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My VIsit Card

Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Denis, Den for short. I am a first-year student or a freshman as students say.

My parents bring me up and shower me with love and attention, and I am a centre of the universe for them. Thus, I always turn to them for help and advice. In our family, a good education is very important. Frankly speaking, I am not very academic, but I am quick-minded, so I usually finish my homework as quickly as possible and go off or plunge into computer studying. You see, computers are my passion, and I think this knowledge and skill will be very necessary in my future profession. Moreover, I am sure a successful professional career in the sphere of medicine is closely connected with foreign languages as to promote professionally I need to communicate with the colleagues abroad when visiting conferences or sometimes on-line discussing all kinds of urgent issues. Besides, I believe that my success will depend on my abilities. I am an extrovert and a risky person, and, I think, nothing can stop me.

My plans for future are rather ambitious: first of all, I will work as a common pediatrician, then will try to promote in the sphere of management, and as a result, I will do my best and try to become a top manager. Therefore, last year I entered the department of Pediatrics at one of the prestigious universities – Medical University, and after my graduation, I hoped to start my professional career at one of the modern hospitals for children.

Speaking about my hobbies, I would like to mention my passion to music. You see, music helps me in making friends. My friends are of different ages and tastes but we have common interests and all of them are responsible and reliable.

Упражнение 59.Comprehension questions and points for discussion

1. Why do many young people turn to their parents?

2. What does Denis say about his relations with his parents?

3. How often do you ask your parents for help? Is it good to depend on parents?

4. Is it good to shower children with much love and attention?

5. What are Dan’s ambitions?

6. What may be necessary for his future profession?

7. How do you see yourself in 10 years' period?

8. Say some words about your family.

9. Why do young people choose medicine?

10. What age, do you think, is perfect for choosing profession?

11. What is necessary to become a reliable doctor?


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