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Комунікативна практика. Exercise 1. Match the verbs with the correct nouns. Verbs 1) win 2) pass 3) receive 4) invent 5) solve 6) achieve Nouns a) an


Exercise 1. Match the verbs with the correct nouns.

Verbs 1) win 2) pass 3) receive 4) invent 5) solve 6) achieve Nouns a) an ambition b) a certificate c) a race d) an exam e) a machine/device f) a problem

Exercise 2. Discuss in pairs what thing are the most important in human life.

Exercise 3. Underline the correct answer. Why were these people famous?

1) The artist Pablo Picasso was French/Spanish.

2) The 1970s group ABBA were from Germany/Sweden.

3) Franz Kafka was a famous musician/writer.

4) From 1994 to 1999, Nelson Mandela was the President of South Africa/Zimbabwe.

5) Spice Girls were popular in the 1990s/in the 1970s.

6) Marie Curie was born in Warsaw/Paris.

7) Wilbur and Orville Wright were Russian/American.

8) John Lennon and Paul McCartney were both originally from London/Liverpool.

9) Pilot Maresev took part in Word War I/Word War II.

10) Marilyn Monroe’s real name was Norma Gean Baker/Gean Harlow.

11) Yuri Gagarin was famous as a pilot/an astronaut.

Вправи для самостійної роботи

Exercise 1.Translate the dialogue into Ukrainian (Russian).

Aviator: There certainly is a lot of plumbing in this airplane.

Engineer: Yes, and we’ll have a look at all of it. It isn’t as complicated as some airplanes, though.

Aviator: How could it be much more complicated?

Engineer: Well, it could have single-point fueling, for instance. Or, it could have a wet-wing instead of bladders for fuel cells.

Aviator: I suppose you’re right. What are you looking for in the fuel system?

Engineer: We’ll check everything from the fuel caps to the fuel control.

Aviator: Let’s see. That means checking the fuel lines, the fuel selector, and the boost pumps.

Engineer: It means a little more than that. The draincocks have to be checked, and all the sediment has to be removed from the fuel strainers. We’ll check the cross-feed system, and we’ll make sure the vents are open.

Aviator: That’s a lot of checking. Is there anything else?

Engineer: Yes. The fuel quantity probes must be checked and calibrated, and we’ll have to make sure the vent lines are open.

Aviator: I just thought of something else: the transfer pumps.

Engineer: Right. We’re really looking for anything that could cause a fire in the fuel system. This fuel can cause a pretty hot fire.

Aviator: We don’t want any fire except where it belongs – in the engines. Let’s make sure our dry-wing really is dry. By the way, don’t you want me to leave you alone so you can get your job done?

Engineer: You’re not bothering me. I’ll be happy to have you watch the whole inspection if you have the time.

Aviator: Oh, I have the time. It’s a real education to see this. I think every pilot should learn what really makes his airplane work. The squawks we get from pilots would make more sense.

bladder   boost pump cell cross-feed system draincock dry/wet-wing fuel cap fuel control fuel lines fuel quantity probe контейнер для пального додаткова помпа відсік система відбору палива з будь-якого баку дренажний клапан паливні системи кришка на баку регулятор палива паливні труби індикатор рівня палива fuel strainer plumbing sediment single-point fueling squawk   transfer pumps   vent паливний фільтр система труб відстій подача палива з одного джерела нарікання на дефект (сленг) помпи для пере-качування пального вентиляційний отвір

Exercise 2. Define if the following statements are true or false.

1) A cross-feed system is a device for mixing air and fuel.

2) A dry-wing is one which uses bladders to hold the fuel.

3) Fuel lines are tubes which carry air to the engine.

4) Sediment is foreign matter in the fuel.

5) A squawk is a measure of the quality of engine fuel.

6) Transfer pumps are used to check the quantity of fuel in an airplane.

7) A fuel cap is used to select the route of fuel flow.

8) Draincocks are used to drain off water and dirt.

9) A device for measuring the quantity of fuel is a fuel quantity probe.

10) A fuel selector is used only during an emergency.


Lesson 8

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