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Text C. From the history of architecture
The history of architecture aims at displaying clearly the characteristic features of the architecture of each country by comparing the buildings of each period and by studying influences — geographical, geological, climatic, religious, social and historical — which have contributed to the formation of a particular style. The best way to learn about architecture is to study actual buildings and museums which provide excellent opportunities for examining details of style. The analysis of the characteristic features which resulted from solving certain structural problems enables to visualize clearly the main factors which brought about changes in each style. Architecture is the art with which we all are in daily contact for it shelters us, gives us "home". Finally, architecture is the mother of the arts of sculpture, painting, and the allied decorative crafts. Architecture, with all its varying phases and complex developments, must have had a simple origin in the primitive efforts of mankind to provide protection against inclement weather, wild beasts and human enemies in rock, caves, huts and tents. Here then, in caves, huts, and tents we find the three primitive types of human dwellings, the three germs of later architectural developments. The history of architecture is a record of continuous evolution. A glance along the past ages reveals architecture as a history of social condition progress and religion and events which are landmarks in the history of mankind; for as architecture is in all periods connected with national life, the genius of a nation, is unmistakably stamped on its architectural monuments.
I. Read the text ‘From the history of architecture’. Find the answers to the following questions:
1. What is the best way to learn about architecture? 2. What is architecture? 3. What origin does architecture have? 4. Why is architecture considered a history of social condition progress?
II. Find the key words in the text and write them out.
Date: 2015-10-19; view: 793; Нарушение авторских прав |