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Figure 4. CRD Interoperability



c. CRD Key Performance Parameters (KPP). A CRD KPP is a capability or characteristic so significant it is essential for defining the FoS/SoS required capabilities. CRD KPPs should be limited in number, output oriented, stated in Threshold/Objective format, and measurable to facilitate analysis of the progress in reaching the capabilities outlined in the CRD. The ORDs under the CRD must address the CRD KPPs relevant to the particular operational element they support. ORDs are not expected to address a CRD KPP if it does not apply to the proposed system.

(1) CRD KPP Development. Selection of valid KPPs is more than just identifying a requirement and providing a threshold/objective value. A KPP should be a roll-up of a number of supporting requirements listed in the CRD. All CRDs will have as a minimum an Interoperability KPP. The following is one methodology used to develop CRD KPPs:


Step (1). List the requirements for each Operational Element identified under operational capabilities for the CRD as described above.


Step (2). Prioritize the supporting requirements for each element.


Step (3). For each operational element build one measurable performance parameter that captures the essence of the requirements in the group.


Step (4). Do the same for each identified element.


Step (5). Determine the parameters that are most critical to the CRD mission area and designate them as Key Performance Parameters for the CRD.


(2) All of the operational elements identified do not necessarily need to create a CRD KPP. Likewise, an operational element could create two or more CRD KPPs.

(3) CRD Interoperability KPP. The CRD Interoperability KPP should define the level of interoperability for cross family systems operation. (e.g., TMD CRD C4I Interoperability KPP Criteria: The TMD FoS must have the ability to conduct collaborative planning, battle management, weapons coordination and engagement to support TMD operations at the joint operational and tactical levels. The TMD FoS must: possess a common interface among individual systems (T); migrate to full JTA compliance (O) (as applicable to individual systems)). The CRD Interoperability KPP will use IERs as the primary measure for interoperability and will outline the specific framework for CRD and ORDs to follow.


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