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Глагол to be в Indefinite Active

Present Past Future
am (I) was (ед. ч.) shall be (1-е л.)
is (he, she, it)   will be
are (we, you, they) were (мн. ч.)  
1. Victor is free in the evening. 2. John is in America. 3. I am very busy. 4. She is at the lecture. 5. The child is 10 years old. 6. This work is interesting. 7. The expedition is in Africa. 8. The new film is long. 9. My mother is at home. 10. The workers are at the factory. 11. The children are at school. 12. The students are at the Institute.

Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы, следуя образцу.

ОБРАЗЕЦ: Is Kovalev present at the lesson? Yes, he is. No, he is not.



1. Is Tverskaya Street long?

2. Was it cold last winter?

3. Are your friend's sisters beautiful?

4. Is it hot today?

5. Is it Sunday today?

6. Is the clock on the wall?

7. Are you twenty years old?

8. Will you be at home in the evening?

9. Are the trees green now?


11. Will your mother be at home at five o'clock?

12. Were you free yesterday?

13. Is his answer good?

14. Will you be in town on Sunday?

15. Is mathematics difficult for you?

16. Are your summer plans interesting?

17. Is your institute large?


Глагол to have в Indefinite Active

Проанализируйте формы глагола to have, приведенные в таблице, б) Затем от­несите события, о которых идет речь ниже, сначала к будущему, затем к прошло­му, используя Past и Future Indefinite глагола to have.


Present Past Future
have (got)   shall have
has (got)   will have


1. They have a big house in the country.

2. My friend has many interesting books,

3. His mother has a nice garden.

4. She has a good map of London.

5. We have a good dog.

6. I have a beautiful picture.

7. These students have five examinations.

8. His parents have a comfortable flat.

9. John had good work.

10. These pupils have four lessons every day.





Оборот there + to be имеет значение есть, находится, имеется, существует. Глагол to be ставится в личной форме (is, are, was, were, will be) и согласуется с последующим именем существи­тельным. Перевод таких предложений надо начинать с обстоя­тельства места или со сказуемого, если обстоятельство отсутству­ет.


Present Past Future
there is (ед.ч.) there was (ед.ч.)  
    there will be
there are(мн.ч.) there were(мн.ч.)  


В вопросительном предложении глагол в личной форме ста­вится на первое место перед there:

Is therea school in your street? На вашей улице есть школа?
Yes, there is. Да, есть.
No, there is not. Нет.


В полном отрицательном предложении после оборота there + to be ставится отрицательное местоимение no:

There will be nolecture on physics tomorrow. Завтра лекции по физике не будет.


Перед many, much и числительными ставится not вместо no:

There aren't many interesting articles in this magazine. В этом журнале мало интересных статей.

Проанализируйте формы оборота there is/are, затем прочтите и переведите текст.

My name is Natasha. I am Russian. Now I study English in London. There are six students in my class. I have friends among them. My friend Nicole is French. She is 20 years old. She is from France. She has a big family in Paris. George is Greek. He is from Greece. He is 18 years old. His parents are rich. They have a bank. George thinks he will be a banker too. I like my new life. I visited many places. I was in Oxford and Cambridge. My friends and I were in Scotland. We had a very good time. There were many interesting things to see there.


Отнесите факты, о которых идет речь, сначала к будущему, затем к прошлому, используя соответствующие формы глагола to be.

1. There are twelve students in our group.

2. There is a beautiful garden near the house.

3. There is a big blackboard in the classroom.

4. There is a letter for him on the table.

5. There are two lifts in the house.

6. There are 300 pages in the book.

7. There is a new stadium in the town.

8. There is a table in the middle of the room.

9. There is a hospital in the village.

10. Are there many sentences in this exercise?

11. Is there much work to do at home?

12. There are no pictures in the book.

13. There is no theatre in the town.

14. There are no maps on the walls of the classroom.


Перефразируйте, используя соответствующие формы глагола to have.


ОБРАЗЕЦ: There are no books in his bag. He has no books in his bag.

1. There is no TV-set in his room.

2. There are no mistakes in his dictation.

3. There is no garden near his house.

4. There are no pictures in her room.

5. There are no French books in her library.

6. There is no English newspaper on her table.

7. There is no coffee in my cup.

8. There is no telephone in my flat.

9. There are no maps on the walls of our classroom.

10. There is no sugar in Peter's tea.


Степени сравнения прилагательных


  Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная
I long longer (the) longest
  easy easier (the) easiest
II interesting more interesting (the) most interesting
III good better (the) best
  bad worse (the) worst
  much, many more (the) most
  little less (the) least


a) Wise people said:

"We have two ears and only one tongue in order that we may hear more and speak less. " (Diogenes)

"Few sons are like their father, many are worse,

Few, indeed, are better than the father." (Homer)

b) The Taylor family lived in Newport for many years, but last year they moved to Liverpool. They like their new city. It is much nicer and more interesting than Newport. In Liverpool the streets are cleaner. The parks are safer. The bus system is more reliable, and the schools are better. But the Taylors think that the people in Newport were nicer, more polite and more hospitable than the people in Liverpool.

Измените данные словосочетания, используя сравнительную и превосходную сте­пени прилагательных.

a short story an old book a good friend
a large garden late news much snow
a beautiful flower a comfortable flat bad weather
a big table an easy question little time
a high building clean water many cars
a difficult exercise thin ice few mistakes
a new dress a thick dictionary  

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