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Прочтите и переведите текст; выпишите ключевые слова, относящиеся к устройству PV plant (photovoltaic power plant) фотоэлектрической энергоустановки
1. This project has supported the construction of a PV power plant, which is the first of its type in the world. All the components of the plant were developed during the previous projects and now, in this latest project, the size of the concentrators has been increased to full commercial dimensions. These new, modular units consist of two 75 metres long rows of PV cells. The new units use reflecting instead of refracting technology, have single-axis tracking and encapsulated modules. 2. The new plant, named EUCLIDES, has eight units, each with two rows of concentrators 72 metres long and 2.9 metres wide. The two rows in each unit share a single tracking carriage. Each unit is rated at 62 kWp, giving a total rating of 480 kWp. Each tracker has an output of 750 V. In the concentrator units themselves, the cells are interconnected and encapsulated, just like flat modules, and the concentration of optics are mirrors instead of the Fresnsel lenses used in all previous PV units. 3. The new design provides a more constant output than that from flat panels, and this means that a better price should be obtained for the electricity produced. 4. There is a growing interest in green electricity (generated from renewable sources) among consumers. In the Netherlands, increasing demand from consumers for PV systems to supply electricity at their own premises offers an opportunity to market centralised PV system, which have, until recently, gained little support. More development work needs to be done to improve the appropriate technology for grid connected PV systems and this project will bring together Italian electricity company ENEL, with their expertise in the operation of centralized PV systems and the marketing expertise of Dutch energy company EDON. The technology will be demonstrated to the general public and commercial end-users. 5. The new system, the first ground-based central PV system in the Netherlands, will be installed on top of a concrete storage tank for drinking water, and will consist of three units, each with a capacity of 60 kWp, giving a total capacity of 180 kWp. This project aims to demonstrate the role that sales of green electricity can play in driving the development of PV, and other renewable projects. Date: 2016-02-19; view: 470; Нарушение авторских прав |