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IV. Беседа по вопросам, связанным со специальностью и научной работой адъюнкта (соискателя)

Сообщение о научной работе на иностранном языке должно включать краткое описание следующих аспектов:

1. Актуальность изучаемой проблемы.

2. Тема исследования.

3. Предмет исследования (что служит предметом анализа).

4. Объект исследования (на какой основе или на каком материале оно проводится).

5. Рабочая гипотеза исследования.

6. Цели и задачи научной работы.

7. Методы исследования.

8. Программа исследования.

9. Новизна.

10. Теоретическая и практическая значимость работы.

Адъюнкт должен уметь не только изложить основную информацию по этим аспектам (примерно 25 предложений), но понимать и адекватно реагировать на вопросы экзаменаторов. Ниже представлены некоторые типичные вопросы со стороны экзаменаторов и возможные ответы (или начала ответов) ни них. Варианты ответов могут служить опорой для составления высказывания, которое дополняется персональной информацией.



- Will (could/can) you introduce yourself, please?

- Well… My name is…. I am twenty-six (years old). At present I combine work and study. I work as a/an … and I take a post-graduate course.

Useful words:

at present в настоящее время;

to work as (an accountant) работать (бухгалтером);

a post-graduate (student) аспирант;

to take a post-graduate course учиться в аспирантуре


-Where did you study? What higher school did you graduate from?

-I studied at the … (University/ Institute/Academy) I graduated from the … University. I was awarded/ I got a diploma (a Bachelor's degree/ a Master’s degree) in Law.

Useful words:

to get a higher education получать высшее образование;

to graduate from a higher school (with honors) окончить вуз (с отличием/ с красным дипломом);

graduate выпускник (вуза);

to award присуждать, выдавать;

a Bachelor's degree/ a Master’s degree степень бакалавра/ магистра;

this year в этом году;

last year в прошлом году


- What do you do? What is your position? / What's your job? Where do you work?

- I am a/an… (accountant). I work at a correctional establishment/ at the …factory/ at the Department of....

I work in the … laboratory.

I work for a … company.

Useful words:

position должность;

job работа;

department кафедра,отдел, управление;

private enterprise частное предприятие;

public/state(-owned) enterprise государственное предприятие


-How long have you been working?

-I've been working for five years. I began to work as a …./ My first position was that of a …. In three years I was promoted to the position of a …

Useful words:

for two years в течение двух лет;

in two years через два года;

to promote to the position of… повысить в должности до



-What are you responsible for? What are your duties/ responsibilities?

-I'm responsible for organizing the production of…/ for making up plans of…/ for supervising the work of…/ for working out schedules of…I have seven subordinates.

Useful words:

to be responsible for отвечать за;

duty обязанность;

responsibility ответственность; обязанность;

to make up составлять;

to supervise контролировать;

to work out разрабатывать;

schedule график, план (работы);

subordinate подчиненный


-Why did you decide to take a post-graduate course?

-I am interested in scientific and research work. I am sure I will be able to improve my knowledge and upgrade my qualification studying in the post-graduate course. I also hope that my research will help solve the problem of … in my field.

Useful words:

to be interested in интересоваться (чем-л.);

to take interest in… заинтересоваться (чем);

that's why поэтому/вот почему;

I'm sure я уверен;

to improve улучшать; совершенствовать;

to upgrade повышать;

to decide решить (что-л. сделать);

to solve решать (проблемы);

field область деятельности


-What is your field? What are you specializing in?

-My field is… The field of my specialization is… I'm specializing in…



-What is the title/ the headline of your thesis/ dissertation? What is the theme/ the subject of your thesis? Have you chosen the subject for your thesis?

-The title of my thesis is "…". The theme of my dissertation is … I think that it will consist of an introduction, the main part (that is, two or three chapters), conclusions, and references.

Useful words:

title [taitl] / headline название;

называть, озаглавливать;

theme / subject тема, предмет;

thesis / dissertation диссертация;

that is то есть;

introduction введение;

reference ссылка (библиографическая);

conclusion вывод, заключение



-Is your current research connected with your graduation paper?

-Yes, it is. In fact, my research is the continuation of my graduation project. On the other hand, I expand the area of study and consider the problem of … from another point of view.


-No, it isn't. To say the truth, I changed my field.

Useful words:

current текущий, настоящий;

graduation paper/

graduation project дипломная работа;

to connect (to link/ to associate) with связывать с;

the area of study область исследований;

in fact на самом деле; по сути;

on the one hand с одной стороны;

on the other hand с другой стороны;

to tell/ to say the truth по правде сказать;

point of view точка зрения, угол зрения


-Have you already begun working at your thesis?

-Yes, I have. I've (already) studied the information dealing with my research (on my research). I've written the Introduction/ the first chapter of my thesis.


- No, I haven't. First I plan to pass my Candidate's exams. I also must collect and analyze the information and data on my research. I must study papers and articles by foreign and Russian scientists and put forward a hypothesis.

Useful words:

to work at работать над;

to deal with иметь дело с;

put forward/ to advance a hypothesis выдвигать гипотезу;

to take/ to pass exams держать/ сдать экзамены;

paper/ article статья;

monograph монография;

textbook учебник


-Who is your scientific advisor/ supervisor?

-My supervisor is Prof. N. He is a Doctor of Law, an academician, a correspondence-member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is a well-known specialist in his field. He has a lot of published papers and takes part in different conferences and symposiums. I am glad to work under Prof. N’s supervision. I read some of his articles in scientific journals and magazines. I think they are not only interesting but useful for my own research.

Useful words:

adviser/ supervisor руководитель;

supervision руководство;

to take part in/ to participate in принимать участие в


-What does your supervisor do? / Where does he work?

-He works at the … Academy/ at the Department of…He is the Head of the … Department. He is the dean of the … faculty/ department.

Useful words:

department факультет; кафедра;

the head of the …Department заведующий(начальник)… кафедр-ой(-ы);

chair кафедра; должность профессора;

dean декан(начальник факультета);

contribute/to make contribution to вносить вклад в


-In what way does your supervisor help you (with your research)? How often do you consult your scientific advisor?

-It's hard to overestimate my supervisor's help. Prof. N., who is my scientific advisor, helped me choose the subject of my research and to make up the plan of my work. I consult him every two or three weeks. He looks through the results of my work and corrects some mistakes.

Useful words:

overestimate переоценивать;

choose выбирать;

look through просматривать



-Do you prefer to work on your own or in a team?

-To say the truth, I prefer to work on my own but sometimes the research itself or carrying out experiments cannot be done individually.

Useful words:

prefer предпочитать;

on one's own самостоятельно;

team группа, команда



-Have you ever taken part in scientific conferences? Did you participate in any scientific conferences or symposiums?

-Yes, I have. Last year I took part in the (regional/national/ international) conference in Omsk. I made a report on the results of my research.


-No, I haven't. Not yet. But next year I am going to participate in a conference (which will be held in Omsk). I know that conferences and symposia are very important for scientists and researchers. They give an opportunity to present the results of one's work and to exchange opinions on this or that problem.

Useful words:

opportunity возможность;

to make a report делать доклад/сообщение;

to be going to do smth. собираться делать что-л.;

to exchange opinions обмениваться мнениями;

Not yet. Пока нет.


-Do you have any publications/ published papers?

-Yes, I have. I published two articles in the Proceedings of the conferences which were held in….

-Unfortunately, not./ No, I haven't. But next year I am going/ I plan to take part in a conference and to make a report.

Useful words:

Proceedings, transactions труды, сборник (статей);

to hold a conference проводить конференцию;

unfortunately к сожалению


-Is your research theoretical or practical?

-Well, I think my research is (purely) theoretical work. It is (both) theoretical and practical.

Useful words:

purely чисто;

both… and как…так и



-Will you carry out experiments? Where will you carry out your experiments?

-To check my hypothesis I must carry out a lot of /some experiments. I think I will make both laboratory and field experiments and tests.

Useful words:

to carry out/ to make experiments проводить эксперименты;

a lot of много;

to check a hypothesis проверить гипотезу;

to verify the results проверять/ подтверждать результаты;


-Does your enterprise/ Department have special-purpose/specialized laboratories?

-Yes, it does. The laboratory is equipped with different types of devices, apparatus, and measuring instruments. On the walls there are some diagrams and tables. There is also a testing stand (to determine…). A lot of students and members of the teaching staff carry out their research and experiments in this laboratory.


-No, it doesn't. Our Department has only a general-purpose laboratory. There is no special equipment, but there are computers, printers and other office equipment. I like to surf the Internet. I find there a lot of useful information by foreign scientists and researchers for my thesis.

Useful words:

equip [i'kwip] оснащать, оборудовать;

device устройство;

measuring instrument измерительный прибор;

table таблица;

testing stand испытательный стенд;

general-purpose общего назначения;

office equipment оргтехника;

teaching staff профессорско-преподавательский состав;

to surf the Internet использовать Интернет для поиска информации



-What is the goal of your research? What problem(s) would you like to solve by your research?

-The aim of my research is… / I'd like (I would like)…

· to improve the methods of...

· to develop a new technology for...

· to work out a new approach to…

Useful words: aim/ goal/ purpose/ objective цель;

I'd like мне бы хотелось;

approach to подход к;

to increase/ to decrease увеличить/снизить;

effect влияние;


-Do you know any Russian or foreign researchers/ investigators working in your field?

-Yes, I do. There are many/ few scientists working in my field. Among them there is Prof. N from… He is known for...

Useful words:

investigator исследователь;

few мало



-Is your field important for the national economy?

-Sure./ Of course, my field is very important because/ as...It plays a great role in … / It makes it possible to...It provides the region/ the country with…

Useful words:

sure/surely конечно;

provide обеспечивать



-Is English your first Candidate's exam?

-Yes, it is. As a post-graduate I have to pass three exams: in a foreign language (for me it is English), in philosophy and in my specialty (that is, in management). As for philosophy I will have it on the 15th of April. And I'll take the exam in my specialty next year.


-No, (it isn't). I have already passed my exam in philosophy. I passed it last year.

Useful words:

that is, … то есть;

as for (me; my research) что касается (меня; моего исследования;

to take examinations держать экзамены;

to pass exams сдать экзамены



-Do you know any English magazines and journals in your field?

-Not many, but there are such journals as...



-Are the materials you have read in English useful for your research? Will you use the materials you have read in your thesis?

-Yes, I think I will make use of some of these materials in my research as well as in my thesis and my work.

Useful words:

as well as также как и;

to make use of = to use



-When do you plan to complete your research?

-Well, I don't know exactly. But if everything is okay I hope to complete it in two or three years.

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