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Exercise №4

Расскажите о квартире (доме), где вы живёте, отвечая на вопросы.

Where do you live?

Do you live in a large or a small house (flat)?

Is your flat comfortable?

Is your room cosy?

How many rooms are there in your flat?

What are they?

Have you got modern furniture?

What is there in your living-room?

Will you describe your room?

Is your kitchen large or small?

Do you like your flat?

What do you usually do at home?




Vocabulary № 8/B


apartment block микрорайон

to face окна выходят

washing-machine стиральная машина

vacuum-cleaner пылесос

appliances бытовые приборы

conveniences удобства

central heating центральное отопление

spacious просторная

lace кружевной

double-bed двуспальная кровать

three-leaved mirror трельяж

housekeeping домохозяйство

sink раковина

towel-rail вешалка для полотенца

Recently my family has got a new four-room flat. The flat is in an apartment block on a hill not far from the shopping centre. It faces the south and the west, which means a lot of sunshine. There is a living-room, a bedroom, a study and a kitchen. Near the kitchen there is a closet, where we keep our washing machine, electric vacuum cleaner and other appliances. The flat has all conveniences: gas, central heating, running water, a bathroom and a telephone. It is light and spacious. The floor is light-brown, the ceiling is white, the walls are light-blue. Each of the four rooms is planned and furnished in a modern style.

My father has his own room at his disposal. His study is quite simple: at one of the walls there stands a bookcase, in front of the window there is a desk with an armchair near it. On the desk there is a lamp and a telephone.

In the living-room we have a comfortable suite of furniture. In the centre there is a round table with four chairs. Near the left wall of the room there is a nice cup-board, a piano and a sofa to the right. In one of the corners we can also see a small table with a TV on it. The light of the standard-lamp, the lace curtains on the window and the beautiful picture above the piano make the room cosy.

The parents’ bedroom is not large. There is a double-bed, a wardrobe, a night-table between them, a floor lamp, and a three-leaved mirror. There is a nice carpet on the wall near the bed.

The furniture of my room is limited to a small desk with a lamp, a bookcase, a bed and a night-table. In the corner near the window there is also a place for a thick rug for my cat.

The kitchen is planned in such a way as to make good housekeeping easy. The sink has taps for hot and cold water. In the kitchen there is a gas-range near one of the walls and a sideboard, where we keep plates, knives, forks, spoons, cups, and glasses. There are two stools and a small kitchen table there.

There is also a small bathroom in the flat. It has a bath with a shower, a towel-rail, a little shelf for soap, and a looking-glass. Here one can take a shower or a bath.

We like our flat very much. Our grandmother keeps the house, and all the family helps her about it.

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