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Unit 23. Managing people

I. Read the texts and comment on their contents.


After an interview with candidates for a managerial position the opinions were

summed up as follows:

1. A good manager should be competent.

2. A good manager should be able to deal with people, to talk to them about

their jobs, problems, their future.

3.A good manager should be adaptable to the situation.

4.A good manager is one who can persuade people that his way is right. It is necessary to make people accept his decisions and follow his leadership.

5.A good manager should be firm with his people. That's how they will come to respect him.

6.A good manager should be physically fit. In the age of strains and pressures. Only the fittest can survive, mentally competent and physically fit.

What is your opinion? Argue your conclusions with your friends.


In the early years of the new Russia, it was said the foreign entrepreneur would probably do better than the multinational corporation. He was seen as flexible and willing to adapt to Russia's circumstances and culture, where as the giant corporation might try to impose its own way of doing business and inevitably face problems. That may have been true at one time, but it seems that major companies are finally waking up. After a few years in Moscow, they are starting to realize that simply transferring their successful methods of doing business elsewhere in the world will not work in Russia. Rather, they are learning how to work with Russians on Russian terms.

The president of a successful Russian food company, for example, said last year that he has a formula for business that has worked well: people, ideas, money. That is, first he must like the people with whom he is dealing. Then they must have good ideas. Finally, they must show him the money. But it has to be in that order. Some American companies are learning that the way to make Russians feel secure enough to accept American money and ideas varies with the partners" back ground, age, family status and other personal factors. But it almost always comes down to relationships. Treat Russian counterparts as you would treat a friend rather than an enemy or even business partner. Of course, there are always exceptions, but as a general rule a purely business relationship will not work to any one's satisfaction.

Some managers begin to learn that their style of management should be more relaxed than usual with Russians. The carrot usually works much better than the stick, because failure has much more meaning in Russia that in America. Among the lessons to be learned are: Let work and personal life intermix in a way that companies could never accept in the West; flexible schedules (for the right people) and birthday parties - even for partners and others outside the firm with whom the company works - are good ways of bringing a personal touch; as much as possible, action the basis of personal and not business relationships; and, if necessary, live with emotionalism as a part of it all. This would sound terribly in efficient to most American managers. But most Russians are intelligent, well educated and hardworking. If they need to feel more personally secure and involved than most Americans to do their jobs well, so what?


an entrepreneur – предприниматель;

flexible – гибкий;

to impose – навязывать;

relationships – взаимоотношения;

a counterpart – парт­нер;

to intermix – смешивать(ся);

a flexible schedule – гибкий график работы


a. Answer the questions.

1. How does the article compare single entrepreneurs and multinational corporations’ activity in the early years of the new Russia?

2. In what way are major companies waking up to Russian business reality?

3. What formula works for business in Russia? Is the conclusion of the article correct?

4. Do you agree that personal relationships are important in business contacts with foreign counterparts?

5. Do you agree that in business the foreign management style is more relaxed? Should it be more relaxed?

6. Should work and personal life intermix? How? Does it depend on circumstances?

7. What is the conclusion of the article for Russian businessmen?


II. Read the text and comment on its content.


There seems to be something undemocratic about judging managers abilities by the color of their eyes, the size of their lips, the shape of their nose sort he amount of their body fat. Yet looks matter a lot more in hiring and promotions than employers will admit to others, or even to themselves.

Airlines and police forces have long had height and/or weight requirements. They say that being physically fit and strong - not too fat or too small – is in the interest of the public's safety. Scotland Yard requires its male employees to be at least 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 meters) tall and female employees to be at least 5 feet 4 inches. The Yard decided to accept shorter women a few years ago to conform with Britain's equal-opportunity rules. Air Frances till requires its female cabin crew to be between 1.58 meters, and 1.78 meters, and men to between 1.70 meters and 1.9-2 meters. They must also have a "harmonious silhouette."And British Airways grounds any member of its cabin crew-pilots excluded-if they are 20 percent over the average weight for their height.

Being short or overweight may affect people's careers in other industries in some ways. Being too small and/or overweight is only one way that looks can have an impact on someone's career. Academic research at Universities shows that the better-looking a person is, the more positive qualities they may have and the more influence it has in a career. There is some evidence, however, that women who are too attractive – unless they are television commentators or have other high visibility jobs – do not work well as managers. "There is enough research now to conclude that attractive women who wish to have managerial positions do not fare as well as women who may be less attractive," said a professor at Utah State University and an authority on the subject.

Some French employers and recruiters decide whether a manager is right for the job depending on looks. "Unfortunately, judging people by their looks has become a criterion for recruitment in France. When it is used as the sole criterion, it is a catastrophe." "Some people hire you because of the color of your tie; why not the shape of your ears?" said Frederique Ro Uet, a psychotherapist in Paris who is the author of several books on the subject.


a look – внешность

a shape – форма

to hire – нанимать

male employees – служащие мужчины

female employees – служащие женщины

equal - opportunity rules – правила о равных возможностях

to ground – зд. переводить на землю

an overweight – чрезмерный вес

to have an impact – воздействовать, влиять на

to fare well – хорошо работать

a criterion – критерий.

II. Exercises

a. Answer the questions

1. Do you think that a certain type of appearance is necessary for some

jobs? Why?

2. Are good-looking women (men) more successful in jobs?

3. Do many employers recruit candidates on the basis of their looks?

Why? In what cases? Is it fair?

4. Is this approach effective?

5. What was the job of Frederique Ro Uet?

b. Translate the sentences into English

Быть в форме и физически сильным, в интересах безопасности, экипаж самолета, гармоничный силуэт, повлиять на карьеру людей, научное исследование, положительные качества, имеются доказательства, привлекательные женщины, управляющая должность, к несчастью.

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