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Упражнение № 55
Прочитайте рассказ. Употребите глагол в Past Indefinite. 1. The castle (замок)... on a rock high above the village. (to stand) It... a cold shadow over the houses and fields. (to cast) None of the villagers... near the castle. (to go) 1. went 2. stayed 3. gone 4. cast 5. cost 6. stand 7. stood 8. came
2. At night villagers... close to their fires and... their doors locked. (to stay, to keep) 1. kind 2. stayed 3. keeped 4. kept 5. stood 6. stuck
3. The castle... nearly in ruin. (to be) It... a jumble of stone and timber. (to be) But somebody... there. (to live) One man. He... there alone. (to live) 1.is 2. were 3. lived 4. leave 5. was 6. left
4.Who... that man? (to be) Nobody really.... (to know) Some people... he... half man, half wolf. (to say, to be) 1. did 2. knew 3. were 4. said 5. known 6. was 7. send 8. spoke
5. Most people... he... a vampire. (to think, to be) Everyone... him. (to fear - бояться) 1. thought 2. fight 3. was 4. thank 5. is 6. thanked 7. were 8. feared
6. Late one night a stranger... to the village inn. (to come) He... that the vampire in the castle... dead. (to say, to be) 1. was 2. spoke 3. came 4. is 5. come 6. said 7. comes 8. sad
7. The villagers......... him. (not to believe) They... that vampires... forever (вечно). (to think, to live) 1. thought 2. believed 3. live 4. not 5. think 6. did 7. no 8. lived 9. believe 10. left
8. That night there... a storm. (to be) Lightning... across the black sky, thunder... the roofs of the houses. (to flash, to shake) The storm... quite suddenly. (to stop) 1. stoped 2. flashed 3. is 4. shook 5. did 6. was 7. flush 8. does 9. stopped 10. shaked
9. At that moment the lid (крышка) of the big coffin (гроб) of the vampire... to open. (to begin) As the coffin..., the storm... to a whisper. (to open, to die) 1. opened 2. begun 3. died 4. open 5. did 6. began 7. drink 8. bought
10. The body in the coffin... the violent (жуткая) energy of the night. (to take) The vampire... back! (to be) 1. is 2. taken 3. was 4. did 5. took 6. tore
11. The next day... bright and sunny. (to be) Birds... in the trees. (to sing). The castle... beautiful in the dawn (заря) light. (to look) 1. sang 2. were 3. looked 4. song 5. did 6. was 7. lost 8. is
12. People... early and... away the debris (следы) of the storm. (to get up, to clear) There... many cracked slates (черепица) and broken windows. (to be) 1. were 2. clearred. 3.got up 4.clung 5. get up 6. cleared 7. did 8. was
13. But the next night another terrible thing.... (to happen) An awful cry... round the village: "Murder!" (to ring) 1.rung 2. happened 3. did 4. rang 5. happy 6. had
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