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[1] Harold FM. 2001. The way of the cell: Molecules, organisms and the order of life. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, p 251. 2 Рассказ о Земмельвейсе основан на: (a) Clendening L. 1933. The romance of medicine: Behind the doctor. Garden City, NY: The Garden City Publishing Co., Inc., p 324—333; (b) Harding AS. 2000. Milestones in health and medicine. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, p 24—25; (c) Manger LN. 1992. A history of medicine. New York, Basel: Marcel Dekker, Inc., p 257-267; (d) Porter R. 1996. Hospitals and surgery. In: Porter R. editor, The Cambridge illustrated history of medicine. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, p 202—245. 3 Behe MJ. 1996. Darwin’s black box: The biochemical challenge to evolution. New York: Touchstone, p 69-72. 4 См. Главу 4, где концепция сложности будет рассмотрена более подробно. 5 Blattner FR, et al. 1997. The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli K-12. Science 277:1453—1474. 6 Fraser CM, et al. 1995. The minimal gene complement of Mycoplasma genitalium. Science 270:397—403. 7 Farley J. 1977. The spontaneous generation controversy from Descartes to Oparin. Baltimore, London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, p 6. 8 Vallery-Radot R. 1924. The life of Pasteur. Devonshire RL, translator. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Company, p 109. 9 Darwin C. (1859), 1958. The origin of species: By means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. New York: Mentor, p 450. 10 Darwin F, editor. 1888. The life and letters of Charles Darwin, vol. 3. London: John Murray, p 18. 11 Shapiro R. 1999. Prebiotic cytosine synthesis: A critical analysis and implications for the origin of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96:4396—4401. 12 Thaxton CB, Bradley WB, Olsen, RL. 1984. The mystery of life’s origin: Reassessing current theories. New York: Philosophical Library, p 102—104. 13 Помимо прочих многочисленных ссылок см.: Yockey HP. 1992. Information theory and molecular biology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p 235—241. 14 Yockey HP. 1992. Information theory and molecular biology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p 240. 15 Denton M. 1985. Evolution: A theory in crisis. London: Burnett Books Limited, p 261. 16 Thaxton CB, Bradley WB, Olsen RL. 1984. The mystery of life’s origin: Reassessing current theories. New York: Philosophical Library, p 52—53. 17 Giem PAL. 1997. Scientific theology. Riverside, CA: La Sierra University Press, p 58—59. 18 Hull DE. 1960. Thermodynamics and kinetics of spontaneous generation. Nature 186:693—694. 19 (a) Overman DL. 1997. A case against accident and self-organization. Lanham, MD, Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., p 44—48; (b) Thaxton CB, Bradley WB, Olsen RL. 1984. The mystery of life’s origin: Reassessing current theories. New York: Philosophical Library, p 45—47; (c) Yockey HP. 1992. Information theory and molecular biology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p 234—236. 20 Идентификация этих форм для некоторых сложных молекул более затруднена. 21 Недавние примеры, давшие те же результаты, см.: (a) Bernstein MP, et al. 2002. Racemic amino acids from the ultraviolet photolysis of interstellar ice analogues. Nature 416:401—403; (b) Muñoz Caro GM, et al. 2002. Amino acids from ultraviolet irradiation of interstellar ice analogues. Nature 416:403—409. 22 Yockey HP. 1992. Information theory and molecular biology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p 237, указывает, что смешение двух видов аминокислот будет мешать процессу свертывания. 23 Недавние попытки описаны в: Saghatelian A, et al. 2001. A chiroselective peptide replicator. Nature 409:797—801. 24 Fraser CM, et al. 1995. The minimal gene complement of Mycoplasma genitalium. Science 270:397—403. 25 Bradley WL, Thaxton CB. 1994. Information and the origin of life. In: Moreland JP, editor. The creation hypothesis: Scientific evidence for an intelligent designer. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, p 173—210. 26 Более подробно см. в Главе 5. 27 Küppers B-O. 1990. Information and the origin of life. Manu Scripta A, translator. Cambridge, MA, London: The MIT Press, p 60. 28 Полезность интрона в геноме ставится под сомнение, но о его функциях выдвигается все больше гипотез. См: (a) Brownlee C. 2004. Trash to treasure. Junk DNA influences eggs, early embryos. Science News 166:243; (b) Dennis C. 2002. A forage in the junkyard. Nature 420:458—459; (c) Standish TG. 2002. Rushing to judgment: Functionality in noncoding or “junk” DNA. Origins, Number 53:7—30. 29 Nirenberg M, Leder P. 1964. RNA codewords and protein synthesis: The effect of trinucleotides upon the binding of sRNA to ribosomes. Science 145:1399—1407. 30 Raven PH, Johnson GB. 1992. Biology, 3rd edition. St. Louis, Baltimore: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., p 307. 31 Классическая работа, посвященная этой теме: Horowitz NH. 1945. On the evolution of biochemical syntheses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 31:153—157. 32 Behe MJ. 1996. Darwin’s black box. New York: Touchstone, p 154—156. 33 Ruse M. 2000. The evolution wars: A guide to the debates. New Brunswick, NJ, London: Rutgers University Press, p 154. 34 (a) Oparin AI. 1938, 1965. Origin of life, 2nd edition. Morgulis S, translator. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., p 150—162. (b) Fox SW, et al. 1970. Chemical origins of cells. Chemical and Engineering News 48:(26):80—94. 35 Day W. 1984. Genesis on planet earth: The search for life’s beginning, 2nd edition. New Haven, CT, London: Yale University Press, p 204—205. 36 Javor GT. 1998. What makes a cell tick. Origins 25:24—33. 37 (a) Hoyle F. 1980. Steady-state cosmology re-visited. Cardiff, UK: University College Cardiff Press, p 52; (b) Hoyle F, Wickramasinghe, NC. 1981. Evolution from space: A theory of cosmic creation. New York: Simon and Schuster, p 24, 26. 38 Morowitz HJ. 1968. Energy flow in biology: Biological organization as a problem in thermal physics. New York, London: Academic Press, p 67. 39 Anonymous. 1982. Threats on life of controversial astronomer. New Scientist 93 (Number 1289):140. 40 Behe MJ. 1996. Darwin’s black box: The biochemical challenge to evolution. New York: Touchstone, p 39. 41 Radman M, Wagner R. 1988. The high fidelity of DNA duplication. Scientific American 259(2):40—46. 42 Lambert GR. 1984. Enzymic editing mechanism and the origin of biological information transfer. Journal of Theoretical Biology 107:387—403. 43 Цитата из: (a) Irion R. 1998. RNA can’t take the heat. Science 279:1303. См. также: (b) Joyce GF. 1989. RNA evolution and the origin of life. Nature 338:217—224. 44 Flew A, Habermas GR. 2004. My pilgrimage from atheism to theism: A discussion between Antony Flew and Gary Habermas. Philosophia Christi 6(2):197—211. 45 Overman DL. 1997. A case against accident and self-organization. Lanham, MD, Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., p 101—102. ТАБЛИЦА 3.1
*Источники информации: Blattner FR, et al. 1997. The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli K-12. Science 277:1453-1474; Harold FM. 2001. The way of the cell: Molecules, organisms and the order of life. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, p 68; Javor GT. 1998. Life: An evidence for creation. Origins 25:2-48; Neidhardt FC, editor. 1996. Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and molecular biology, 2nd edition. Washington, DC: ASM Press, CD version, section 3.
Рис. 3.1. Схематическое изображение структуры ДНК. Слева показана двойная спираль, а справа — один из ее участков. Буквами А, Т, Г, Ц обозначены основания: аденин, тимин, гуанин и цитозин соответственно. Буквой С обозначен сахар, а Ф — фосфат. Нуклеотид состоит из фосфата, сахара и одного из оснований. Пунктирной линией на схеме справа обозначены водородные связи между основаниями, соединяющими две нити ДНК. По: Figure 3 in Evard R, Schrodetzki D. 1976. Chemical Evolution. Origins 3:9—37. Date: 2015-09-05; view: 425; Нарушение авторских прав |