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Lesson 4
Theme: Land of English Date: 17.11.2011
Aim: to develop communicative competence.
Form of the lesson: games, drama, the competition.
- to develop intercultural competence,
- to develop students' skills in dialogues, poems, acting in drama;
- to develop the students' speaking, listening and writing skills,
- to evoke interests in the English songs and fairy tales.
Equipment of the lesson: slides, cards, pictures, decorations.
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| Stage (ESA)
| Procedure
| Time
| Materials
| Note
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| Organization moment.
| - Good morning, pupils!
Who is on duty?
Who is absent?
Now, pupils, let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Land of English"
| 1 min
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| Engage
| Warm-up.
I. Warming up:
Teacher:Welcome to the land of English. Today we have invited the guests. We hope you will enjoy the English songs, rhymes and dramas we are going to present in our "Land of English".
P1:My name is.
P2:My name is. And we shall assist you to go through the land of English. I will ask you to solve puzzles and you will be able to say what songs, rhymes or dramas are used in our Land of English.
P1:Iam made up of trees and many animals live in me. ' What am I?
PP: Is it forest?
P1:Yes, of course, you are right (children attach a picture of a forest to the board).
P2:And I have the following puzzle for you: I am a small girl who lived in a mining town. I have got a splinter in my foot. Who am I?
PP: Clementine.
| 15 min
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| Activate
| P2:Of course you are right, let's listen to the song "Clementine" performed by one of the pupils.
In a canyon in a cavern
Excavating for a mine
Dwelt a miner forty niner
And his daughter Clementine
Oh, my darling, oh my darling Clementine.
Though art lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine.
Light she was and like a fairy
And her shoes were number nine
Herring boxes without topses
Sandals were for Clementine.
Drove she duckling to the water
Every morning just at nine
Straight her foot against splinter
Fell into the foaming brine.
P1: I am a large plant that has many "fingers" called leaves. Birds make their homes on me. What am I?
PP: That is a tree.
P1:Right you are, and here it is. (children attach the trees around the forest).
P2: So the following puzzle is connected with animals. I am a large brown animal that lives in the forest and sleeps all winter long. What am I?
PP: Bear.
P2: Of course it is a bear. Let's listen to one of the pupils and her rhyme about little bears.
Once two little brown bears
Found a pea-tree full of pears
But they could not climb up there
For the trunk was smooth and bare.
"If I only had a chair",
Said the elder brown bear,
"I would get the biggest pear
That is hanging in the air".
"If you do not soil my hair",
Said the younger little bear,
"I will serve you as a chair
And you can get the biggest pear".
P1: Thank you, I have only one more puzzle left. People eat and sleep in me. They make me warm in the winter so they can keep warm. What am I?
PP: It's home.
P1: All of us have homes and houses, (pupils attach a house of a grandmother).
P2: Let's guess what a very famous ship sank in the 1900s. A famous movie was made about it. What is it?
PP: The Titanic.
P2: You are right. Two girls will sing a song from the movie "Titanic". "My heart will go on".
P1:Thank you very much.1 have one more puzzle and I want you to solve it. I am a beautiful and delicate plant that comes out in the spring. What am 1?
Pupils: Flower, (children throw the flowers on the floor).
P2: And I have one last puzzle: It is a little girl, who has red clothes and she always helps her mother and grandmother. Who is she?
PP:It's Red Riding Hood! Isn't it so?
P2: Yes, you are right. Here you can see a scene from "Red Riding Hood".
| 28 min
| song
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| Summary
| Our lesson is over.
We assisted you during our travel to the "Land of English". Thank you and good bye!
Conclusion. Giving awards. Home task.
| 1 min
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