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Modern communication techniques used in the business world

a. Recognizing Value of Video

b. Embracing Social Media

c. Presentation Skills

d. Coordinating Use of Multiple Tools

e. Instant Messengers

f. Social Networking Websites


h. Web Conferences


The communication skills needed to succeed in the modern business world are vastly different from those which were just a few years ago. The advances in technology and proliferation of new types of communication tools mean that business communicators must know about a wide range of communication techniques to meet the needs of various audiences.

1.______ Social media has taken the world by storm and many businesses are frantically attempting to catch up. Although social media is not a must for all, it's important for business communicators to understand the various options available to them and, more importantly, how their various audiences may use these tools. Social media tools can be used with external customers, audiences, as well as internally. Companies can, for instance, establish their own Facebook page or LinkedIn group to create opportunities for internal sharing and community development.

2._______YouTube has popularized the use of video and the cost of technology makes it easier than ever before for just about anyone to use web cameras or flip cams to incorporate sound and images in their communications. As modern business members come to expect communication in a variety of formats, business communicators are finding themselves increasingly required to produce communication messages in print as well as video formats.

3._______The key to effective communication in any environment is using a variety of tools to deliver messages to varied audiences. Combining traditional tools (meetings or newsletters) with modern ones, such as social media and video, can help to ensure that messages are conveyed to a broad audience who may have different communication preferences and comfort levels. This is particularly true in business environment where the audience ranges from about-to-retire baby boomers to the millennial generation.

4.______As you move up in the ranks, you will have to do the occasional presentation, which can range from a product presentation for a large group to a one-on-one presentation of your ideas to your boss. While doing this, focus on the areas that can make the other person's life easier. Be concise. State what you can do for the other person and then respond to all questions, comments or concerns.

5._____According to Internet business news publication IP Watchdog, social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter have emerged as valuable business communication tools. With a free account on a social networking site, businesses can instantly increase exposure to existing and potential customers, and the proprietary communication channels within these sites, allow customers to contact immediately with someone at the business. To boost the value of social networking, occasional updates about upcoming sales or special promotions can go out through social media to keep customers interested and attract an increasing audience.

6.______Instant messengers combine the instant, synchronous nature of telephone conversations with the convenience of email. When employees need to communicate with one another, or when managers need to communicate with direct reports, IM clients allow this communication to take place with only a few key strokes. Many IM clients also allow for advanced functionality like checking an employee's status at any time, exchanging files and creating an impromptu video conference.

7.______Conference calls have long been a staple of business communication, but the rich media available through Internet technology takes this communication tool a step further. Collaborating employees can quickly share ideas through an online portal, and advanced functionality allows presenters to share a desktop or video with all participants at the same time. Sales professionals can also use these tools to make pitches to customers, and some Web conference clients allow for the simultaneous delivery of voice, presentations and video.

8.______Businesses have relied on telephones for a number of years, and Voice Over Internet Protocol, or VOIP, allows businesses to enjoy quality voice connections at a much lower cost. By using an adapter that breaks voice conversations into data packets for transmission across the Internet, businesses can cut ties with traditional telephone companies and eliminate the monthly phone bills. In addition, according to the communication website CommunicationIdeas.com, the Internet-connected nature of VOIP means that business professionals can check voice messages, view call histories and re-route calls from any Internet-connected computer anywhere in the world.


1. appointment (a ​formal ​arrangement to ​meet or ​visit someone at a ​particular ​time and ​place or the ​act of ​officially ​choosing someone for a ​job) – договоренность о встречи, назначение (на должность)

make an appointment with smb – договориться с кем-либо о встречи

cancel an appointment – отменить встречу

by appointment – по предварительной договоренности

make new appointments – произвести новые назначения

2. arrangement (an ​agreement between two ​people or ​groups about how something ​happens or will ​happen) – приготовления, договоренность

3. communication (two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. In general, communication is a means of connecting people or places. In business, it is a key function of management--an organization cannot operate without communication between levels, departments and employees) – процесс общения, информационное обеспечение, контакт

interpersonal ~ - межличностное общение

non-verbal ~ - невербальное общение

web-based ~ - общение посредством Интернета

communicator – человек, способный эффективно доносить до других информацию; искусный собеседник

4. confidence (belief in yourself and your abilities; a feeling of trust in someone) - уверенность, самоуверенность, доверие

confident – уверенный в себе, своих силах

confidently – уверенно, доверительно, конфиденциально

5. decorum (​ behavior that is ​socially ​correct, ​calm, and ​polite) – благопристойность

act/behave with decorum – вести себя пристойно

6. deportment (the way a ​person ​behaves) – манеры

have bad/good deportment – иметь плохие/хорошие манеры

speech and deportment lessons – уроки грамотной речи и хороших манер

7. interaction (a mutual or reciprocal action)взаимодействие, общение

interact – взаимодействовать

interactive – взаимодействующий

interactive means of communication – интерактивные средства общения

8. language (a ​system of ​communication by ​speaking, writing, or making ​signs in a way that can be ​understood, or any of the different ​systems of ​communication used in ​particular ​regions) – язык

body language – язык тела

language of business – язык делового общения

legal language – легализ, юридический язык

offensive language – оскорбительные выражения

talk/speak the same language – говорить на одном языке (хорошо понимать друг друга)

9. message (a piece of written or spoken information which one person gives to another)- сообщение, записка, основная идея

to massage – отправлять сообщение по электронной почте или с мобильного телефона

message board – доска объявлений

messenger – курьер

instant message – Интернет программа для обмена сообщениями через Интернет в реальном времени

voicemail message – голосовая почта

10. outcome (the final result of an activity or process)исход дела, результат

outcome of talks – результаты переговоров

win-win outcome – исход дела, удовлетворяющий обе стороны

whatever the outcome – при любом раскладе

11. promptness ( the characteristic of doing things without delay, the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time)отсутствие проволочки, аккуратность в исполнении

prompt actions – оперативные действия

prompt reply – быстрый ответ

promptly - быстро

thank you for your promptness – благодарим за оперативность

12. recipient (one who receives something from a giver. A recipient can receive a wide variety of things, including a letter, a telephone call, a message, a sum of money, or even a physical embrace)получатель

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