Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным
Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками
Как сделать то, что делать не хочется?
Как сделать погремушку
Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами
Как сделать идею коммерческой
Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног?
Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям
Как сделать свидание интересным?
АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
The Simple Forms
Remember the following words and word combinations: 1. eminent [‘eminant] видатний, знаменитий, чудовий 2. renown [ri’naun] слава, популярність 3. renowned [ri;naund] відомий, знаменитий, прославлений 4. ancestry [‘ænsistri] предки, походження 5. wanderer [‘wondərə] бродяга, мандрівник 6. vogue [‘voug] мода, популярність 7. lignum [‘liŋnəm’vaiti:] бот. бакаут, залізне дерево 8. prophet [‘profit] пророк, віщун, провісник 9. magician [mə’dЗi∫n] чарівник 10. authentic [o:’θentik] дійсний, певний, вирогідний.
Magician, Seer or Charlatan? Nostradamus was born in the Provencal city of St Remy on 14 December 1503 to a family of Jewish origin, albeit Catholic converts. According to one tradition his father's ancestors were eminent physicians, renowned for their learning, although there is hard evidence that many of the seer’s direct forebears were Jewish traders in Avignon. What is certain is that whatever his ancestry may have been, Nostradamus was an intelligent child who by the time he had reached puberty had mastered the rudiments of Greek, Latin and mathematics and had been sent away to study in Avignon. In 1522, when he was 18 years old, Nostradamus left Avignon and was sent to Montpellier to study medicine. After three years, at the age of only 21, he received a licence to practise the healing art and for some years was a wanderer, specializing in the treatment of what was termed le charbon, a disease which was probably a variant of either bubonic or pneumonic plague. He would seem to have been much more successful in treating victims of le charbon than most of his medical contemporaries. This was probably not because of any great virtue in the remedies he used in therapy, the formulae of some of which have survived. One of them, for instance, was compounded of rose petals, cloves, lignum aloes and the dried and powdered roots of iris and sweet flag. It could not have harmed his patients but it is unlikely that it did them any good; he more probably owed his success to the fact that he was opposed to the use of most of the violent treatments then in vogue – blood-letting and the use of violent purgatives, for instance – all of which tended to reduce rather than increase the patient's chances of survival. It was almost certainly during his years as a wandering physician that Nostradamus began to acquire knowledge of some of the ancient techniques of prediction that he was later to use in order to tear aside the veils of time and look into the future. However, there is no need to assume, as some have done, that because of his abilities as a prophet Nostradamus was years ahead of his time as a medical practitioner. As far as one can tell, most of the mixtures are prescribed for his patients were quite as odd as any of the remedies commonly practised at that time. Take, for example, the ointment with which he claimed to have cured the Bishop of Carcassonne of a number of maladies. Its ingredients included powdered coral, lapis lazuli and gold beaten to sheets of such thinness that they were translucent; it could have done no great harm but it is difficult to believe that such a mixture did, as Nostradamus subsequently claimed, ‘rejuvenate the person... preserve from headaches and constipation’… There was a distinct element of charlatanry in this claim but Nostradamus was also an authentic prophet and, a practising magician. Notes 1. albeit – хоча 2. convert – навернений (до віри) 3. puberty – статева зрілість, повноліття 4. rudiment – початкові знання 5. healing art – мистецтво зцілення 6. bubonic plague – бубонна чума 7. virtue – вплив 8. remedy – ліки; засіб лікування 9. petal – пелюстка 10. clove – зубок часнику; сухі трави, прянощі 11. flag – ірис, півники 12. violent – насильницький 13. blood-letting – пускання крові 14. purgative – мед. проносне 15. tear aside the veils of time – відкинути пелену часу 16. assume – припускати 17. odd – випадковий 18. ointment – мазь 19. claim – претендувати 20. malady – хвороба 21. lapis lazuli – мін. ляпіс-лазур, лазурит 22. sheet – пластина. 23. translucent – напівпрозорий 24. rejuvenate – омолоджувати 25. constipation – мед. запор 26. augment – збільшувати 27. abundance – велика кількість 28. аре – наслідувати. Exercises. Ex.1. Answer the following questions: 1. When was Nostradamus born? 2. Where was he born? 3. What is known about his father’s ancestors? 4. What can you say about his childhood? 5. When did he begin to study medicine? 6. When did he receive a licence to practice the healing art? 7. Was he successful in treating victims of le carbon? Why? 8. When did he begin to acquire knowledge of prediction? 9. Were the mixtures he prescribed for his patients commonly practised at the time? 10. What did Nostradamus claim about one of his mixture? 11. Was Nostradamus a magician a seer or a charlatan? What do you think?
Ex.2. State to what parts of speech the following words belong: Tradition, physicians, intelligent, ancestry, mathematics, study, wanderer, treatment, successful, probably, violet, during, unlikely, believe, headaches, patients, prescribe.
Ex.3. Find the pairs of synonyms and remember them: Disease, to treat, success, bubonic, drug, for instance, virtue, malady, to cure, luck, for example, strength, pneumonic, eminent, prophet, renowned, seer, to look into the future.
Ex.4. Find the pairs of antonyms and remember them: Likely, reduce, contemporary, ancient, unlikely, modern, ancestor, increase, success, failure.
Ex.5. Check up if you remember the following verbs: To reach, to master, to send, to study, to receive, to practice, to term, to seem, to treat, to use, to survive, to compound, to powder, to harm, to tend, to reduce, to increase, to acquire.
Ex.6. Give the Past Simple Tenses of the following verbs: To claim, to have, to believe, to cure, to spend, to study, to prescribe, to tear, to do, to be, to acquire, to owe, to seem, to oppose, to treat, to tend, to predict.
Ex.7. Form adverbs of the following words: Like, unlike, bad, successful, certain, common, subsequent, probable.
Ex.8. Remember the following nouns: Singular Plural phenomenon phenomena formula formulae spectrum spectra datum data analysis analyses basis bases
Ex.9. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct forms: 1. In 1522 Nostradamus (to leave) Avignon and (to go) to Montpellier to study medicine. 2. He (to prescribe) different medicines every day. 3. Two years later he (to study) the problems of pneumonic plague. 4. We (use) some of his treatments in future. 5. Nostradamus (to live) many years ago in France.
Unit 5: 1. Perfect Tenses. Remember the following words and word combinations: 1. chromatography [,krəumə’togrəfi] 11.pigment [‘pigment] 2. metabolism [mə’tæbəlizm] 12 precipitated [pri’sipiteitid] 3. to separate [‘sepəreit] 13.percolating [‘pə:kəleitiŋ] 4. mixture [‘mikst∫ə] 14.pefroleum [pi’trəuljəm] 5. rate [reit] 15.gradual [‘grædjuəl] 6. to achieve [ə’t∫i:v] 16.band [bænd] 7. rapidly [‘ræpidli] 17.to revive [ri’vaiv] 8. to regard [ri’ga:d] 18.plant [pla:nt] 9. available [ə’veiləbl] 19.acidic [ə’sidik] 10. technique [tek’ni:k] 20.basic[‘beisik]
Chromatography. Chromatography has opened up new fields of medical research especially in pharmacy. Chromatography has greatly extended our knowledge of biochemistry and drug metabolism. Chromatography is a process of separating the components of a mixture by producing different rates of movement for each component in a countercurrent system1. Different rates are thus produced for each solute, and a physical separation is achieved. Chromatographic methods have developed so rapidly that they are now regarded the most powerful tools available for separation and purification of natural products. In 1906 the Russian botanist Tswett published an article on his technique for separating the pigments of green leaves by absorption on columns of precipitated chalk. Instead of percolating a solution of the mixed pigments through the column, Tswett applied a small quantity of the pigment onto the top of the packing and then let a light petroleum solvent run through2 it. This resulted in a gradual separation of coloured bands that moved down the column at different rates, and each coloured band represented a different pigment. Tswett referred to this technique as “the chromatographic method”. That is why he is now generally regarded as the “father” of chromatography. However, little attention was paid to his method for some 25 years, until interest in chromatography was revived in 1931 by the work of Kühn, Lederer and Wintersteiner, who separated the plant carotenoid pigments by means of3 this technique. A major advance in chromatography was connected with the development of synthetic ion exchange resins4 . The technique has been applied to a large number of organic compounds and has proved especially useful for separating acidic and basic substances from mixtures.
Notes 1. countercurrent system – протиточна система 2. let smith run through – пропускати що-небудь через 3. by means of – за допомогою, шляхом 4. synthetic ion exchange resins – синтетичні іонообмінні смоли. Exercises Ex.1. In the text, find the nouns of the same root with the verbs below; translate To know, to mix, to move, to solve, to separate, to purify, to produce, to absorb, to work, to develop.
Ex.2. Find the antonyms of the following words in the text: Old; to close; ignorance; to connect; slowly; contamination; artificial; large; bottom; the same; much; inorganic.
Ex.3. Find the synonyms of the following words in the text: Areas; to widen; medicine (ліки); various; quickly; to be considered (вважатись); with the aid of; progress; has been used.
Ex.4. Ask general questions, give short answers: Example: He has travelled all over Europe. – Has he travelled over Europe? - Yes, he has\ No, he hasn’t.
1. The students have written a test-paper today. 2. You have prepared everything for the experiment. 3. The progress of chemistry has taken place in all directions. 4. The temperature above 60°C to 80°C has produced a marked change in the structure of egg albumin. 5. Chromatography has extended our knowledge of biochemistry. 6. The technique has proved very important for separating substances from mixtures. 7. Chromatographic methods have developed rapidly for the past 50 years. 8. We have understood the use of the Present Perfect Tense.
Ex.5. Find the sentences in which Perfect Active is used. Translate: 1. Academician R. Chagovets has proved that the so-called coenzyme vitamins belong to ancient elementary organic compounds. 2. Purification of this substance usually takes place in 2 stages. 3. He will have found out the molecular weights of these proteins by 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. 4. When the temperature had risen above 80°C, it produced a marked change in the structure of the substance. 5. Chemists use chromatography for separating acidic and basic substances from mixtures. 6. The most interesting changes were taking place when we raised the temperature above 60°C. 7. I’m afraid the lecture will already have started by the time we get to the university.
Ex.6. Match the lines in A with the lines in B and translate:
Ex.7. Open the brackets, put the verbs into Present, Past or Future Perfect: 1. The progress of chemistry (to enable) Ukrainian scientists to produce hundreds of new chemical products. 2. The reverse process took place when all the molecules (to link –з’єднувати) together in chains. 3. The repeated experiment (to show) that the composition of mixture can be calculated within 5%. 4. After the alcoholic solution is poured into water and evaporated long enough, the precipitate (to coagulate) completely. 5. We (to describe) an intermediate product, isolated in the reaction. 6. After the reaction (to take place) the product gave an intense coloration. 7. Yesterday I met Prof. Tomenko, who (to be) my University lecturer 5 years ago. 8. Digitalis (to be) the subject of long investigation. 9. They (to finish) their experiments by the end of this year. 10. The progressive decrease in the molecular complex (to stop) by the end of the reaction.
Ex.8. Put in the necessary words using the text: 1. Chromatography has opened up new fields of …. 2. Chromatography has … extended our knowledge of biochemistry and drug metabolism. 3. Chromatography is a process of … of a mixture in a countercurrent system. 4. … are now regarded as the most powerful tools available for separation and purification of natural products. 5. … percolating a solution of the mixed pigments through the column, Tswett applied … onto the top of the packing. 6. Tswett is now generally … as the “father” of chromatography. 7. … was connected with the development of synthetic ion exchange resins. 8. The technique has proved …for separating acidic and basic substances from mixtures.
Слова: instead of, especially useful, chromatographic methods, regarded, medical research, a small quantity, greatly, a major advance in chromatography, separating the components.
Ex.9. Answer the questions on the text: 1. What role has chromatography played in medical research? 2. What kind of method is chromatography? 3. What are chromatographic methods used for? 4. Who was the first to describe the method? 5. When did the Russian botanist Tswett publish the article on his technique? 6. In what way did Tswett separate each pigment from a mixture? 7. What happened in 1931? 8. When did a major advance in chromatography begin? 9. What are chromatographic methods regarded at present? 10. What has the technique proved especially useful for?
Unit 6. Grammar: 1. Indefinite Passive 2. both … and; either … or; neither … nor
Remember the following words and word combinations: 1. alkali ['ælkəlai] 11. rare [rεə] 2. sodium ['səudjəm] 12.therapeutic action [,θerə’pju:tik ‘æk∫n] 3. potassium [pə'tæsjəm] 13.to the extent of [iks’tent] 4. electro-positive[I’lektrəu’pozitiv] 14.rock salt [‘rok’so:lt] 5. univalent [‘ju:ni’veilənt] 15.per cent [pə’sent] 6. compound [kəm’paund] 16.heating [‘hi:tiŋ] 7. decompose [, di:kəm’pəuz] 17.lime [laim] 8. evolution [,i:və’lu:∫n] 18.brine [brain] 9. abundant [ə’bΛndənt] 19.precipitation [pri,sipi’tei∫n] 10. decidedly [di’saididli]
Compounds of Sodium and Potassium. The alkali metals i.e. lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and calcium were placed into Group I of the Periodic Classification. They are the most strongly electro-positive elements known. The alkali metals are all univalent, and their compounds are soluble in water. They undergo oxidation rapidly on exposure to air1, and readily decompose water in cold, with evolution of hydrogen and formation of soluble, strongly alkaline hydroxides. Sodium and potassium compounds are widely distributed and abundant in nature. Lithium compounds are found in comparatively small quantities, while rubidium and caesium are decidedly rare elements. Both sodium and potassium compounds are very widely used in pharmacy, and corresponding compounds of the two metals are similar in therapeutic action. Compounds of sodium. The chloride, NaCl, is the main compound of sodium that occurs naturally. It is present in seawater to the extent of 2 to 3 per cent, and is also found as rock salt. The manufacture of sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium hydroxide forms the main branch of the alkali industry. Most of the sodium salts used in pharmacy are made from the carbonate or hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide contains not less than 95.0 per cent of total alkali, calculated as NaOH, and not more than 2,5 per cent of Na2CO3. Sodium hydroxide is manufactured by heating sodium carbonate with water and lime in large iron tanks2. Most of the sodium carbonate is now produced by the ammonia-soda process, in which strong brine that contains a high concentration of ammonia is passed through a “carbonating tower”3 where it is saturated with carbon dioxide under pressure. The ammonia and carbon dioxide decompose with sodium chloride with the precipitation of sodium bicarbonate which is not quite soluble in water, and is still less soluble in brine.
Notes 1. on exposure to air – під дією повітря 2. iron tanks – металічні ємкості 3. “carbonating tower” – вуглецева (карбонатна) колонка. Exercises Ex.1. Add -ly to the adjectives to form adverbs, and translate: strong – simple – positive – high – active – principal – ready – absolute – cold – warm – similar – free – chief – pure – total – ordinary – large –
Ex.2. Put the words into the right columns according to the part of speech:
Soluble, solution, solubility, to solve; valent, valency; oxidation, oxide, to oxidize; rapidly, rapid, rapidity; evolution, to evolve; alkali, to alkalise, alkaline, alkaloid; widely, width, wide, to widen; abundance, abundant, abundantly; to act, active, activity, action, actor; nature, naturally, to naturalize, denaturalisation; industry, industrial, industrially; to heat, heating, hot; to produce, production, productivity, producer, productive.
Ex.3. Put in either…or, neither…nor, both…and into the gaps: 1. … sodium … potassium belong to Group I of the Periodic Classification. 2. The compounds of sodium and potassium are … widely distributed … widely used. 3. Most of the sodium salts used in pharmacy are manufactured … from the carbonate … from the hydroxide. 4. … rubidium … caesium are abundant or widely distributed in nature. 5. NaCl occurs naturally … in seawater … in rock. 6. … water … brine are good solvents for sodium bicarbonate. 7. For purification, mercury is … distilled from iron retorts … shaken with 5 per cent nitric acid. 8. Mercury is not acted upon by hydrochloric acid, … dilute … concentrated. 9. Ampoules are filled by two methods: … by weighing-off the dried substances into individual ampoules … by drying-out the aqueous solutions within the sealed final containers.
Ex.4. Ask questions to the words in bold type: Model: The amount of unsaturated acids is indicated by the iodine value. → What is the amount of unsaturated acids indicated by?
1. Sodium salts are made from the carbonate or hydroxide. 2. The alkali metals are distinguished by their great affinity (готовність до сполучення) for oxygen. 3. Sodium and potassium are similar in therapeutic action. 4. Strong brine is passed through a “carbonating tower. ” 5. Brine and ammonia are saturated with carbon dioxide. 6. Commercial mercury is mostly extracted from cinnabar. 7. Mercury was shaken with 5 per cent nitric acid for purification. 8. Refined and unrefined sunflower oils are used for cooking. 9. D.I.Mendeleyev was interested in mathematics, physics and chemistry. 10. His life was devoted to the scientific progress of his country. Ex.5. Put the verb in brackets in the correct Tense, Present, Past or Future Indefinite Passive: 1. The elements (to arrange) by D.I. Mendeleyv according to a definite system. 2. The compounds of sodium and potassium (to employ) very widely in pharmacy. 3. The experiment (to carry on) next month. 4. Most of the sodium carbonate (to manufacture) by the ammonia-soda process. 5. As we know, the reaction of this type (to follow) by temperature rise. 6. These methods (to introduce) to pharmaceutical industry some years ago. 7. Salts (to produce) by the interaction of acid and bases. 8. The results of the experiments (to discuss) at the tomorrow’s conference. 9. At the time when Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table (to publish), only 63 elements (to know).
Ex.6. Find the equivalents in the text: Лужні метали; найбільш електропозитивні серед відомих елементів; всі вони одновалентні; розчинні у воді; зазнають бурхливого окислення під дією повітря; з виділенням гідрогену; широко розповсюджені і зустрічаються у великій кількості; безперечно рідкісні елементи; відповідні сполуки цих двох металів; кам’яна сіль; основна галузь лужної промисловості; їдкий натр; він містить не менш ніж; виробляється шляхом нагрівання карбонату натрію з водою та вапном; концентрований соляний розчин (ропа); насичується діоксидом карбону під тиском; з утворенням осаду бікарбонату натрію; ще менш розчинний.
Ex.7. Re-arrange the titles of the paragraphs in the correct order to make up a plan of the text: 1. The main branch of the alkali industry. 2. The manufacture of sodium carbonate. 3. General properties of the alkali metals. 4. Sodium salt manufactured by heating sodium carbonate with water and lime. 5. Compounds of alkali metals: distribution and abundance in nature. 6. The main naturally occurring compound of sodium.
Ex.8. Find the answers to the following questions in the text: 1. What kind of elements are lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium? 2. What group of the periodic Classification do they belong to? 3. When do these metals undergo rapid oxidation? 4. Are the alkali metals abundant or rare in nature? 5. Which of the alkali metals are widely employed in pharmacy? 6. What is the main naturally occurring compound of sodium? 7. Where does NaCl occur? 8. What does sodium hydroxide contain? 9. How is sodium hydroxide manufactured at present? 10. What is the way of manufacturing sodium carbonate?
Ex.9. Match the lines in A with the lines in B, translate:
Notes 1. pyrogen-free distilled water – дистильована вода, очищена від пірогену 2. sodium salt of penicillin – пеніцилін-натрієва сіль 3. in bulk – насипом, всім об’ємом 4. as to sterility and keeping power – що стосується стерильності і збереження активності 5. though more laborious and time-consuming – хоча і є більш трудомістким і забирає багато часу 6. by means of an automatic filling machine – з допомогою автоматичного наповнювача.
Unit 7. Grammar: 1. Perfect Passive Date: 2015-10-18; view: 709; Нарушение авторских прав |