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Matching yourself with the world of work

11. СИЛА СЛОВА. Вы подходящая личность для профес­
сии, которую вы выбрали? Какой у вас тип личности?

1) Выберите прилагательные, которые могут вас описать.

polite, easygoing, reliable, practical, serious, creative, sociable, enthusiastic.

2) Добавте две характеристики для вас самих.

approachable, teachable

3) Напишите слово, которым можно охарактеризовать кого-либо:

always keeps a promise - reliable

always looks very smart - elegant

is often unkind to other people - unpleasant

makes a lot of silly mistakes - careless

doesn't remember things - forgetful

has good manners - polite

thinks deeply about things - serious

likes giving things to people - generous

likes to be around people- sociable

shows a lot of excitement and eagerness - enthusiastic

is full of bright ideas - creative

is always able to deal efficiently with problems - practical

likes making people laugh - funny

doesn't say much around other people - shy

4) Чещ вы можете написать о:

Ambitious person is a person who has plans to be successful in life. Clever person is a person who is quick in understanding things. Adventurous person is a person who likes risk and danger. Talkative person is a person who uses every moment to talk. Friendly person is a person who shows his kindness and expresses his readiness to help.

Happy person is a person who feels pleased and lucky.

12. Джессика Вилсон решила стать учителем. Ее лучшая под-
руга Трейси думает, что она подходящая личность для этой про­
фессии. Вот, что Трейси думает о Джессике.

Jessica is my best friend. She is an easygoing person - she doesn't really see the point of it. When something bothers her she just tries to deal with problem. It seems that she is a practical one. She likes to play with children. And I know that children like her too. She is a reliable person. I think she is really happy.

13. Вот, что Джессика написала о своей будующей профессии.
Как вы думаете, она сможет стать учителем?

2) Используя произведение Джессики как образец, напишите о своей будущей профессии.

I'd like to be a doctor. It's a very difficult profession. You should be not only a very good specialist, but also a very kind person. You must be very polite and attentive to your patients. They come to the doctor with their health problems and wait for his help and understanding. The person who choose this profession must love the people and his job.


14. СИЛА СЛОВА Много российских подростков имеют ком-
пьютер дома. Вы можете ипспользовать компьютер для различной
работы - хранить информацию, делать вычисления, играть в игры
и рисовать картины.

1) Сопоставьте имена частей компьютера с правильной картинкой.

a floppy disk - 4, a monitor -2, a printer - 3, a keyboard -1

2) Напишите объяснения, что делают части компьютера. Если вы ис­
пользуете эти слов правильно, тогда вы computer-literate.

A keyboard is the part that you use to type in your material.

A monitor is the screen where you see everything you have typed in.

A floppy disk is the part which stores your material.

A printer is the machine which prints everything you want.

15. Многие школьники в Британии изучают компьютеры в
школе. Прослушайте отрывок из школьной лекции о компьюте­
рах и заполните пропущенные слова.

There are four basic parts to your home computer system: the keyboard, the monitor, the disk drive and the printer.

The keyboard is like a typewriter. You use the keys both to print letters and numbers and also to print instructions to the computer. You see what you have written on the monitor. When you are happy with everything on the monitor then you instruct the computer to print it out. The disk drive contains the program; one floppy disk contains the program, and the other contains what you have written.

16. Американский "компьютерный" язык обогатил и другие
Можете вы подумать о "компьютерных" терминах, при­
шедших в ваш язык. Завершите таблицу.

American Russian

Monitor Монитор
Display Дисплей
Disc Диск

17. Компьютеры могут делать много вещей. Здесь несколь­
ко компьютеров, которые люди используют в своей повседнев­
ной жизни. Используя схему внизу, напишите, как люди ис­
пользуют эти компьютеры.

A cordless phone is a computer which can connect you with other people. A factory robot is a computer which helps workers do different jobs. A calculator is a computer that does calculations for you. A digital watch is a computer which tells you time A cash dispenser is a computer that helps in banks. An arcade game is a computer that can play a game with you.

An electronic game is a computer that can play a game with you.

18. Компьютеры широко применяются во многих профес­
сиях, чтобы помочь людям работать быстрее, проще и эффек­
тивнее. Напишите, как эти компьютеры помогают людям.

Computers help a pilot to choose the right direction of flight.

Computers help a doctor to check the condition of the patient.

Computers help a secretary to write letters.

Computers help a travel agent to book tickets.

Computers help a postman to sort letters.

Computers help a business man to understand market better.

Computers help an architect to design buildings.

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