![]() Полезное:
Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным
Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками
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Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами
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Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног?
Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям
Как сделать свидание интересным?
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My aunt
Her name (to be) Julia. She (to be) twenty-nine. Julia (to be) an accountant. My aunt (to be) from Spain. She (to have) got two sons. They (to be) little boys. They (to be) five. My aunt (to like) to play the piano. She (to play) well. Every weekend Julia and her sons (to go) to the theatre. Sometimes they (to eat) in a restaurant. In winter my aunt and her husband (to ski) in the mountains. Every evening Julia's husband (to play) chess with his friend. Their children usually (to watch) cartoons or (to play) computer games in the evening. My aunt often (to visit) her parents.
mountains – горы / cartoons – мультфильмы
1. What (to be) your aunt's name? 2. How old (to be) she? 3. What (to be) Julia? 4. Where (to be) the aunt from? 5. How many sons she (to have) got? 6. How old (to be) they? 7. What game Julia (to like) to play? 8. How well she (to play) chess? 9. Where Julia and her sons (to go) every weekend? 10. How often they (to eat) in a restaurant? 11. Who (to ski) in the mountains in winter? 12. What game Julia's husband (to play) every evening? 14. With whom he (to play) chess? 15. What their children usually (to do) in the evening? 16. Whom Julia often (to visit)? Exercise №5. Закройте левую колонку листом бумаги и переведите письменно предложения в правой колонке, затем откройте левую колонку с правильными ответами и проверьте себя.
Exercise №6. Напишите специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям.
A. 1. My sister Sveta does not go to school on Sunday. 2. Her parents always read newspapers in the evening. 3. They often have tea in the morning. 4. Nick reads Russian newspapers every day. 5. He often goes to the skating-rink. 6. My mother usually prepares breakfast for our family. 7. He usually translates business letters. 8. He always helps his parents. 9. We sometimes play volleyball with our friends.
B. 1. She always makes friendly atmosphere at the lesson. 2. He translates many letters into English. 3. She gets a lot of telegrams every day. 4. He works 5 days a week. 5. This manager works at our office. 6. My dog always understands my command. 7. This man usually eats at 8 o'clock. 8. Your family always leaves home at 9 o'clock in the evening. 9. Our lesson begins at 8 o'clock.
C. 1. My mother goes to work every day. 2. Every day I do my lessons. 3. The strong wind blows in our region every day. 4. Anya doesn't play the piano in the evening. 5. He usually writes long letters. 6. I watch TV in the morning. 7. She often comes to our institute. 8. My sister speaks French very well. 9. She always visits her grandmother.
Exercise №7. Переведите предложения на английский в Present Indefinite Tense.
A. 1. Света всегда рисует цветы. (flowers) 2. Куда ходит обычно этот мужчина? 3. Рыба не стоит 10 долларов. (cost). 4. Когда учитель начинает урок? (lesson) 5. Дети чувствуют себя (themselves) хорошо. 6. Его мать летает обычно в Москву? (fly) 7. Почему всегда дает тебе Катя свой портфель? 8. Что ты обычно делаешь у доски? (blackboard) 9. Мой брат приходит домой обычно вечером. 10. Когда вы ездите на море?(seaside) 11. Собака не ест часто (often) рыбу. 12. Что ест ваша кошка? 13. Мать покидает дом обычно в 8 часов. (leave)
B. 1. Где вы находите такие интересные книги? (find) 2. Этот ученик знает урок хорошо. 3. Мой сын всегда забывает игрушки. (toys) 4. Почему моя дочь всегда теряет карандаши? 5. Они всегда приносят много цветов. (bring) 6. Этот учитель всегда встречает учеников на улице.(meet) 7. Что ты слышишь обычно в лесу? (forest) 8. Мой брат всегда получает прекрасные оценки. (marks) 9. Где ты покупаешь этот чай?10. Когда покидает дом твой сын? 11. Он обычно читает у окна. (at) 12. Что он дает всегда этой птице? (bird) 13 Что учитель думает о школе? (think) 14. Эта птица обычно сидит на дереве. 15. Моя мать обычно ездит на море. (go). 16. Почему эта девочка говорит на английском?
C. 1. Где вы работаете? – Я работаю на заводе. 2. Ваши сыновья изучают английский или французский? (to learn) – Они изучают французский. 3. Когда вы занимаетесь английским языком? – Вечером. 4. Что вы читаете каждое утро? – Я читаю газеты. (newspapers). 5. Куда они ходят каждый вечер? 6. Вы делаете много упражнений в классе? (exercises) – Нет. 7. Они говорят по-английски? – Да. 8.Ваши сестры живут в Москве? – Нет. 9. Какой язык изучают ваши друзья? (language) На каком языке вы обычно говорите в классе?
D. 1. Я часто пишу своей сестре.(write) 2. Они иногда присылают мне английские книги.(send) 3. Вы всегда читаете английские газеты? 4. Когда вы обычно навещаете своих друзей? (visit) 5. Эти мальчики обычно встречают свою сестру после занятий? 6. Я не всегда учу новые слова. (words) 7. Они не часто ездят в тот город. 8. Эти студенты пишут диктанты очень редко. (to write) 9.Когда вы с ними встречаетесь? 10. Новые квартиры обычно бывают хорошими. 11. Большие города редко бывают чистыми. (сlean) 12. Бывают ли французские фильмы романтичными? (romantic) 13. Тексты этого учебника иногда бывают очень длинными. 14. Оценки этого студента всегда хорошие. Грамматический тренинг 1. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова, данные в скобках.
1. Does she play the piano? (very well) 2. Does she sing? (beautifully) 3. Do we go to the concerts? (very often) 4. Does he like music? (very much) 4. Is she serious? (too serious) 5. Do you read before you go to bed? (always) 6. Do you go to bed late? (seldom) 7. Does she play the guitar? (quite well) 7. Do you lend money? (sometimes) 8. Do they watch television? (often) 9. Do you speak English? (fluently) 10. Does his sister work hard? (very hard).
2. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, используя вопросительные слова, данные в скобках.
1. Ann lives in Sadovaya Street. (where) 2. Ann comes from Gomel. (where) 3. After classes we go to the canteen. (where) 4. Peter goes to the library every day. (how often) 5. The library opens at 10 a.m. (what time) 6. We leave the house at 8 o’clock every day. (when) 7. Mary works hard every day. (who)
3. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. Betty doesn't take a hot shower. 2. You don’t cook at home. 3. She doesn't live in Leningrad. 4. Your mother doesn't live in the country. 5. Your brother doesn't like this boy. 6. His sister doesn't go to the South in summer. 7. She doesn't do her morning exercises. 8. Your mother doesn't like cats. 9. I don't like such weather. 10. You never walk in the park on evenings. 11. Nick takes a shower in the morning. 12. Nelly doesn't come home very late. 13. I don't like such well weather. 14. My sister learns English. 15. Our father works very much. 16. She doesn't like him. 17. I often come here. 18. You often walk here. 19. We don't dine at home. 20. You get up very early. 21. She often comes to see them. 22. I never see him there.
4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
A. 1. Who helps you to prepare your lessons? 2. Who| cooks dinner for you? 3. Who wakes you up in the morning? 4. Who gets up at eight o'clock? 5. Who takes a cold shower? 6.Who comes home early in the evening?
B. 1. When do you get up? 2. When do you leave home? 3. When do your classes begin? 4. When do you leave the Institute? 5. When does your friend come to see you? 6. When does your brother get up? 7. When does your mother come home? 8. Where do you wash? 9. Where do you study? 10. Where do you sleep? 11. Where does your mother cook? 12. Where does your father read his papers? 13. Where does your friend live? 14. How many books do you read a month? 15. How many books do you take from the library? 16. How many letters do you write? 17. What books do your friends read? 18. What shower does your brother take? 19. What do you do in the morning? 20. What does your father do in the evening? 21. What does your mother do in the kitchen? 22. What do your friends do at the Institute? 23. What do you do at the library?
5. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. My sister gets up very early. 2. TV programmes begin at ten o'clock. 3. Our family does not go to the country in summer. 4. At home Tommy wears his new slippers. 5. His parents work at a factory. 6. Late at night Tom walks his dog in the park. 7. There is a cup of hot tea on the kitchen table. 8. My sister has two little children.
6. Придумайте вопросы, ответом на которые могли бы служить следующие предложения. 1. He gets up at seven o'clock. 2. It is my mother. 3. He does his morning exercises. 4. He does them in the morning. 5. She gives lessons in English. 6. She gives them to my sister. 7. Tom is my brother. 8. In the morning he takes a cold shower. 9. She has a dog. 10. Mary is a student. 11. There is some water in the bottle. 12. They live in Moscow.
1. There … ten pens and a magazine on the table. is are was
What … American public schools teach? are do does
This city … 70 square miles. covering covers is covered
… she … in Moscow? does … live do … lives does … lives
You live in this street, … you? does not are don’t
My children … with the cat. like to play likes play like play
She always … TV in the evening. watchs watch watches
There … a cup of hot tea on the table. are is were
She … a dog. has have is
Who … home early in the evening? come does come comes Betty … … a hot shower. doesn’t take not takes don’t take
What books … your friend read? does do is
Margie and her sister … wonderful voices. does do have got
… Dad … any brothers or sisters? have … got does … have does … has
We … a car, but we are going to buy it. don’t have aren’t have hasn’t
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