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I-3. Reference


a. Executive Order 12958, Classified National Security Information, dated 17 April 1995.


b. DoD Directive 0‑5205.7, Special Access Program (SAP) Policy, 4 January 1994.


c. DoD Regulation 5200.1‑R, DoD Information Security Program, June 1986.


d. USSOCOM Manual 380‑2, Standard Operating Procedures for Special Access Program Operations, 5 September 1997.


e. CJCS Manual, 3213.02A, Focal Point Communications Procedures, 31 January 1997.


f. DoD Instruction 5205.11, Management, Administration and Oversight of DoD SAPs, 1 July 1997.


I-4. Policies. USSOCOM's procedures for establishing and protecting particularly sensitive information, and the establishment or continuation of a SAP are governed by the security classification categories and standard references (See glossary section III). Reference e above prescribes policies and procedures used to protect sensitive information of a designated Focal Point System (FPS). Procedures for generating materiel acquisition programs will comply with the provisions of DoD 5000.1. Documents will be tailored and processed under strict "need‑to‑know" principles prescribed in references a through f. All programs, including highly sensitive classified programs that require Major Force Program (MFP) 11 resources are subject to the provisions of this appendix and the basic directive (D 71-4).





I-5. Commander in Chief, US Special Operations Command (USCINCSOC) is responsible for:


a. Validating recommendations for establishing a SAP and, as an interim security measure, favorably endorsing PSAP consistent with the procedures outlined in the references.


b. Approving SO‑peculiar MNS and ORD generated under a SAP or containing FP material.


I-6. Originators. Requirement sponsors are responsible for:


a. Initiating requests for SAP status when it is determined that the activities conducted during the requirements generation process cannot be adequately protected under normal security classification category (CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET) protection measures. Refer to reference d for USSOCOM procedures.


b. Validating MNS and ORD with PSAP, SAP, or FP information consistent with the provisions set forth in the basic directive (71-4) while ensuring sensitive information is safeguarded consistent with the procedures established in references.


c. Sponsor's Priority. Highly classified MNS and ORD will be prioritized relative to all other materiel requirements submitted by the organization.


I-7. USSOCOM Centers and Special Staff Offices are responsible for:


a. Ensuring all requirement documents (MNS, CRD and ORD) PSAP, SAP, and FP information are safeguarded throughout the requirements generation process using the provisions of above referenced publications.


b. Reviewing and providing recommendations to the SARRB on PSAP, SAP, and FPS, consistent with the guidelines set forth in the basic directive (71-4).


c. Appointing senior individuals cognizant of similar or related requirements, both classified and unclassified, to assess the potential for joint applicability and/or redundancy and duplication.



SECTION III ‑ Procedures



I-8. Initiating a SAP. All requirements funded by MFP 11 must be initiated IAW reference (d), SECTION III – SAP ESTABLISHMENT. Requirements funded by other sources must be initiated under the guidance of USSOCOM SAPCO.


I-9. Documentation. Operational materiel requirements will be documented by way of MNS, ORD or ORD addendum in accordance with the basic directive (D71-4).

I-10. Validation. Operational validation will be conducted in accordance with the basic directive (D71-4)


I-11. Joint Potential Review (JPD). Requirements containing SAP or FP information will be assessed in conjunction with all other validated mission deficiencies and materiel acquisition programs to determine the potential for consolidation and/or integration.


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