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В меню баров и ресторанов Вы можете найти эти и многие

другие названия:

Strong drinks Крепкие напитки

Beer Пиво

Dark beer Темное пиво

Lager Легкое, светлое пиво

Light beer Светлое пиво

Brandy Бренди, коньяк

Champagne Шампанское

Cider Сидр

Liqueur Ликер

Port Портвейн

Rum Ром

Vermouth Вермут

Whisky Виски

Scottish - (scotch) Шотландское ~

Bourbon Бурбон

On the rocks Со льдом

Wine Вино

Dry ~ Сухое ~

Sweet ~ Сладкое ~

Home ~ Домашнее ~

Table Столовое -

В меню баров и ресторанов Вы можете прочитать эти и многие другие названия алкогольных и безалкогольных напитков:

Soft drinks Безалкогольные напитки

Coca-Cola (Coke) Кока-кола

Diet ~ Низкокалорийная ~

Coffee Кофе

Black Черный

Cafe au lait ~ с молоком

Espresso Экспрессо

Hot chocolate Горячий шоколад

Juice Сок

Fresh ~ Свежий ~

Lemonade Лимонад

Mineral water Минеральная вода

Carbonated ~ Газированная ~

Non-carbonated ~ Негазированная ~

Pepsi-Cola Пепси-кола

Tea Чай

Iced tea Чай со льдом

Herbal tea (tisane) Травяной чай

Cocktail Коктейль

Bloody Mary Кровавая Мэри

Highball Хайбол. виски с coдoй и льдом, по­данное в высоком стакане

Dry martini Сухое мартини

sweet martini Сладкое мартини

Long Island iced tea Лонг Айлендский чай со льдом (кок­тейль из светлого рома, водки, джина, текилы, Куантро, колы и лимонного сока)



international Business

Mr. Boden meets Dmitry in а Piano Bar. Later Mr. Ticoll joins them. They discuss peculiarities of doing business in different countries.


Dmitry: Hi, John. Nice to see you again.

John: Hello, Dmitry. May I offer you а drink.

What would you like to drink?

Dmitry: Gin and tonic for те.

John: (to the barman): Gin and tonic for my friend

and I'11 have whisky on the rocks.

Dmirry and John: Cheers!


* * *

John: I thought you only drink vodka in Russia.

Dmitry: I'm not in Russia now. Your proverb says «When in

Rome, dо as the Romans dо.»

John: We've got to learn а lot about our countries.


Frank Ticoll enters the Bar.


John: Here is our friend Ticoll comes. Frank, would you like to join us? We are speaking about the cultural diffe­rences.

Frank: Oh, it sounds interesting. I've just returned from China. You simply can't imagine how difficult it is to do bu­siness in China.

Dmitry: What's so special about China?

Frank: You can never tell when they agree or disagree. Display­ing one's emotions publicly in China is considered undignified.

John: We, Americans, are different. We are frank and open.

Frank: And we are not so strickt about protocol and appearances.

Dmitry: What do you mean, Frank?

Frank. I'll show you. Take my business card, for example.

Dmitry takes his business card, reads it and puts it into his pocket.

Frank: A-ha! Just what I expected! And if you were in China, you would have to bow slightly when accepting a bu­siness card with both hands. You should immediately offer your own card (printed in English and Chinese) also using your both hands with a Chinese side fa­cing the recipient.

John: Frank, when in China did you bow all the time or clench a deal in the end?

Frank: Yes, I clenched a very good one! Chinese are known to negotiate relations and connections rather that contracts.

Dmitry: I have a feeling we, Russians, have much in common with Chinese.

John: Dmitry, will you be my wide in the world of Russian business?

Dmitry: Yes, of course, with pleasure.

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