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GRAMMAR. Упражнение 50. Read the text My Visit Card and
Упражнение 50. Read the text My Visit Card and A) write out the verbs in Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple in three columns
B) make the sentences with the verbs found negative C) make the sentences with the verbs found interrogative. Упражнение 51. Complete the sentences. Use these verbs in a proper form:
1. We ……… our professional career in seven years. 2. When I was a child I ….. many books from my parents’ library. 3. Tina is a teacher at our university. She ….. anatomy to medical students. 4. Food is expensive in the cafй. It ….. a lot of money. 5. The freshmen ….. many new subjects next year. 6. Our professor ….. English and German with foreign students yesterday. 7. My friends often ….. me for help and advice. 8. I ….. a lot about my future profession before entering the university. 9. Peter is a good specialist. I hope he ….. professionally very soon. 10. Our colleague …. that modern medicine is closely connected with IT technologies and foreign languages.
Упражнение 52. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don’t/doesn’t/didn’t/won’t + one Of the following verbs.
1. Toni learns French but she ……………………. German and English. 2. The student went to lecture but they ……………………. to the clinic. 3. It will be cold in this class room and we ……………………. the windows 4. They worked in the laboratory on Monday but they …………………… there on Tuesday. 5. The party was not very good, so we ……………………. there long. 6. I’m sorry I’m late. It ……………………. again. 7. When I feel not very well, I ……………………. to the university. 8. I often turn to my friend for advice but sometimes I ……………………. It. 9. I ……………………. much about computers. I’m not interested in them. 10. It’s not true. I ……………………. it! 11. The university hostel isn’t very expensive. I ……………………. much money to live there.
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