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Упражнение № 58

Преобразуйте предложения в отрицательные, употребляя нужные слова в правильном порядке.

1. Children stayed at school after classes.

1. stayed

2. did

3. stand

4. classes

5. stay

6. Children

7. at school

8. after

9. not

10. do


2. The alarm clock rang at seven o'clock.

1. ring

2. o'clock

3. The alarm clock

4. rang

5. at

6. did

7. on

8. not

9. seven


3. He was very glad to see me.

1. was

2. did

3. glad

4. He

5. me

6. be

7. not

8. to see

9. very

10. saw


4. She studied English at the Institute.

1. the Institute

2. not

3. studied

4. did

5. at

6. She

7. was

8. study

9. student

10. English


5. She took her grandchildren to the cinema on Sundays.

1. took

2. not

3. her grandchildren

4. did

5. at

6. take

7. She

8. to the cinema

9. Sundays

10. on


6. Mr. Smith left for England last Monday.

1. Mr. Smith

2. no

3. did

4. last Monday

5. leave

6. for

7. left

8. not

9. does

10. England



7. The hall was full of children in the evening.

1. no

2. full

3. for

4. in the evening

5. was

6. of

7. The hall

8. did

9. not

10. children


8. Last Sunday the weather was fine.

1. was

2. fine

3. did


5. Last

6. not

7. the weather

8. be


9. My friend went home by bus yesterday.

1. on

2. did

3. home

4 by

5. yesterday

6. not

7. went

8. My friend

9. bus

10. go



10. He lived in London three years ago.

1. in

2. lived

3. leave

4. He

5. London

6. not

7. did

8. three years ago

9. live


11. Children liked the film very much.

1. not

2. liked

3. the film

4. very

5. did

6. no

7. Children

8. like

9. do

10. much


12. It was possible for me to help him.

1. to help

2. was

3. for

4. be

5. It

6. possible

7. him

8. did

9. me

10. not



13. They were in the park in the evening.

1. in

2. did

3. were

4. the park

5. no

6. be

7. not

8. the evening

9. They


14. Last Wednesday our classes began on time.

1. classes

2. on time

3. began

4. Last

5. not

6. did

7. Wednesday

8. no

9. begin

10. our


15. The student did his hometask very well.

1. his

2. well

3. The student

4. do

5. no

6. very

7. did

8. hometask

9. not

10. does


16. It took us much time to get here.

1. much time

2. not

3. do

4. It

5. here

6. us

7. did

8. got

9. take

10. to get


Date: 2015-10-19; view: 551; Нарушение авторских прав

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