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Lesson 8
Theme: "Great Britain and Kazakhstan" 13.12.2011
Aim: to develop communicative competence.
Form of the lesson: interactive, consolidation
- to form intercultural competence,
- to master new lexics and its use in speech,
- to revise already studied material on the theme "Geography",
- to develop students skills in monologue (dialogue) speech through asking (answering) questions, making up of different conversations.
Equipment of the lesson: cards, posters, pictures on the theme "Kazakhstan", "Great Britain", interactive board.
| #
| Stage (ESA)
| Procedure
| Time
| Materials
| Note
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| Organization moment.
| - Good morning, pupils!
Who is on duty?
Who is absent?
Now, pupils, let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Great Britain and Kazakhstan"
| 1 min
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| Engage
| Phonetic and speech drill. New words and transcription
Central Asia, Caspian Sea, Siberia, Altai Mountains, situated, etc.
| 5 min
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| Engage
| Reading.Today we'll work in groups. The first team is "Kazakhstan". The second team is "the UK". Each group must read the text and give the translation, do the tasks.
1st group: Kazakhstan
2nd group: Great Britain
| 8 min
| | | |
| Activate
| Post-reading - true and false questions.
(see Appendix 1 to the lesson)
| 5 min
| | | |
| Activate
| Finish sentences (see Appendix 2 to the lesson)
| 5 min
| | | |
| Activate
| Complete the sentence.
1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is____in the Central Asia.
2. Its population is_______.
3. Kazakh is the_______of the country.
4. The flora and fauna_____on the climate of the area.
5. Rain usually______in spring and autumn.
6. The area of the UK is some_______square kilometers.
7. The population of Great Britain is over_______.
8. Coal and oil are the most natural____of Great Britain.
9. The Gulf Stream____the English climate greatly.
10. _____takes an important sector in the economy of the
We'll consolidate our lesson with a competitions between two teams.
Questions for team "The UK".
1. What's the foil name of the country of your opponents? (The Republic of Kazakhstan).
2. What's the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)
3. How many regions in are there in Kazakhstan? (14regions)
4. What are countries are border Kazakhstan? (China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kirgizia)
5. Who is the head of Kazakhstan? (Nazarbaev N. A) Questions for team "Kazakhstan".
1.What's the foil name of the country of your opponents? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
2. What's the capital of the UK? (London)
3. Where is the UK situated? (in Europe)
4. How many countries are there in in the UK? (4countries)
5. Who is the formal head of the UK9 (Queen Elizabeth If)
| 20 min
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| Summary
| Conclusion.
That's all for today. You were active. Thank you for your work. I hope you liked our lesson.
| 1 min
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