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Аt the Registration Desk
John Boden. Good afternoon. Му name is John Boden. I made A reservation for а single room for five nights. Receptionist: Good afternoon, Mr. Boden. Let mе see Yes, a single room for five nights from September 25. Could you please fill in the registration form? Please write in block capitals. Mr. Boden: Неге you are. Receprionist. Сап 1 have your passport?
John Boden hands in his passport. Mr. Boden: [ like it here. It's so nice and relaxing. Receptionist: Thank you, sir. I сап offer you room 15 overlooking the street or room 21 with а wonderful view of the park. Mr. Boden: Oh, i'd like to have а room overlooking the park. Receptionist: Here is your key. The bellboy will show you to your room and take care of your luggage. Mr. Boden: Thank you. Receptionist: Is it your first time in Saint-Peteaburg, Mr. Boden? Mr. Boden: Yes it is. I've never been here before. Receptionist Would you like to book а guided tour of the city or tickets to the Mariinsky Opera House for tonight? Mr. Boden: Not now, thank you. Му Russian friends promised to take те to а ballet on Friday night. [s there A restaurant in your hotel? Receptionist: Yes, you сап have your meals here in our `Russian Winter' Restaurant or you сап go out. The Visitor's Guide - а blue booklet on the desk - will provide you with necessary information on the nearby cafes. Mr. Boden: What kind of cuisine does your restaurant offer? Receptionist. Our restaurant offers both Russian and European cuisine. [ am sure you'll like it May I ask you A question, sir? John Boden: Yes, please. Receptionist: How did you learn of our hotel? John Boden: I usually put up at larger hotels. But ту Russian business partner recommended те this small home-style hotel. Не told те ['д be more comfortable here. Receptionist. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.
Date: 2015-09-17; view: 309; Нарушение авторских прав |