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Задание. efficiency, purchase, productivity, variable, income, decline

1. Подберите синонимы:

efficiency, purchase, productivity, variable, income, decline.

2. Найдите предложения во временах: настоящее неопределенное и настоящее продолженное.

3. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What does productivity in agriculture increase in countries?

2. What do technological changes bring to many American fanners?

3. What does capitalist competition force the farmers to do?

4. What do you say about American agriculture as a period?

4. Перескажите некоторые части из текста.

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Basic Principles of Statistics

Statistics is a social science studying the quantitative side of mass phe­nomena. Statistics studies the quantitative changes in particular mass phenomena and processes and the laws governing their development.

The name statistics was first applied to collection of data important to the state, such as the number of the population, the amount of taxes paid, etc. The data were not at first numerical, but now the term statistics is applied only to data expressed in numerical form.

The rapid growth of statistics at the end of the 19th century was due to the fact that the big monopolistic companies required detailed statistical information on economic development. The bourgeois state organize statistics to collect eco­nomic information, but does so in the interests of the owners of the means of production.

In society state statistics is quite different. It becomes possible to run econ­omy on a planned, scientific basis. Statistics has become an important factor in economic planning, providing the basic material on which, plans are drawn up and ensuring control over their fulfillment.

Great progress has been made in statistics. One important achievement is the elaboration of a scientific system of indices of the economy, such as those describing the population, labor resources, production and distribution of the social product, living and cultural standards.

Date: 2016-02-19; view: 574; Нарушение авторских прав

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