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Reading for general understanding. Skim read the text. Think of a good title for it. Compare it with other students' titles


Engineering is a complex discipline, including a lot of fields. One of them is an architectural engineering. It is a discipline that deals with the technological aspects of buildings. They are the properties and behavior of building materials and their components, foundation design, structural analysis and design, construction management, and building operation. Besides architectural engineering deals with environmental system analysis and design. Every engineer knows an environmental system, which may account for 45—70% of a building's cost, includes heating, ventilating and air conditioning, illumination, building power system, plumbing and piping, storm drainage, building communications, acoustic, vertical and horizontal transportation, fire protection, alternate energy sources, heat recovery, and energy conservation. In addition, it is necessary to help protect everybody from unnecessary risk. That's why architectural engineers must know and be familiar with the various building codes, plumbing, electrical and mechanical codes, and the Life Safety Code. The latter code is designed to require planning and construction techniques in buildings which will minimize possible hazards to the occupants.

2. Reading for specific information. Read the text again and answer the following questions to the text:

• What is the architectural engineering?

• May environmental system account for 45—70%?

• For what must architectural engineers be familiar with the
various building codes?


3. Find and translate all the sentences containing the following words:

• to storm drainage

• the Life Safety Code

• to mobilize the resources

• civil engineering infrastructure

• to contain desirable interior environmental conditions


4. Read the text again and complete the following sentences:

• Environmental system, which may...

• The latter code is...

•... A discipline that deals with the...

• In addition,...

•...architectural engineering.


5. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false. Correct the false statements:


• Environmental systems, with may account for 35-90% of a building's cost, don't include heating.

A discipline that deals with the technological aspects of buildings, including the properties is an architectural engineering.

• The latter code is designed to require planning and construction technologies in buildings which will minimize possible hazards to the occupants.

• Including the properties and behavior of building materials and components, foundation design, structural analysis and design, environmental system analysis and design, construction management, and building operation.

• Engineering is a simple discipline.

• That's why architectural engineers must not know and be familiar with the various building codes.

• Every engineer does not know an environmental system.


TEXT № 3





1. Discuss the following:

• Can you imagine Building Construction of the first men's

• Do you know anything about the first building materials?

• What is your own point of view about the present state of
building construction?


2. Try to guess the meaning of the following words. Use the dictionaryif you need:

• functional

• human

• a wide variety of climates

• long periods

• ceremony

• symbolic

• history of building

• natural materials

• synthetic materials

• coordinate a work

• construction management

• quality control


3. Match the following words with their Russian equivalents:

• building constructions

• construction progress

• quality control

• building materials

• synthetic materials

• a development of stronger

• construction management

• строительные материалы

• контроль качества

• развитие крепких материалов

• строительные конструкции

• строительный прогресс

• строительный менеджмент

• синтетические материапы


Date: 2015-10-21; view: 1181; Нарушение авторских прав

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