![]() Полезное:
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Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям
Как сделать свидание интересным?
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Упражнение № 27
Прочитайте рассказ. Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в форму Present Indefinite.
1. Cats... with one another. For this they... sounds, body signals. (to communicate) (to use) 1.communicate 2.Communicates 3.Use 4.to communicate 5.to use 6.uses
2. The sounds a cat...... various meanings. (to make) (to have) 1. make 2. makes 3. to make 4. have 5. Has
3. It... on the situation. 1. depend 2. depends 3. to depend
4. When a cat..., it usually... that it... happy. (to purr) (to mean) (to be) 1.purr 2.Purrs 3.Mean 4.Means 5.to mean 6.Is 7.Am 8.Are 9.to purr
5. Hisses and screams... anger and fear. 1. indicate 2. indicates 3. to indicate
6. Cats also... various tail positions. 1. uses 2. use 3. to use
7. A friendly cat... its tail when it... someone. (to raise) (to greet) 1. raise 2. raises 3. greet 4. greets 5. to raise 6. to greet
8. An angry cat... its tail from side to side and... up its fur. (to move) (to puff) 1. puff 2. move 3. moves 4. puffs 5. to move 6. to puff
Упражнение № 28 Преобразуйте отрицательное предложение в утвердительное, употребив слово, данное в скобках. Например: She doesn't know French. (Russian) - She knows Russian.
1. He doesn't drive a car. (a lorry).. 1. does 2. He 3. a lorry 4. drives 5. drive
2. She doesn't start her work at 10. (9).. 1. her work 2. She 3. start 4. starts 5. at 9
3. He doesn't drink tea. (coffee).. 1. drinks 2. drink 3. He 4. coffee 5. does
4. She doesn't like pears. (apples).. 1. She 2. apples 3. like 4. likes 5. does
5. She doesn't wear short dresses. (long).. 1. wears 2. dresses 3. She 4. long 5. wear
6. He doesn't work quickly. (slowly).. 1. slowly 2. He 3. work 4. works 5. does
7. She doesn't speak Chinese. (English).. 1. speaks 2. does 3. English 4. She 5. speak
8. She doesn't like classical music. (jazz).. 1. jazz 2. like 3. She 4. likes 5. does
9. He doesn't play basketball. (football).. 1. does 2. plays 3. He 4. football 5. play
10. She doesn't live in the suburbs. (the center of the city).. 1. lives 2. live 3. in 4. She 5. the center of the city
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