkm] — цыпленка

some fish [fɪʃ] — рыбы

some salt [sɔ:lt] — соли

some potatoes [pə'teɪtəʊz] - картофеля

some green peas [pi:z] — зеленого горошка

some lettuce ['letəs] — зеленого салата s

ome grapes — виноград

an ice-cream ['aɪskri:m] — мороженое

an orange ['ɒrənʤ] — апельсин

an apple ['æpl] — яблоко

Would you like... — Хотите / хочешь...

a soft-boiled ['sɒftbɔɪld] egg?— яйцо всмятку?

a cup of coffee ['kɒfɪ]? — (чашку) кофе?

a cup of tea [ti:]? — (чашку) чая?

What shall we drink?— Что мы будем пить?

I'll have some tomato juice [tə'mɑ:təʊ ʤu:s] — Я буду пить томатный сок.

orange ['ɒrɪnʤ] juice апельсиновый сок

mineral water ['mɪnərəl,wɔ:tə] минеральную воду

white (red) wine [waɪn] белое (красное) вино

beer [bɪə] пиво

a cocktail ['kɒkteɪl] коктейль

Do you like dry [draɪ] or sweet — Вам нравятся сухие или сладкие

[swi:t] wines?вина?

I prefer soft drinks. — Я предпочитаю безалкогольные


May I have a glass [ɡlɑ:s] — Можно мне стакан воды?

of water, please?

May I offer you some — Можно вам предложить

cake [keɪk]? кекс/пирожное?

Yes, please. — Да, пожалуйста.

No, thank you. — Нет, спасибо.

I need a knife [naɪf], — Мне нужен нож.

two knives [naɪvz]. два ножа,

a fork [fɔ:k] вилка

a spoon [spu:n] ложка

a glass [ɡlɑ:s] стакан, pюмкa

a cup [kʌp] чaшкa

Waiter [ ' weɪtə], give me — Официант, дайте мне,

the bill, please. пожалуйста, счет

1. Прочитайте и заучите следующие мини-диалоги:

1. — Lena, do you like British food?

— Well, I prefer food from my own country.

— You mean Russian food?

— Yes. But I think British food is very healthy, ['helθɪ]

2. — Cod (треска) and chips (жареный картофель), please?

— With salt and vinegar ['vɪnəɡɑ:] (уксус)?

— Just salt, please.

— Are you going to eat them now?

— Yes, please. And a can of lemonade, please.

—£2.50, please.

— Thank you.

— Thank you.

— Mmm... not bad. Not bad at ail. I like British food!

3. Waitress:Саn I help you?

Tom:Yes, please. Could we have a cup of tea and a glass of milk?

Wiitress:Do you want anything to eat?

Tom:Can we have two sandwiches ['sænwɪʤɪz] and two pizzas with ham, salami sausage [sə'lɑ:mɪ,sɔ:sɪʤ], black olives and sliced mushrooms [,slaɪst 'mʌʃrʊmz]?

2. Дополните диалоги, переведя русские реплики:

1. — Is the soup nice?


2.— Тебе понравилась еда?

— It was all right.

3. — How was your fish?

Боюсь, она была не очень вкусная (good).

4. — This chicken is terrible.

В самом деле?

5. Jane:You are tired ['taɪəd] (устал) and you need some proper ['prɒpə] (настоящий, нормальный) food. Are there any eggs?

Tom: Да, думаю, есть немного в холодильнике (fridge [frɪʤ]).

Jane:I also need an onion ['ʌnjən] (луковица), some olive oil ['ɒlɪv,ɔɪl] (оливковое масло) and a tomato [tə'mɑ:təʊ] (помидор).

Tom: Для чего? Что ты собираешься готовить?

Jane: Я сделаю тебе омлет (an omelette ['ɒmlət]).

Tom: Спасибо. How nice of you. I'm really very tired and hungry ['hʌŋɡrɪ] (голодный).

3. Прокомментируйте высказывания. Употребите следующие выражения:

Useful expressions:I think..., I'm afraid I don't agree..., I agree with X..., In my opinion...


— I think it's true. Men are really the best cooks. My father cooks much better than my mother. He doesn't do it very often, of course.

But when he does his food is delicious.

1. Some of the best cooks are men.

2. Women should do the cooking at home.

3. Boys should learn how to cook.

4. People should not eat meat.

5. Men and women should share the housework.

4. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы, следующие за ним:

Fast food restaurants ['rest(ə)rɒŋz] are everywhere in Britain today. In recent years restaurants from America like Mc Donalds have brought about a revolution in fast food. You can, however, still find the original fast food restaurants — fish and chip shops and Chinese take-aways — in many towns and villages in Britain. Today fast food restaurants sell everything from pizzas to kebabs.

1. Can you explain what fast food is?

2. Are there any fast food restaurants in your town?

3. Are there any take-away restaurants in Russia today?

5. Переведите на английский:

— Вы уже решили, что заказывать?

— Я возьму цыпленка.

— Хотите рис или картофель к нему (with it)?

— Картофель, пожалуйста.

— Овощи (vegetables) хотите?

— Нет, спасибо.

— Будете пить что-нибудь?

— Кофе, пожалуйста.

10. WORK

What do you do (for a living)?— Чем вы зарабатываете на жизнь?

What is your job [ʤɒb]? — Кем вы работаете?

I'm an engineer [,enʤɪ'mə]. — Я инженер.

a scientist ['saɪəntɪst] ученый

a teacher ['ti:ʧə] учитель

a docker ['dɒkə] докер

a car mechanic [mɪ'kænik] механик

a writer ['raɪtə] писатель

a journalist ['ʤɜ:nəlɪst] журналист

an actor, an actress ['æktə, 'æktrɪs] актер, актриса

a miner [ ' maɪnə] шахтер

a builder ['bɪldə] строитель

an artist ['ɑ:tɪst] живописец, художник

an architect ['ɑ:kɪtekt] архитектор

a bank clerk ['bænk,klɑ:k] банковский служащий

a cashier ['kæʃjə] кассир

a computer programmer [kəm,pju:tə 'prɒɡrəmə]программист

a dentist ['dentɪst] дантист, зубной врач

a hairdresser ['heə,dresə] парикмахер

a lorry driver ['lɒrɪ,draɪvə] водитель грузовика

a secretary ['sekrɪtərɪ] секретарь

a librarian [laɪ'breərɪən] библиотекарь

a model ['mɒdəl] модель

a social worker ['səʊʃəl,wз:kə] социальный работник

a nurse [nɜ:s] медсестра

a receptionist [rɪ'sepʃənɪst] дежурный (в гостинице)

a police officer [pə'li:s,ɒfisə] полицейский

a sales assistant ['seɪlz ə,sɪstənt] продавец, продавщица

an accountant [ə'kаʊntənt] бухгалтер

How long have you had your present job?— Как давно вы на этой работе?

What did you do before that?— А чем вы занимались раньше?

1. Прочитайте и заучите следующие диалоги:

1. — What sort of work do you do?

— Factory (завод) work... assembly line... (сборочный конвейер).

— What sort of work exactly?

— Well, it's assembling refrigerators [rɪ'frɪʤəreɪtəz] (сборка холодильников).

— Do you enjoy it? —Well, it's a job, isn't it?

— Mmm. Tell me about it.

— Well... There isn't anything to say, I mean. The refrigerator comes along. I put the door on. I put in a few screws [skru:z] (шурупы). Then another refrigerator comes along, and I do the same thing all over again.

2. Supermarket Manager:A lot of people think that being a supermarket ['sju:pəma:kɪt] manager is a pretty boring ['bɔ:rɪŋ] (скучная) job. They think you work with figures all day, that you worry about the price of things like butter, but it isn't like that at all.

Interviewer:Well, what is it like, then?

S. M.:Well, working with figures is part of my work, of course, but only a very small part. A lot of the job involves dealing with people... er... keeping people happy.

I.:You mean, the customers ['kʌstəməz] (клиенты).

S. M.:Not just the customers, but also the staff [stɑ:f] (персонал), the people who work in the supermarket.

3. — You really want to leave, Mary? You don't like your job?

— I don't like it very much. My work isn't very interesting.

— You are a secretary, aren't you? —Yes.

— And how long have you been at this job?

— Two years. It's very boring!

4. — I'd like doing interviews with famous ['feɪməs] (знаменитый) people on TV.

— Why is that?

— Talking to people about their lives would be very interesting.

— Who would you interview?

— Anybody famous — politicians [,pɒlɪ'tɪʃnz], movie stars ['mu:vɪ,stɑ:z] (кинозвезды), authors ['ɔ:θəz] (писатели)

2. Дополните диалог, переведя русские реплики:

— What do you do all day, now you're out of work (остался без работы)?

—(Я встаю, принимаю душ, готовлю завтрак.)I walk to the centre of town and go to a pub, or a cafe for a coffee. (Я покупаю газеты или читаю их в библиотеке.)I look at the job ads (объявления). In the afternoon I (пишу письма)— for jobs. (Я слушаю музыку, смотрю телевизор. Это очень скучно!)

3. Переведите на английский язык:

— В котором часу вы встаете?

— Я всегда встаю в 6.25.

— Это очень рано.

— Да, я выхожу из дома в 6.35 и совершаю пробежку (do jogging). Без десяти семь я возвращаюсь домой, принимаю душ, одеваюсь и завтракаю.

— Что вы едите на завтрак?

— Стакан апельсинового сока (orange juice), чашку кофе и сэндвич с сыром.

— Когда вы уходите из дома?

— Около 7.30. Я еду на велосипеде (cycle) на станцию и сажусь на поезд, который отходит в 7.45. Без двадцати девять я прихожу на работу.

— А когда вы обедаете?

— В 12 часов.

— А когда вы приезжаете домой?

— Около 6 часов.


Hello I'd like a room with — Мне нужен номер

a bath [bɑ:θ]. с ванной.

Single ['sɪŋɡl] or double ['dʌbl]? — На одного или на двоих?

A double room on the first — На двоих на втором

floor [flɔ:]. этаже.

How long do you expect — На какой срок вы нaмeрены

[ɪks'pekt] to stay [steɪ]? остановиться?

Will this room do?— Этот номер подойдет?

How much does it cost a day?—Сколько он стоит в сутки?

(How much is it a day?)

May I have the key [ki:], please? — Можно получить ключ?

Where is the restaurant ['restrɒŋ], please?— Где ресторан?

It's on the ground floor ['ɡraʊnd 'flɔ:]. — На первом этаже.

Where is the ladies' room ['leɪdɪz 'rʊm]? — Где дамская комната?

I want to reserve [rɪ'zɜ:v] a room. — Я хочу заказать номер,

I want to have my suit [sju:t] — Мне нужно погладить

pressed [prest]. костюм.

I want my blouse [blaʊz] cleaned. — Я хочу почистить блузку,

Two tickets ['tɪkɪts] for Glasgow — Прошу вас два билета до

['ɡlɑ:zɡəʊ] please, first class. Глазго, первый класс.

When does the train [treɪn] leave [li:v]? — Когда отходит поезд?

When does the train arrive — Когда поезд прибывает

[ə'raɪv] there?туда?

Where can I get a timetable — Где можно купить

['taɪmteɪbl]? расписание?

Porter, take my luggage — Носильщик, возьмите,

['lʌɡɪdɜ], please. пожалуйста, мой багаж.

Which is your carriage?— В каком вы вагоне?

Carriage six, seats [si:ts] seven — Вагон 6 место 7 и 8.

and eight.

1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие диалоги:

1. Guest [ɡest]: I'd like a room, please.

Receptionist:Certainly, madam. What name is it, please?


R.:Can you spell [spel] (называть по буквам) that for me, please?

G.:J [ʤeɪ], E [i:], double ['dʌbl] F [ef], E [i:], R[ɑ:], S [es], О [əʊ], N [en]

R.:Initial [ɪ'nɪʃэl].


R.:What's your first name?

G.:Oh. Catherine ['kæθrɪn].

R.: Is that Catherine with а С or with a K? G.: С.

R.:Just sign [saɪn] (подпишите) here, please.

G.: Thank you. This is your key. Your room is 439, third floor [flɔ:] (этаж). The lift is just behind you.

2. — Are you going anywhere this summer?

— Yes, we are... We're off on tour of Italy for a week or two.

— That sounds wonderful.

— Are you travelling by coach [kəʊʧ] (автобусом)?

— No, by car, actually.

— When you're in Rome you must remember to throw a coin over your shoulder [ʃəʊldə] (плечо) into the Trevi fountain.

— Really? What for?

— Weil, if you do that it means that, sooner or later, you're sure to return.

3. Clerk:Good morning, madam. Have you got your ticket?

Businesswoman:Yes. Here you are.

C: Flight [flaɪt] 355 to London? В.:That's right.

C: Can you put your case on the scales [skeilz] (весы)?

В.:Can I have a window seat, please?

C: No, I'm very sorry There isn't one.


C: There you are, madam. Seat 23 C. Here is your boarding pass. At gate 2 in an hour.

В.:Thank you.

2. Допишите диалог, переведя русские реплики:

Travel Agent:Good morning. (Чем могу служить?)

Customer:Yes. I'd like to book a vacation.

Т. А.:(Куда бы вы хотели поехать?)

С: Egypt or Turkey.

Т. A.: Well, I have a one-week package ['pækɪʤ] (тур с заранее оплаченными услугами) to Turkey.

С:(Сколько стоит тур?)

Т. А.: $350.

С: (Что он включает (to include)?)

Т. A.: It includes airfare and hotel accommodation for one week.

C: It sounds great. Pll take it.

T. A.: Would you like to rent a car?

С: (Яне люблю водить машину)when Гm on vacation. (Когда будут готовы билеты?)

Т. А.: (Через неделю.)

3. Напишите диалог между Джейн и ее мужем Томом, использовав подсказки:

1. Jane suggests Tom that they look at some travel brochures. Tom agrees.

2. Jane suggests that they go to Crete. Tom says he doesn't like Greek food.

3. Jane suggests Paris, but Tom thinks the Paris holiday is too expensive.

4. Jane suggests a walking holiday in Alps. Tom says he wants a rest when he goes on holiday.

5. Jane says she doesn't know where Tom wants to go.

6. Tom asks Jane to decide where to go. He doesn't care where they go.

4. Составьте диалог, соединив по смыслу вопросы и ответы из левой и правой колонок:

1. Shall we take our raincoats? a) Of course. We never travel

without a camera, do we?

2. What about our sweaters? b) Let's take these. It might be

cold in the evenings.

3. What about taking the radio? c) Good idea. I like reading on

We could listen to the news. holiday.

4.Let's take some books to read. d) No, it won't rain there.

5. Will you take your camera? e) I don't mind.

5. Скажите по-английски:

— Мы хотели бы поехать в Египет.

— Когда вы хотите ехать?

— В июле.

— В июле в Египте очень жарко. Вы знаете это?

— Да, но это неважно. Мы любим жару.

— На какой срок вы хотите поехать?

— На две недели.

— В каком отеле вы хотели бы остановиться?

— В пятизвездочном (five-star hotel).

— Хорошо. Я думаю, вам подойдет отель Golden Age.

— Мы также хотели бы заранее взять напрокат автомобиль.

— Прекрасно. Я уверен, вы получите удовольствие от отпуска.


— I want to go to a department — Я хочу пойти в универмаг

store [dɪ'pɑ:tmənt,stɔ:] / /в продовольственный

food store ['fʊd,stɔ:]. магазин.

— I want to buy — Я хочу купить

a packet of cigarettes [,sɪɡə'rets] пачку сигарет

a box of matches ['mæʧɪz]. коробку спичек.

some souvenirs ['su:vənɪəz] несколько сувениров

some clothes [kləʊðz] готовую одежду

a pair of shoes [ʃu:z] пару обуви

a pair of gloves [ɡlʌvz] пару перчаток

a pair of socks [sɒks] пару носков

a pair stockings ['stɒkɪŋz] пару чyлoк

a tie [taɪ] галстук

— Саn I help you? — Что угодно? (вопрос продавца)

(букв. Могу я помочь вам?)

— Will you show me — Покажите мне, пожалуйста,

a white shirt [ʃɜ:t]? белую рубашку

a dress [dres]? платье

a pair of gloves? пару перчаток.

— How much does it cost [kɒst]?/ — Сколько это стоит?

How much is it?

— What size [saɪz] do you take? — Какой размер вы носите?

— I take size six or six and a half. — Я ношу размер 6 или

6 с половиной.

— Iwant to buy a pound of — Я хочу купить фунт

butter, a dozen ['dʌzn] eggs масла, дюжину яиц и

and a bottle of milk. бутылку молока.

— Please give me a cake [keɪk] — Пожалуйста, дайте мне

of soap [səʊp], a tube of кусок мыла, тюбик зубной

tooth-paste ['tu:θpeɪst] and пасты и зубную щетку.

a tooth-brush ['tu:θbrʌʃ].

a shop [ʃɒp] — магазин

a baker's ['beɪkəz] (shop)— булочная

a confectioner 's [kən'fəkʃənəz], sweet shop — кондитерская

a grocer's (shop)['ɡrəʊsəz] — гастроном

a department store [dɪ'pɑ:tmənt,stɔ:] — универмаг

a butcher's ['bʊʧəz] (shop)— мясной магазин

a greengrocer's ['ɡri:n,ɡrəʊsəz] (shop)— овощной магазин

1. Прочитайте и заучите следующие диалоги:

1. — Can Ihelp you?

— Yes, I'm looking for a pair of trousers ['traʊzəz] (брюки).

— What size do you take?

— 7 1/2, Ithink.

— Would you like to try [traɪ] (примерить) these on?

— Yes. They're OK. How much are they?

— They're £50.

— I'll take them.

2. — Can Ihelp you?

— Yes, these shoes are a bit small. Have you got any in a larger size?

—I'll just have a look. Back in a minute. No, I'm afraid I haven't. Would you like to try these on?

— Oh, they're nice too! How much are they?

— They're £49.99.

— They fit (подходить) perfectly. I'll take them, please.

2. Дополните диалог, переведя русские реплики:

Assistant:(Чем я могу вам помочь?)

Shopper [ʃɒpə] (покупатель):Yes, it's these jeans. I bought them a week ago, and I'm not satisfied ['sætɪsfaɪd] with them (... они меня не устраивают). I'd like my money back.

А.: (Что вас не устраивает?)

S.:Weil, when I washed them, they shrank [ʃræŋk] (садиться — об одежде)so much I couldn't put them on again. And look how the colour has faded (линять).

А.:(Сколько раз вы их стирали?)

S.: Only once. And in lukewarm ['lju:kwɔ:m] water.

А.: (А как вы их сушили?)

S.: Dry them? Why, I... I just hung them up, as I always do.

А.: У вас сохранился чек (the receipt)? (Я не могу вернуть вам деньги, если у вас не сохранился чек.)

S.:But they are yours. Look at the label ['leɪbl] (ярлык). What more proof (доказательство) do you need?

A.:You see, we don't normally exchange goods without a receipt.

S.: I don't care what the policy of the store is. I'd like to see the manager about this!

А.: (Директор не может сейчас принять вас. Он занят.)

S.: I don't care. I can wait!

3. Прочитайте и скажите, в каком магазине происходит диалог:

1. Tom: I like both these shirts [ʃɜ:ts] (рубашка). Which one do you think I should get?

Jane: The green one, I think. It suits you. How much are they?

Tom: The green one is £22. Jane: That's a lot. Tom: Do you think so?

Jane: Weil, yes. What are they made of? Silk (шелк)?

Tom: No, polyester [,pɒlɪ'estə] / cotton ['kɒtn] mix (смесь хлопка с полиэстером).

Jane: Well, that's a lot then.

Tom: I think I'll buy myself a pair of socks (носки) instead!

2. — I'd like some lamb chops, please.

— English or New Zealand?

— Is there much difference in price?

— The New Zealand is a little cheaper, but of course it's not quite the same quality.

— Could I have a look at the New Zealand?

— Of course.

— They look fine. Six, please.

— Two pounds thirty, please.

— Thank you.

3. — Good morning.

— Hello. A large wholemeal loaf, please.

— Thank you. 60p, please.

— And half-a-dozen soft white roils.

— Anything else?

— No, thanks.

4. — Hello, Jack. How are you today?

— Not bad, thanks. And you?

— OK. What can I do for you?

— I'd like some apples.

— How many?

— A pound will do. Have you got any avocados?

— Lovely ones.

— I'll take those three.

— Anything else?

— A lettuce and a cucumber, please.

— Right.

— That's it, thanks.

4. Составьте диалог из приведенных ниже вопросов и ответов и переведите его:

1. That's 40p, please.

2. That's £5.40 altogether, please.

3. Thank you.

4. It's £5.

5. Here you are.

6. How much are these postcards ['pʊvst,kɑ:dz] (почтовые открытки)?

7. And how much is this red T-shirt?

8. Thank you.

9. I'll take it, please.

10. Can I have these four, please?

11. The small postcards are 10p each and the large ones are 15p each.

12. That's 60p change [ʧeɪnʤ] (сдача).

5. Скажите по-английски:

1. Сколько стоит этот свитер?

2. У вас есть апельсины?

3. Эти туфли малы. У вас есть такие же большего размера?

4. Какой у вас размер?

5. Мне нравятся эти брюки. Я беру их.

6. Чем могу служить?

7. У вас сохранился чек? Мы не меняем товар без чека.

8. Я хотела бы примерить этот пиджак (jacket).

9. Еще что-нибудь? — Нет, спасибо.

Ключи к заданиям раздела
"Practice in Everyday English"

1. Greetings

2. Hello,... fine... And how are you? Fine, too...... quite well.... well...

3. 1. are 2. is. 3. are. 4 are

2. Introducing people

2. 1—f, 2—d, 3—g, 4—a, 5—I, 6—b, 7—h, 8—c, 9—e

3. It's nice to see you...... you've met...

This is...

How do you do?

How do you do, Mr Alexander?

Would you like...?

4. a) — This is my wife Mary.

— Nice to meet you. How do you do?

— How do you do?

б) — My name's Tim Brown.

— Nice to meet you. My name is James Smith.

в) — Tim!

— Hello, Richard. How's life?

— Fine, thanks. Nice to see you again.

г) — Good night.

— Good night.

3. Thanking and apologizing

2. 1. It's nothing.

2. It's a pleasure.

3. You're welcome.

4. Don't mention it.

5. All right or OK.

3. 1. — You're late again.

— Excuse me, please.

— All right.

2. — You were very rude to me yesterday.

— Please forgive me. I didn't mean to.

3. — Саn I help you?

— It's good of you.

— You're welcome.

4. — Could you tell me the time, please?

— It's ten o'clock now.

— Thank you.

— You're welcome.

5. — I'm sorry I've broken this cup.

— Don't worry Forget it.

4. What country are you from?

2. Italian, French, Italian, helps, French, Italian, Italian, French

3. — Hello. My name's Mark Snow.

— Mine's Jane Sutton. Hello.

— Where are you from, Jane?

— Pardon?

— Where are you from?

— From London. And where are you from?

— From Liverpool. I'm on business here. And you?

— I'm a student here.

— What do you study?

— Italian.

— Do you know any other languages?

— Yes. I speak French and German.

— I speak neither French nor German. I don't know any foreign languages. I speak only English.

— And what do you do?

— I'm a computer programmer.

6. Time and dates

2. a) Good morning, b) Good afternoon, c) Good evening.

3. The tenth of May two thousand three. The third of March nineteen seventy. The first of January two thousand six. The thirtieth of September nineteen ninety-nine. The thirty-first of December the year two thousand. The twenty-fourth of July eighteen eighty-nine.

4. a)-3), b)-2,) c)-5), d)-7, e)-1), f)-4), g)-6)

7. Weather

3. is changing, warmer, mild and dry, hot, storms, temperature, degree, rises. North pole, melt, islands.

4. 1. It's raining (now). It snowed yesterday. It will rain


2. A storm is coming. Look at the clouds. We must return.

— Return? No.

— Listen! Thunder. It's going to storm. We're returning.

3. — When you woke up this morning, was it raining?

— No, it was fine and the sun was shining.

4. — What's the weather like today?

— Very cold, but dry. No rain.

5. — What will the weather be like tomorrow?

— There will be rain with thunder and lightning in the morning. The whole day it will be cloudy and quite cold.

8. Asking for and giving directions

2. 1. — Excuse me, please. Could you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital?...

— Yes. Is it far from here?...

— Good. Thank you very much.

2. — Excuse me. I need to find my friends. Here's their address. Do you know where it is?...

— I see. Thank you very much...

3. Foreigner:Excuse me, do you speak English?

Woman:Yes, a little.

F.: I'm looking for a bank.

W.: Pardon? Say it again, please.

F.: I am looking for a bank.

W.: There is a bank round the corner. I can show you where it is.

F.: Thanks a lot. Very kind of you.

W.: You're welcome.

F.: You speak very good English.

W.: I study English at evening courses. And are you here on business?


W.: I wish you to enjoy your time here.

9. Meals. Food

2. 1. Not bad.

2. Did you like the food?

3. I'm afraid it wasn't very good.

4. Really?

5. Yes, I think there are some in the fridge. What for? What are you going to cook? I'll make you an omelette. Thank you.

5. — Have you decided what to order?

— I'll take a chicken.

— Would you like rice or potatoes with it?

— Potatoes, please.

— Would you like some vegetables?

— No, thank you.

— Will you drink something?

— Coffee, please.

10. Work

2. I get up, I have a shower, I make breakfast... I buy the newspapers, or read them in the library... write letters... I listen to music, watch TV. It's very boring.

3. — What time do you get up?

— I always get up at 6.25.

— It's very early.

— Yes. I go out of home at 6.35 and do jogging. At ten to seven I come back home, take a shower, dress and have my breakfast.

— What do you eat for breakfast?

— A glass of orange juice, a cup of coffee and a cheese sandwich.

— When do you go out of home?

— About 7.30. I cycle to the station and catch the 7.45 train. At 20 to 9 I come to my office.

— And when do you have your lunch?

— At 12 o'clock.

— When do you return home?

— About 6 o'clock.

11. Travel

2. — Can I help you?

— Where would you like to go?

— How much does it cost?...

— What does it include?...

— No. I don't like to drive a car...

— When will the tickets be ready?

— In a week.

4. — Shall we take our raincoats?

— No, it won't rain there.

— What about our sweaters?

— Let's take these. It might be cold in the evenings.

— What about taking the radio? We could listen to the news.

— I don't mind.

— Let's take some books to read.

— Good idea. I like reading on holiday.

— Will you take your camera?

— Of course. We never travel without a camera, do we?

5. — We would like to go to Egypt.

— When would you like to go?

— In July.

— It's very hot in Egypt in July. Do you know that?

— Yes, but we don't mind the heat. We love it, actually.

— How long would you like to stay in Egypt?

— Two weeks.

— In what hotel would you like to stay?

— In a five-star hotel.

— Good. I think. Golden Age hotel will suit you.

— We would also like to rent a car.

— Wonderful. I'm sure you'll enjoy your holiday.

12. Shopping

2. — Can I help you?...

— What's wrong with them?...

— How many times did you wash them?

— And how did you dry them?...

— I can't return you the money, if you don't have the receipt....

— The manager can't receive you now. He's busy....

3. 1. A department store. 2. A butcher's. 3. A baker's. 4. A greengrocer's.

4. — How much are these postcards?

— The small postcards are 10p each and the large ones are 15p each.

— Can I have these four, please?

— That's 40p, please.

— And how much is this red T-shirt?

— It's £5.

— I'll take it, please.

— That's £5.40 altogether, please.

— Here you are.

— That's 60p change.

— Thank you.

— Thank you.

5. 1. How much is this sweater?

2. Have you got any oranges?

3. These shoes are small. Have you got them in a larger size?

4. What size do you take?

5. I like these trousers. I'll take them, please.

6. Can I help you?

7. Do you have the receipt? We can't exchange things without a receipt.

8. I would like to try this jacket on.

9. Anything else? — No, thank you.

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