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Sample Briefing form


1. General Description of Operational Capability. Does the ORD summarize the mission need, describe the mission area, type of system proposed, anticipated operational and support concepts, and mission need/deficiencies which warrant a material solution? x x
2. General Description of Operational Capability. Is the mission need linked to specific elements of a mission area analysis, mission needs assessment, and/or specific mission tasks/subtasks (such as strategic planning process core, essential, and supporting tasks)? x x
3. General Description of Operational Capability. If a MNS did not precede the ORD, what process was used to investigate other materiel and non-materiel alternatives to satisfy the mission need? x x
4. If appropriate, does the ORD identify the CRD the proposed system falls under? x x
5. General Description of Operational Capability. Does this section of the ORD describe the operational concept of employment; the system's place on the future battlefield, its organizational setting, and its sustaining and support interfaces x x
6. Does this section of the ORD describe the C4ISR (information exchange) operational concept? x x
7. If an evolutionary acquisition strategy is proposed are reasonable increments of capability described? Are capability requirements beyond the initial IOC time-phased against future threat, and USSOCOM long range planning objectives? x x
8. Threat. Does this section of the operational requirement document clearly define the threat in terms of the operational environment and impacts on the specific mission tasks, which need to be accomplished by the system? Is a DIA or other threat assessment referenced? x x
9. Shortcomings of Existing Systems. Does this portion of the operational requirements document address the specific nature of the current system shortfalls/ deficiencies (e.g. relative to the accomplishment specific mission tasks/subtasks) capabilities required? x x
10. Capabilities Required. Is each capability and characteristic listed in operational, output oriented and measurable terms? x x


11. Does this section of the operational requirements document clearly identify operational performance parameters (capabilities and characteristics) required? x x
12. Capabilities Required. Is each capability and characteristic listed in terms of a threshold value required satisfy the mission need and objective value? x x
13. Capabilities Required. Are thresholds values derived from mission analysis, analysis of alternatives, or widely accepted minimum standards needed to satisfy the mission need? (NOTE: military judgment or project officer opinion is not acceptable criteria) x x
14. Capabilities Required. Do objective values represent a measurable, beneficial increase in capability or operations and support above the threshold (minimum) value? x x
15. Capabilities Required (and subsections). Are elements of capability and performance listed in terms of quantitative/ qualitative measures of effectiveness (MOE) and measures of performance (MOP)? x x
16. Capabilities Required (and subsections). Do the performance parameters define the standards for effective execution of the specific mission tasks? This should include the measure and a definition of the “standard”. x x
17. Capabilities Required (and subsections). Do the performance parameters define the standards for effective execution of the specific mission tasks? This should include the measure and a definition of the “standard”. x x
18. Capabilities Required (and subsections). Do the performance parameters define the standards for effective execution of the specific mission tasks? This should include the measure and a definition of the “standard”. x x
19. System Performance. Does this section provide a detailed description of wartime and peacetime mission scenarios – to include mission profiles, employment tactics, countermeasures, and operational environment conditions? x x
20. System Performance. Are performance measures provided for all system performance parameters, e.g., range, accuracy, speed, payload, reliability, etc? x x


21. System Performance. Are key performance parameters (KPP) recommended and do those parameters have measurable threshold values? x x
22. System Performance. Is each key performance parameter (KPP): x x
a. Prioritized and time-phased? x x
b. Essential for defining system or required capabilities? x x
c. Warfighting oriented? x x
d. Achievable/testable? x x
e. Can the numbers/percentages be explained by analysis? x x
f. If not met, are you willing to look at program cancellation? x x
23. System Performance. Is the Interoperability KPP derived from the C4ISR Architecture Framework and from the Information Exchange Requirements (IER)? x x
24. Logistics and Readiness. Are quantifiable measures used for mission capable rate, operational availability, frequency and duration of maintenance, and other logistics performance parameters? x x
25. Logistics and Readiness. Are performance measures for combat support, mobility, battle damage, etc? Described in terms of wartime and peacetime requirements? x x
26. Other System Characteristics. Have applicable performance measures been identified for weapons effects, NBC survivability, electromagnetic effects, etc.? x x
27. Other System Characteristics. Are measures of performance and effectiveness provided for each system performance characteristic and those measures tied to specific mission tasks/subtasks that must be performed by the proposed system? x x
28. Other System Characteristics. Is the expected missing capability rate (e.g. full, percent degraded, etc.)? Provided for the various mission environmental conditions? x x
29. Program Support. Does this section of the ORD fully establish the initial capabilities system support requirements? x x
30. Are interfacing systems (system/subsystem, platform, and force levels) objectives discussed? x x


31. Program Support (and subsections). Whenever possible, are performance requirements listed in terms of threshold and objective values and are these values measurable? x x
32. Maintenance Planning. Does the ORD clearly identify the maintenance tasks, maintenance approach (contractor, organic, or disposable) and phasing for all levels of maintenance? x x
33. Support Equipment. Does the ORD address all standard support equipment and test/diagnostic/fault isolation equipment needed to support the proposed system? x x
34. Are all mission critical and support computer resources identified    
35. Program Support. Does this section assign a joint potential designation (joint interest, or independent)? x x
36. Does this section of the ORD describe how the system bill be integrated into the command, control, communications, computers and intelligence architecture that is forecast to exist x x
37. Human Systems Integration. Are all human considerations for system operators and maintainers identified, and objectives and thresholds established? x x
a. Manpower factors (e.g., utilization rates, pilot to seat ratios, and maintenance ratios) x x
b. Modifying or establishing new military occupational specialties x x
c. Training concept to include requirements for training support package (e.g. simulators, training devices, embedded training), and training logistics. x x
38. Are requirements for unique facilities, shelter, force protection, associated facilities needed for training? x x
39. Other Logistics. Are there any unique supporting infrastructure needed/described? x x
40. Transportation and Basing. Does this section of the ORD describe how the system will be moved either to or within the theater x x
41. Transportation and Basing. Are basing requirements detailed and time-phased (main and forward operating bases) x x


42. Force Structure. Does this section of the ORD estimate the number of systems or subsystems needed as threshold and objectives quantities? Are these quantities supported by a definitive Basis of Issue Plan describing the operational units that will employ the system or subsystems; and the planned timing and unit priority for distribution? x x
43. Force Structure. Does this section of the ORD discuss impact on organizations and programmed force structure quantities (military manpower)? x x
44. Schedule. Are conditions and performance levels necessary for declaring attaining initial and full operational capability specified? x x
45. Program Affordability. Is the cost stated in terms of a threshold and objective. Is program cost considered a KPP? x x


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