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Practice of Pharmacy




Дніпропетровськ УДХТУ 2005











Затверджено на засіданні кафедри

іноземних мов.

Протокол № 1 від 7. 09. 2005.


Дніпропетровськ УДХТУ 2005


Методичні вказівки з англійської мови для студентів І-го курсу фармацевтичних спеціальностей. Укл.: Л.M. Сердюченко, Є.І. Дорошенко. Дніпропетровськ: УДХТУ, 2005. – 50с.

Укладачі: Л.М. Сердюченко

Є.І. Дорошенко

Відповідальна за випуск А.С. Михайлова



Навчальне видання


Методичні вказівки

з англійської мови

для студентів І-го курсу




Укладічі: Лариса Михайлівна Сердюченко

Євгенія Іванівна Дорошенко

Редактор Л.М. Тонкошкур

Коректор Л.Я. Гоцуцова

Підписано до друку ……..2005. Формат 69x84 1/16. Папір ксерокс. Друк рсзограф. Умовн.-друк. арк. 1,47. Облік.-вид. арк. 1,56. Тираж 50 прим. Зам. Свідотство ДК №303 від 27.12.2000


УДХТУ, 49005, м. Дніпропетровськ-5, просп. Гагаріна, 8.


Видавничо-поліграфічний комплекс ІнКомЦентру

Unit 1 Grammar: 1. The Verb to be: Present, Past, Future

2. There is / there are.

Remember the following words and word combinations:

1.pharmacy [‘fa: mәsi] 1.distribution [,distri’ bju∫n]

2.pharmacist [‘fa:mәsist] 2.identification [,aidəntifi’ke∫in]

3.medicine [‘medsin] 3.purification [,pjuərifi’kei∫n]

4.compounding [kәm’paundiŋ] 4.origin [‘oridЗin]

5.science [‘saiәns] 5.pharmacology [,fa:mə ‘kolədЗi]

6.physician [fi’zi∫n] 6.define [di’fain]

7.composition [kompә’zi∫n] 7.contain [kən’tein]

8.matter [‘mætə] 8.description [dis’krip∫n]

9.undergo [,Λndә’gou] 9.prevent [pri’vent]

10.pharmacognozy [,fә:mәkә’nouzi] 10.deterioration [di,tiəriə’rei∫n]



Practice of Pharmacy

Pharmacy is the science, which deals with medicinal substances1. It studies medicines and the way of their compounding and dispensing2 as well as their combinations, analysis and standardization.

The word “pharmacy” is also used for a place where medicines3 are compounded, dispensed and sold. A “pharmacist” is a person who is scientifically and professionally capable of being engaged in the practice of pharmacy4.

Compounding of medicines usually requires the scientific combination of two or more ingredients as prescribed by a physician. Dispensing may only require putting the ready product into a prescription container5. Both processes demand special knowledge, experience, and high professional skills. A pharmacist must acquire knowledge of different subjects, such as physics, chemistry, botany, etc.

Chemistry is the science, which explains the composition of matter and the transformations, which it undergoes. It has branches such as General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry and many others.

Botany is the science of the structure, distribution and classification of plants.

Pharmacognozy is the science that studies the history, sources, collection, preparation, distribution, identification, composition, purification and preservation of drugs of vegetable and animal origin.

Pharmacology is broadly defined as the science of drugs and their action upon the body.

A Pharmacopoeia is a book, which contains a list of medicinal substances with their descriptions, test and formulas needed for their preparation. The pharmacopoeial names of chemical substances do not always represent their chemical composition.

An official description6 consists usually of physical characteristics, the structure of the drug when sectioned or powdered. The official description includes its physical properties such as colour, crystalline and other forms, odour, taste and the result of exposure to air. The Pharmacopoeia also describes the proper method of packaging and storing medicines to prevent or retard their deterioration.



1. medicinal substances – лікарські рослини

2. dispensing – розфасовка

3. medicine – syn. drug – (pl. medicines) – ліки

4. practice of pharmacy – фармацевтична практика (справа)

5. prescription container – ємність, передбачена рецептом

6. official description – фармакопейний (офіцінальний) опис.


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