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Text B


Civil engineering did not develop until the rise of Rome. The Cloaca Maxima, the great drain of Rome, was built in the sixth century В. С. It is in existence today, but the oldest part still standing probably dates from the third century В. С. Like most ancient drains and sewers, it was at first open, but was later enclosed. The original purpose of Rome's sewers was to drain off waste waters. For efficiency, the sewers were built along the lines of the natural streams.

Lead or clay pipes were used to conduct water to the houses. The lead pipes (4 1/4 inch in diameter), were made from sheet-lead, bent around a core. Walls were 1/4 inch thick.

The Romans, although they did not invent paved roads, advanced road building to a new height. The total length of the roads built by the Romans in Britain is estimated at over 47,000 miles. They were constructed to last forever and many are in use today; some have simply been resurfaced.

In the construction of their road network, the Romans aimed at the shortest route, regardless of obstacles. Rocks were cleared away, tunnels were dug through hills, and swamps were drained. At first the Romans built timber roads, then somewhat later, a timber road mounted on stakes, many having a covering of pavement.

Roman bridges, at first made of wood, were later built of stone. Typical Roman style was a semicircular arch and short span. The bridge builders' chief problem was to provide solid foundations.

Town building was based on camp tradition, and some towns arose out of army camps. A typical town built this way was Manchester, England.

Fusion of Roman and North European traditions was re­flected in many ways. Buildings combined the Roman arch and the steep peaked roof of Northern Europe. Roman tra­ditions were continued in an architectural form known as Romanesque.

The first significant advance over Roman methods, how­ever, was the invention of the ribbed vault. The ribs were built independently of the wall and supported the stone-vault web.

London bridge, finished in 1209, took thirty-three years to build. It consisted of nineteen irregular pointed arches, its piers resting on broad foundations designed to withstand the Thames' current.

The use of pointed arches was another advance upon Ro­man methods, yet the medieval bridge was not as great an engineering achievement as was the cathedral. Providing for only one-way traffic, the typical bridge was narrow. It was not adapted to heavy vehicles.


I. Make sure you know the following words. If you don’t know any of them, consult a dictionary:


to date from; to drain off; waste water; to conduct; to estimate; to resurface; to dig; to drain; to support; to withstand; to adopt; to rest; to design; pavement; semicircular; span; to reflect; steep; vault; rib; web; pier.


II. In each of these sentences a word is missing. Provide a word from the list below and translate the sentences.


1. Tunnels were … through hills.

2. Many ancient Roman roads had coverings of ….

3. Typical Roman style was … arch and short ….

4. The ribs supported the stone vault ….

5. London bridge consisted of nineteen irregular … arches.

6. The original purpose of Rome’s sewers was … waste waters.

7. The Romans didn’t invent … roads.


Prompts: web, pavement, to drain off, dug, semicircular, paved, span, pointed.


III. Read text B without a dictionary and say whether these statements are true or false. If they are false correct them.


1. The great drain of Rome was built in the sixth century A.D.

2. Steel pipes were used to conduct water to houses.

3. The Romans invented paved roads.

4. At first the Romans built stone roads.

5. Typical Roman style was the ribbed vault.

6. The invention of the ribbed vault belonged to the Romans.

7. The use of the pointed arches was one of the Roman methods of construction.

8. London bridge consisted of nineteen semicircular arches.

9. The medieval bridge was as great an engineering achievement as was the cathedral.


IV. Suggest a few headlines to text B. Choose the best one among the headlines suggested by your fellow students.


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