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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Personal Profile

(1) my name is Samantha mary dunsford or sam for short I am 17 years old tall and have black hair and brown eyes

(2) i don’t know if im a typical Australian or not I go surfing but I don’t wear a cork hat

(3) i’m quiet by nature but my friends say I have a sense of humour I enjoy going to discos and we have beach barbecues in the summer I’ve always been interested in music but my passion is jazz

(4) my family live in a bungalow outside town my parents are teachers I have two sisters the most interesting school subjects for me is history I can speak French i am not good at maths

(5) I intend to visit the usa as I find its culture fascinating I’m looking forward to studying at one of the foreign universities


Упражнение 43. Adjectives and adverbs

Make Sam’s profile more interesting and informative. Put these adverbs and adjectives in a suitable place in her profile. Use the following adverbs and adjectives in the order they are given.


full * quite * straight * dark * rather * best * usually * very * the greatest * large * always * just * older * unfortunately * quite well * really


Упражнение 44. Adjectives and prepositions. Mach these adjectives and nouns to the prepositions


a) b)

interested on in short

embarrassed in outside nature

ashamed of by discos

keen with to summer

proud by at town

bored at for the university



Write four sentences about what you or your friends are interested, embarrassed, ashamed, keen, proud or bored.


Упражнение 45. Words describing appearance

curly * stocky * wavy * of medium build * black * round * brown * short * fair * slim * well-built * green * blue

a) which of these adjectives can describe

hair size eyes

……………………… ………………………….. ………………………..

…………………….. …………………………….. ………………………

…………………….. …………………………….. ………………………

…………………….. …………………………….. ………………………

…………………….. ……………………………. …………………….



b) use some of the words to write four sentences describing your appearance





Упражнение 46. Indefinite articles

a) Look at Dan’s personal profile. He has left out some personal information. Imagine what the information might be and complete the gaps.

My name is Daniel Bradford but I’m sometimes called Dan for short. I am …… years old, …….

and have ……….. hair and ……… eyes.

I’m ……….. by nature but all my friends say that I have great sense of humour. I enjoy …………

with friends because I like sports. I’ve always been …………….. in sports but my real passion is …………...

I don’t know whether I’m typical American or not. I like fast food but never say “Hi, man!”, as people think Americans do.

I intend to go to study to Australia one day. I find …………………… fascinating. I’m looking forward to having new friends there.

I live with my mother and two brothers in small town. My mother works in office. The most interesting subject for me to study is …………………... I can speak Spanish but ………………… is subject I am not very …………………….


b) Dan also left out all the indefinite articles. Correct Dan’s profile using indefinite articles where necessary.

c) Dan used the order of the paragraphs in his personal profile differently. Change Dan’s profile using Sam’s order of the paragraphs.

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