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a. The C-MNS, requested by a theater CINC, is transmitted to SOOP-R via message traffic (preferred) or other electronic media for validation with SORR-SR as an addressee for info. A complete statement describing the urgent operational deficiency and impact of the observed problem should be as detailed as possible.


b. Once the CMNS has been operationally validated by SOOP-R, the C-MNS will be assigned to a SOOP-RV Validation Officer to initiate concurrent activities necessary to bring together a C-MNS Rapid Response Team (RRT) and seek USCINCSOC approval. The RRT will consist of functional counterpart action officers from the Centers, Staff Offices, and sponsoring command(s). Concurrently, the SOOP-RV action officer will begin immediate coordination of the C-MNS within the Staff and other component commands. The RRT will meet within 24 hours of receipt of the C-MNS to develop a program of actions and milestones and (POA&M) necessary to obtain USCINCSOC approval (or as delegated) and facilitate urgent procurement and fielding.


c. When the MNS is approved, the RRT will participate as necessary to develop necessary documentation (e.g., ORD and Statement of Work), and recommend alternatives (domestic and foreign) to satisfy the C-MNS. The SOAL will take lead of the RRT at this time to implement "urgent and compelling needs" procurement in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation, Part 6, "Competition Requirements".


d. C-MNS Funding. The SORR Assessment Directors, in coordination with SOAL, SORR-RC, and the USSOCOM Resource Sponsors will determine a source for funding.

e. SO-Peculiar. If the requirement is determined other than SO-peculiar, the SOOP Action Officer will prepare a letter on behalf of the operational sponsor, or the sponsoring command, endorsing the requirement to the Service and requesting rapid response from the Service, in accordance with their established policy. This action will also be taken within 48 hours of the determination that the need is not SO peculiar, and should be satisfied by a DOD service component.


f. The C-MNS process is depicted below:



Figure 5 – Process Flow – C-MNS.

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