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Unit 15. An interesting place to live

I. Read the text and comment on its content.


Tree houses or tree forts are platforms or buildings constructed around, next to or among the trunk or branches of one or more mature trees while above ground level. Tree houses can be used for recreation, work space, habitation, observation or as temporary retreats.

Tree houses are usually built for leisure purposes, but sometimes they may be built for protection against wild animals. In some parts of the tropics, houses are either fastened to trees or elevated on stilts to keep the living quarters above the ground to protect occupants and stored food from scavenging animals. The Korowai, a Papuan tribe in the southeast of Iran Jaya, live in tree houses, some nearly 40 meters (130 ft) high, as protection against a tribe of neighboring head-hunters, the Citak.

Along with subterranean and ground level houses, tree houses are an option for building eco-friendly houses in remote forest areas, because they do not require a clearing of a certain area of forest. The wildlife, climate and illumination on ground level in areas of dense close-canopy forest is not desirable to some people.

Peace and tranquility are yours when nature welcomes you just 30 minutes from Seattle! Located in a beautiful forest beside the Raging River, Tree House Point offers myriad possibilities for your use and enjoyment! Tree House Point offers overnight lodging, weddings and elopements, and accommodation for meetings. Turn off the technology, escape from everyday stress, and come enjoy the rejuvenating powers of the Pacific Northwest.

From engagements to weddings, anniversaries to renewing vows, Tree House Point is a romantic spot for your celebration! Choose a spot on the river, reserve the Pond Room, or stay the night for your special event. Tree House Point also offers an on-staff officiate as well as private yoga. Whether your goal is a quiet getaway for two or a life celebration with friends and family, you can come and have a good rest time there!


tree fort – деревянная крепость

temporary retreat – временное отступление

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