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Grammar in business writing

The importance of proper business language and good grammar can’t be overestimated. Some experienced businessman said that “the devil’s in the grammar details and that they are everything in programming business”. For clients or partners, language may echo the company’s competence, culture, openness to development, and way of treating business. Hence, there is a need to prevent grammatical errors and inappropriate writing in business communication.

So it is sensible to be sure in proper grammar use. If you are not, try to replace the construction with the one you are absolutely sure of. Don’t rely on computer version of presenting the document in full range as your virtual friend is not aware of all details and nuances of your writing. Always check the computer version of your paper to be on the safe side.

9. Although this text can’t cover all grammar aspects of English grammar but let us revise the most common mistakes in business writing. Complete the text with your examples.

A. Speaking about adjectives it is clever to remember that some of them are incomparable, e.g. complete, definite, essential. Your ex. ______________________________

B. The collective nouns can be used with either a singular verb or a plural verb, e.g. jury, government, club, parliament. Your ex. _____________________________

C. It is good to turn nouns into verbs: instead of “to make a recommendation “say “we recommend that…”. Your ex. _______________________________________

D. Try to avoid the use of old fashioned and complicated terms and stick to simple ones: not “utilize” but “use”. Your ex. ________________________________

E. If possible, use the active voice instead of the passive voice to sound more assertive and powerful. In long and complicated legal phrases it would advocate for better understanding: “The contract was drafted” into “The parties drafted the contract” Your ex. ______________

F. Try to avoid “ of ” many times and convert phrases with it into possessives: instead of “activities of the company” say” the company’s activities”. Your ex. ___________________

There are no clear rules to follow in usage of prepositions, but here are some to keep in mind: to be charged with some crime, the contract between, will be terminated by notice, will be delivered in 2 days, in accordance with, after expiration of a period, for the period.

Always be aware of grammar tenses not to get in an awkward situation. Translate the following into Russian. If you are not sure consult any grammar book: was paid, is being paid, has already been paid, is paying, had been paid by July, was paying for 2 years, will have been paid by, have been paying since, have paid, pays, must pay, should pay, must have paid, can’t have paid yet.


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