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Section A


Britain, as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is usually known, is not one country but four. It is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and the province of Northern Ireland. Each of the four parts is quite different. The English countryside is famous for its farmland and gentle hills, while Wales and Scotland are more wild and mountainous.

Although English is the national language, it is spoken with a strong accent in the different regions of the country and in parts of Wales and Scotland, many people speak a language of their own. Britain is a multicultural country and over the last 100 years, refugees and immigrants from Europe, Africa, India and the Caribbean have settled here, bringing with them their own languages and religions.

Britain is a small but crowded island. The most densely populated area is the southeast of England and 12 % of Britain’s population lives in the London area. The southeast is also the most prosperous. Although three quarters of Britain’s land is farmed, few people have their homes in the countryside and most live in one of the large cities.

Britain is a rich country and once controlled a vast empire that stretched around the world. In recent years its economy has declined, but the discovery of oil in the North Sea has helped to make the country self-sufficient in energy.





a countryside

gentle hills


a refugee

a crowded island

densely populated


a vast empire

to stretch

to decline



сельская местность

небольшие холмы



густо населенный остров

густо населенный

процветающий, успешный

большая империя

простираться, распространяться

приходить в упадок, ухудшаться




Britain is not one country but...





Britain is made up of England, Wales, … and the province of Northern Ireland.





The English countryside is famous for its farmland and ….





Refugees and immigrants from Europe, Africa, India and the Caribbean have … in Britain.


set up



The most densely populated area is the … of England.





… % of Britain’s population lives in the London area.


In recent years Britain’s economy has …



not changed


The discovery of oil in … has helped to make the country self-sufficient in energy.


the North Sea

English Channel


Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What percentage of the British population live in the London area?

2. Name three places refugees and immigrants have come from in the past 100 years.

3. What has helped to make Britain self-sufficient in energy?

4. How much of Britain’s land is farmed?

5. What is the most densely populated area of Britain?

Date: 2015-09-24; view: 451; Нарушение авторских прав

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