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The aim of theoretical grammar is …

a) to describe grammar rules that are necessary to understand and make sentences;

b) to analyze semantic structure of words and paradigmatic relations within vocabulary;

c) to describe and analyze the grammatical system of a language;

d) to describe the means of word formation and word-building patterns.

8. Each period in English Grammar studies can be described as follows:

1.Prescriptive Grammar a)is the objective study of a language structure, without reference to meaning and other languages which relies heavily on formal methods of analysis.
2.Classical Scientific Grammar b)focuses on the communicative, as opposed to cognitive, aspect of language and views grammar as a means to realize the three major language metafunctions.
3.Structuralism   c)is characterized by patterning after Latin and by the use of logic and subjective opinion in classifying words and in establishing grammatical categories.
4.Transformational-generative grammar   d)studies possible sentences, i.e. the speaker’s-hearer’s knowledge of a language (competence); it aims at a system of formal mathematically precise rules that generates grammatical sentences of the language and assigns to each sentence a structural description.
5.Systemic functional grammar e)focuses on actual usage without assessing its correctness and analyses the English of the best contemporary authors.

9. Proper correlation of the approaches to classify words into parts of speech and their main ideas:

1.Semantic approach a)reveals paradigmatic properties: relevant grammatical categories, the form of the words, their specific inflectional and derivational features.
2.Functional approach b)is based on the similarity of lexical meaning.
3.Formal approach   c)concerns the syntactic function of words in the sentence and their combinability.

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